Nordic Business Diversity Index

Nordic Business Diversity Index

Market Research

Measuring Leadership Diversity in Nordic Listed Companies

About us

Nordic Business Diversity Index, by Impaktly, is the most extensive ranking in researching leadership diversity within Nordic Nasdaq-listed companies. Since 2019, The Nordic Business Diversity Index has aimed to visualise what senior leadership looks like in the Nordics. The Nordic Business Diversity Index raises discussions, encourages us to ask questions, and pushes us to find ways companies can tackle homogeneous leadership. Nordic Business Diversity Index examines publicly reported diversity aspects in the Board of Directors and Executive Management teams within the companies listed in NASDAQ Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Iceland. The mission of Nordic Business Diversity Index is to raise awareness with data on the diversity of leadership in large organizations. When leadership in our societies and companies reflects diverse backgrounds, we send a message that opportunity and success are not limited to a closed, homogeneous group. Additionally, representation empowers those who have traditionally been left voiceless, encouraging us to encounter our unconscious biases and learn about people who are different from us. Nordic Business Diversity Index challenges you: expand your circles, practice empathy, be a role model and if you are in a position of power, use your power to make the change. Behind this initiative is Impaktly, a sustainability consulting group. Impaktly helps companies integrate sustainability into the core of their businesses to fuel regenerative growth. With expertise on various topics, from climate action and circularity to diversity, inclusion, and human rights. Move. Shift. Propel. Progress.

Market Research
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11–50 työntekijää
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  • Nordic Business Diversity Index julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: Impaktly, kuva

    1 585 seuraajaa

    Organizations are recognizing the critical importance of psychological safety in transforming workplace dynamics. Impaktly's sustainability analyst, Aaro Angerpuro shares insights on how can organisations transform through psychological safety in our latest Impaktly Insights. Discover actionable insights for creating a culture where all employees, including LGBTQ individuals, feel safe to express ideas, take risks, and innovate without fear of negative repercussions in an increasingly demanding corporate world. 🌍 🔗 Find the full Impaktly insights in the comments below!

  • Nordic Business Diversity Index julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: Impaktly, kuva

    1 585 seuraajaa

    45% of LGBTQ employees in Europe hide their identity often or always at work. Today, on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, and we want to remind you of the importance of fostering inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ+ individuals. Despite significant progress in queer acceptance and visibility, navigating the workplace remains challenging for many. In 2023, nearly 8% of US adults identified as LGBTQ+, with even higher numbers among younger generations. Yet, discrimination persists. According to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 18% of LGBTQ Europeans reported workplace discrimination last year, with higher rates among transgender individuals. Creating a supportive and affirming environment is not just a matter of social justice; it's a strategic business decision. As societal demographics evolve, organisations that understand and embrace diversity are better equipped to serve their customers. Inclusive workplaces benefit from diverse perspectives, leading to better problem-solving, creativity, and overall organisational performance. 🌈 Read our full Impaktly insights to learn more about the challenges LGBTQ+ individuals face in the workplace and how organisations can create more inclusive environments. #IDAHOBIT

  • By June 2026, every stock-listed company in the European Union must have 40% of women on boards or 33% of all non-executive directors. And we're not there yet! So, how do we ensure progress and prepare for the future? Join Mia Folkesson, CEO of Impaktly and a driving force behind the Nordic Business Diversity Index, at the "Empowering Women on Boards: Finnish Best Practices to Global Opportunities" event organized by European Women on Boards (EWOB). Mia will share her insights as a board professional on the evolution of diversity in Finnish companies and strategies for promoting gender diversity in boardrooms across Europe.

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: European Women on Boards (EWOB), kuva

    21 082 seuraajaa

    🕒 The clock is ticking for companies across Europe! By June 2026, every stock-listed company in the European Union must have 40% of women on boards or 33% of all non-executive and executive directors. And we're not there yet! So, how do we ensure progress and prepare for the future? Join us and Hallituspartnerit - Board Professionals Helsinki to find out how Finland is currently leading the way in the Nordic countries and how it can inspire global change. What you will get out this event: ✅ Gain front-line insights from Satu Pentikäinen, Ministry of Justice, Finland, and Ville Kajala, Senior Advisor at the Finnish Chamber of Commerce, as they share their experiences with implementing the Directive in Finland. ✅Receive practical resources to support women in leadership with a panel discussion on the past, present and future of diversity in Finnish companies with 4 board governance professionals, including EWOB Co-Founder Marita Salo. ✅ Learn more on the current status of the Women on Boards Directive from Maria Sipilä, EWOB Vice-Chair Save the date and join us online on June 3, 2024! Let's come together to learn, inspire, and drive positive change in European boardrooms.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Nordic Business Diversity Index, kuva

    546 seuraajaa

    The Nordic Business Diversity Index made headlines in Finans, the Denmarks largest digital business publication! The 2024 Nordic Business Diversity Index research by Impaktly found that in companies listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen, there are more CEOs named Lars than there are female CEOs. The graphic is made by Anders Thykier. 🔗 The link to the full article is in the comments!

  • “There is no argument for it; DEI is a necessity. The demographics are changing, so we as companies need to adapt to that.” Melina Korvenkontio, CEO of Marmori Entertainment, shared insights during a panel discussion at the Nordic Business Diversity Index 2024 launch event on the important point that as the demographics shift, businesses must evolve alongside to harness the full potential of diverse talents. 🌍

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Nordic Business Diversity Index, kuva

    546 seuraajaa

    The Nordic Business Diversity Index is continuing to make headlines and this time in Talouselämä, the Nordics largest weekly business publication! "In Finland there is still a need to talk about the diversity in the top management" Hanna Hytönen - Social Sustainability Advisor at Impaktly Nordic Business Diversity Index challenges everyone to: expand your circles, practice empathy, be a role model and if you are in a position of power, use your power to make the change. 🌍 The link to the full article is in the comments!

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  • Age statistics of the top leadership in the Nordic Nasdaq Listed companies. The Nordic Business Diversity Index presents research into the age dynamics of the executive leadership of Nordic listed companies. Our findings highlight that a significant portion of executive team members and board directors were born in the 1950s to 1970s. Discover more in our latest Nordic Business Diversity Index 2024 report.

  • Nordic Business Diversity Index julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: Impaktly, kuva

    1 585 seuraajaa

    The much debated CSDDD finally passed the vote in the EU Council last Friday. 🎉 With the positive vote, we are one step closer to a final Directive, but it still needs to pass the vote in the JURI (scheduled for today) and the Parliament later in April. Even though watered down from the original ambition level, the Directive can still be labeled as groundbreaking as it brings the soft law embedded already in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights into the core of required environmental and human rights due diligence. The six step due diligence process can be seen as an opportunity to bring consistency into the ways companies’ manage any adverse impacts of their business operations either to the environment or human rights. A thorough and detailed risk and impact identification phase is the basis on which the full process relies on. But it’s not just about the process. The real change comes through the action stipulated by the process findings, and this action requires strong and solid change management, integration of findings into all business areas & functions, competence and tools development to support everyday actions and identification of innovative ways to engage the whole organisation and business partners. Stay tuned for more on Impaktly’s approach to CSDDD change management! 🌍

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Nordic Business Diversity Index, kuva

    546 seuraajaa

    We at the Nordic Business Diversity Index by Impaktly are honored to be featured in Dagens Industri article published on the International Women's Day discussing the critical issue of diversity and inclusion within the Nordic business leadership landscape. The article by Carolina Engström Lökken, Eva Ekedahl and Jeanna Rutherhill highlights the crucial role that companies, recruiters, and headhunters play in senior management recruitment. The article emphasizes the need for self-reflection among those who hold positions of power to make a positive impact and promote diversity in the workplace. Check out the full article here:

    Självrannsakan måste till hos de som har makten att påverka

    Självrannsakan måste till hos de som har makten att påverka

  • Nordic Business Diversity Index julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: Impaktly, kuva

    1 585 seuraajaa

    This International Women's Day, let's spotlight a critical frontier: Women in executive leadership. 🌍  The 2024 Nordic Business Diversity Index reflects the reality: just 10.3% of CEOs in Nordic listed companies are women. This low figure underscores the pressing need for greater gender equality progress even in the Nordics. In a world facing multiple crises that are putting immense pressure on communities, achieving gender equality is more vital than ever. Ensuring women’s and girls’ rights across all aspects of life is the only way to secure prosperous and just economies, and a healthy planet for future generations. Investing in women isn't just a moral imperative; it's a strategic advantage. This International Women’s Day, let’s transform these challenges into opportunities and shape a better future for all! #InvestInWomen

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