Spoiler The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Pre-Release Spoiler Discussion Thread (Tag Story Spoilers)

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I just downloaded the full PDF. Over 200 pages. Scanning through it quickly, there appear to be no major spoilers regarding Zelda or Ganondorf. The only pages that feature them are just artwork of their designs from the trailers. The biggest spoilers are artworks of new characters, most notably the characters we see in the murals from the trailers. Most of the other stuff is some new environments and armor for Link.

I don't see any pages about the three headed dragon from the latest trailer nor anything really about vehicle crafting.
Wonder if we stumble across this stuff fairly early in the game. In terms of meeting the new characters and encountering some of the new enemy types.

Now I’m curious about BotW and how spoilery it got in the art book for that game.
Okay, yeah. It's nothing too bad. Especially if you just scroll through.

Don't think I saw any indications of a playable Zelda, either.
The only real major spoiler is that one character and makes me think we're going to revisit some of the events of skyword sword
just flipped thru the whole thing
i didn't really notice any MAJOR spoilers tbh
That one human/animal hybrid character with long hair is probably very important, but we certainly know next to nothing about them based only on these picture for sure.
will say after looking at the art leaked I don’t feel like I was spoiled on anything major with the game, if anything it was a hype raise knowing how much they’ve hidden so far (also saw a single image that still gives me playable Zelda hope so I’ll hang on tight to it!)
The biggest spoiler in there is some unannounced Amiibo support...

Toy Link from Link's Awakening Switch seems to give you an appropriate costume

Otherwise, nothing massively revelatory. You see some unannounced characters and areas, but nothing that really seems to give much away about the game in of itself.
From what I read on Era, neither Zelda or Ganondorf are really prominent in the art book. There's only 1 page for Zelda and it's just her design from the trailers.
Hmmm. Interesting, can’t actually tell if that’s good or bad.

Collectors edition art books aren’t the most spoilery books honestly, the few I have only really tackle few aspects of the game and never fully at any aspect.

Either way, I think we’ll get that answer soon enough. I feel this leak isn’t gonna cause too much issues, there’s probably a lot to uncover
Looks like time travel will be a pretty big gimmick? Both young and old Impa show up in the artbook, as well as an older Purah (although that could be a result of her reverting the aging process?). There's also an entirely new species of people dressed very similar to Link's wild outfit, as well as some stuff that looks like legitimate dungeons. Exciting stuff.

I think I saw the image of Young Impa you are referring to. I don't that's Impa but rather her granddaughter Paya. Young Impa is practically identical to Paya
The only major gameplay change i saw is that dungeons appear to be back

There is nothing in this book that indicates that. A few ruin looking areas do not imply proper dungeons at all.

Also lol...

They've turned the Sheikah Slate into a literal Switch now. It's not even remotely subtle
Also worth noting that there are no images of the new Champions or the Divine Beasts so their roles in this game are still up in the air.
I think I saw the image of Young Impa you are referring to. I don't that's Impa but rather her granddaughter Paya. Young Impa is practically identical to Paya

I thought similarly.
The image of that new race with long ears. I asked a friend of mine and he says the text next to them says "Rauru". He doesn't know anything about Zelda so that's would be weird for him to BS me by dropping a name known in that universe.
How the hell is that creature Rauru ? XD
Zelda concept art always looks great. The character designs look awesome. Very excited to see this stuff in game.
I'm really liking the way this new Zelda games (botw and totk) are representing the diversity of each town with the diversity of the real world itself, like inspiring their art / armor / clothes with medieval and pre medieval cultures, man... I'm loving it.

Btw, they art book seems to be expected to be seen before you start the game, it didn't spoil anything relevant or expected, just rises the hype level IMO.

Best piece of marketing so far, wether it was intended or not 😄
It it strange that the first thing I think is can't wait for Zeltik's take and voiceover on this?

How many minutes do we think the video will be?

I don't think there will be a video, since it is a leak.
Pretty satisfied with the leaked art, idk why they couldn't have shown a bit more of some of this stuff in trailers, doesn't seem super spoilerly.
It's rather vague which is nice gives you a bigger taste but theirs still enough missing context alot of it makes it hard to know what things are or events.
TBH the single wildest detail in all of this—to a certain brand of Zelda nut, at least—is the fact that
the Zonai diety from the mural is named Rauru. It's written in Japanese in the corner of one of their concept pages.
There's one character near the end of the book that looks like a pretty gigantic spoiler, surprised not many people are talking about it.

This one:

It's clearly the person in the ancient carvings.


Also, this place looks absolutely stunning. I'm downright chuffed to learn what this place is for.


Also, random reaction: GHOST SHIP!!!!!!

Also, another random reacion: LINKS AWAKENING LINK COSTUME!!!!!!!!!


They've turned the Sheikah Slate into a literal Switch now. It's not even remotely subtle
It wasn't subtle when it was a Gamepad, lol.
Is this like a thing where Link is so fucked up he can only restore himself with fucked up hearts? But then what's with the swords stuck in the ones on the lower row? Fucked up heart containers?
Art book isn’t as big of a spoiler as it is at a first glance. No gameplay details, very little story details, no bosses, no dungeons or dungeon equivalents. Doesn’t have all of the enemies or environments either (redeads and blockman are missing)
Art book isn’t as big of a spoiler as it is at a first glance. No gameplay details, very little story details, no bosses, no dungeons or dungeon equivalents. Doesn’t have all of the enemies or environments either (redeads and blockman are missing)
Apparently if you can read the Japanese text it does spoil a lot more
I have to comment on some stuff after seeing the art book PDF:
  • I'm grateful I was never in that "looks like DLC!" train lmao;
  • Apparently dungeons will be back, I highly see some of those arts not being them;
  • I have a theory Link and Zelda will gather new Champions as there are new character of each people;
  • Great to see some badass warrior women;
  • That unknown person that appeared on the trailer seems like it's indeed Goddess Hylia from the art book?
  • Which images shown we're thinking are young Impa?
  • Apparently new peoples and races are going to be introduced;
  • There's a muscular person that's clearly not Zelda dressed as Sheik?! Sheikah will appear by time travelling?
  • the mine cars shown look like those in Skyward Sword which had time travel as a gameplay gimmick with the energy stones;
  • Zelda and Link appear on a lot of underground art, I wonder if she will indeed be playable and solve puzzles on dungeons like I was thinking. Maybe top down puzzle segments with Zelda using the new Sheikah slate?
  • enemy variety looks like a huge step up;
  • fish designs make me think underwater exploration will happen too.
Not gunna lie this is the best thing that has happened in the lead up to this game. My worries for this game’s identity are 100% gone.
Is it just me or does the hylian stronghold looking place give off tarrey town on crack vibes?
Art book isn’t as big of a spoiler as it is at a first glance. No gameplay details, very little story details, no bosses, no dungeons or dungeon equivalents. Doesn’t have all of the enemies or environments either (redeads and blockman are missing)
Did we know redeads are in TotK? Am I spacing big time right now
I'm eagerly waiting for some Zelda YouTubers to make a video going over all this. They'll dive into the implications and make it much more digestible. Meanwhile, I look at it all and just think "cool art!"
General thoughts:

Were Small Keys in BoTW? If not that's a fairly big hint towards dungeons being a thing. Some of those interiors also seem very dungeon-y

The underground seems very expansive, with a potential civilization and a good amount of unique flora and fauna

The one picture showing the floor geoglyphs kinda seems to imply a return of Key Item-like things? The Shiekah Slate and Master Sword are shown. But so are distinct creatures of some kind, which seem unlikely to be items. Maybe bosses?

Weapon Crafting is confirmed. The enemies seem to correspond to weapon types from BoTW but I suppose we should be able to stick any base part on them. At least hopefully

Also curious is what this doesn't show from things we already know. Vehicle crafting isn't really shown (the hot air balloon is but nothing indicates it's craftable). Several of the enemies we've seen in existing trailers aren't shown either (Boss Bokos, Redeads, Gleeok, that thingie Link fought with a flamethrower). Zonai attachments like the flamethrower and cannon aren't shown either.
General thoughts:

Were Small Keys in BoTW? If not that's a fairly big hint towards dungeons being a thing. Some of those interiors also seem very dungeon-y

The underground seems very expansive, with a potential civilization and a good amount of unique flora and fauna

The one picture showing the floor geoglyphs kinda seems to imply a return of Key Item-like things? The Shiekah Slate and Master Sword are shown. But so are distinct creatures of some kind, which seem unlikely to be items. Maybe bosses?

Weapon Crafting is confirmed. The enemies seem to correspond to weapon types from BoTW but I suppose we should be able to stick any base part on them. At least hopefully

Also curious is what this doesn't show from things we already know. Vehicle crafting isn't really shown (the hot air balloon is but nothing indicates it's craftable). Several of the enemies we've seen in existing trailers aren't shown either (Boss Bokos, Redeads, Gleeok, that thingie Link fought with a flamethrower). Zonai attachments like the flamethrower and cannon aren't shown either.
I think a couple shrines had small keys
Not enough context in these location images to determine what's a "dungeon" and what isn't.

There will obviously be dungeons in this game, that's a given. Whether or not they will be large themed interiors like pre-BotW games is up in the air (haha). Some of these locations could easily be that, or they could be labyrinths, or mini-dungeons.

Whatever the case, they are absolutely the kind of areas I'm itching to explore and dive into.
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