Partnerships with sources of CO2 and mineral waste producers are key to enabling the development of our carbon storage projects and the high quality carbon credits they generate

Annual mineral waste production globally could safely store up to 2 billion tonnes of CO2. Exterra is at the forefront of this growing opportunity and possesses the skills and know-how to develop large decarbonization hubs in areas without establish carbon storage pathways.


Mineral Waste Supply Partnership

In our carbon mineralization company, we believe in the transformative power of turning carbon dioxide (CO2) into stable and environmentally beneficial carbonate minerals. To achieve this goal, we actively seek partnerships for a reliable mineral supply. Our mineral supply partnerships are essential components of our carbon capture and storage (CCS) ecosystem, ensuring a sustainable and abundant source of reactants for the carbonation process. 


How the Partnership Works


Sourcing High-Quality Minerals: We collaborate with mineral suppliers and mining companies to source high-quality metal oxides or other suitable mineral feedstocks. These feedstocks serve as essential reactants in our carbonation process, enabling the conversion of CO2 into stable carbonate minerals. 


Ensuring Environmental Responsibility: Environmental responsibility is a core value of our company. We seek mineral supply partners who share our commitment to sustainable practices, ethical mining, and responsible sourcing. Together, we aim to minimize any potential environmental impacts associated with the extraction and transportation of minerals. 


Exploring New Mineral Sources: We are always open to exploring innovative mineral sources that align with our carbonation process. Our collaborative approach encourages research and development into alternative mineral feedstocks, potentially expanding the scope and scalability of our carbon mineralization efforts.  


CO2 Supply Partnership

As a pioneering carbon storage company committed to combatting climate change, we depend on a supply of CO2 from industrial and/or biogenic sources. CO2 supply partnerships form a crucial pillar of our operations, enabling us to capture and utilize significant quantities of carbon dioxide from various industrial sources.


How the Partnership Works


CO2 Capture Collaboration: We collaborate with industries and facilities that generate substantial amounts of CO2. By working together, we help those operations find the right technologies to divert CO2 from the atmosphere and deliver to Exterra’s operations for permanent storage. 


Transportation and Delivery: Efficient transportation and delivery of captured CO2 to our carbonation facilities are vital aspects of our partnership. We work with our CO2 supply partners to establish secure and reliable transport, ensuring a continuous flow of CO2 for mineralization. 


Joint Research and Development: We encourage joint research and development initiatives with our CO2 supply partners. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and supports advancements in carbon capture and storage technologies, ultimately benefiting both our organizations and the global fight against climate change. 

Carbon Storage Potential Calculator

Describe your mineral waste either by specific composition or general type:

– Bullock, L. A., Yang, A., & Darton, R. C. (2022). Kinetics-informed global assessment of mine tailings for CO2 removal. The Science of the Total Environment, 808(152111), 152111.

– Bullock, L.A., James, R.H., Matter, J., Renforth, P., Teagle, D.A.H., 2021. Global carbon dioxide removal potential of waste materials from metal and diamond mining. Front. Clim. 3,694175.

– Sanna, A., Dri, M., Hall, M. R., & Maroto-Valer, M. (2012). Waste materials for carbon capture and storage by mineralisation (CCSM) – A UK perspective. Applied Energy, 99, 545–554.

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