Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Purah [All To Know]

Learn about Purah Tears of the Kingdom, her role in the sequel, the importance of Purah Pad & more about this character.

Purah Tears of the Kingdom emerges as a beacon of wisdom and innovation. With her unique understanding of the Great Calamity and her prowess in ancient technology, she guides Link with her discoveries, notably the transformative Purah Pad. Despite her youthful visage, her spirit remains resilient, powering through adversity and illuminating the path ahead.

Related: Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Paya 

Key Takeaways
  • Purah, a key character in Tears of the Kingdom, aids Link’s journey with deep knowledge of the Great Calamity and ancient technology.
  • Her discovery of additional Runes for the Sheikah Slate is crucial for Link’s progress.
  • Despite a youthful appearance, an age-reversing experiment has made Purah older and wiser.
  • The Purah Pad, a vital navigational tool, is introduced by Purah in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
  • Leading the investigation of gloom outbreaks, Purah’s research contributes significantly to the storyline.
  • Her character evolution from a youthful researcher to a mature contemporary of Link and Zelda adds narrative depth

Who Is Purah In Tears of the Kingdom?

Purah – Link’s tech advisory

Purah, an enigmatic character central to the Legend of Zelda series, hails from the ancient Sheikah tribe. Having weathered the Great Calamity a century ago, she stands as one of the remaining three Sheikah. Despite her advanced age, she belies it with a youthful appearance, a result of her own experimental forays into age-reversal technology.

Purah’s Role

meet Purah

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Purah continues her role as a brilliant researcher and an essential ally. Expanding her knowledge of ancient technology, she focuses her research on the Zonai and their mysterious power.

  • As the head of Lookout Landing, she oversees the troubling situation at Hyrule Castle.
  • This location serves as a strategic point for her to monitor the spreading of Gloom, providing valuable insights and critical updates.
  • Her interaction with Link initiates the main quest, Crisis at Hyrule Castle, wherein she assigns Link to investigate the fate of Princess Zelda.

What Is Purah’s Age In Tears of the Kingdom?

In The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Purah is approximately 128 years old. Despite her advanced age, she appears to be in her thirties, thanks to an anti-aging experiment she conducted, which has been partially reversed by the time of the game’s events.

What Is Purah Pad In Tears of the Kingdom?

Purah Pad in Tears of the Kingdom

Similar to the useful Paraglider, the Purah Pad in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is a pivotal device analogous to the Sheikah Slate from Breath of the Wild. It serves as a critical tool that aids players in navigating the mysterious lands of Tears of the Kingdom.

 Here is the list of the features of the Purah Pad:

  • Viewing the Adventure Log, Map, and Album.
  • Fast Travel to specific locations.
  • Viewing Character Profiles.
  • Access to the current location, Quest Waypoints, and Map Coordinates.
  • Displaying Time of Day and Current Temperature.
  • Serving as a Scope to Zoom In and Pin Markers on distant locations.
  • Unlocking new features with the completion of Main Quests.

Final Remarks

The storyline of Purah Tears of the Kingdom is enriched by her relentless pursuit of knowledge about ancient technology. You, as a player, will not only find her useful, but returning players will love what she has to offer to the lore of Tears of the Kingdom. Before you move on to playing the game itself, you must read our Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Archaic Tunic Location, Wing Tears, and Ganondorf.


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Usama Mehmood is a Games Specialist, and writer on eXputer who's either hunting for the richest loot in Destiny 2 or endlessly playing his favorite games such as Yakuza or Final Fantasy. Usama has been gaming for 15+ years during which he has accumulated 4000+ hours on Destiny 1 & 2. His constant adoration for video games has allowed him to pursue eXputer as a platform to showcase his striving talents in writing helpful articles. Get familiar with Usama's extensive gaming library on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Reviews And Guides || Education: Bachelors in Physiotherapy.

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