Sebastian Stan responds to the internet fan casting him as young Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

What would it take for Stan to play Luke?

The fans have spoken and they want to see The Falcon and the Winter Soldier star Sebastian Stan as a young Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise, as evidenced by the buffet of fan art depicting the actor as such on the internet. Whether that's going to happen, on the other hand, is a different story.

Stan was asked about the "rumor" — even though it's not a rumor and more dream casting — on ABC's Good Morning America Friday.

"If Mark Hamill calls me personally to tell me that he feels inclined to share this role with me, then I'll believe it," he said. "Until then, I won't believe it."

Since The Mandalorian's second season came out on Disney+, showing Hamill reprising Luke through CGI Jedi tricks, more fans have been noting the physical similarities between Stan and Hamill and using that as inspiration for galleries upon galleries of fan art pieces. But this kind of talk has been going on for years. Hamill himself has been pointing out their likeness on Twitter.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I refuse to say 'Sebastian Stan-I AM YOUR FATHER!' (even though, in fact, I am) #SorryNotSorry #MySonSebastian," the Star Wars veteran tweeted in 2017.

In 2018, he responded to a Twitter user to say "Sebastian doesn't need my stamp of approval" to play Luke on screen. "He's a wonderful actor & is never less than great in everything he does. #HamTheStanFan."

The future of Luke in Star Wars is unclear after he popped up in The Mandalorian, especially after Lucasfilm announced an onslaught of Star Wars TV series coming to Disney+ in the future. But it's safe to say people would stan this casting.

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