our new website is coming soon!


Urgent actions for Ukranina Refugees:

➡️ Donate at =>
➡️ Lesbian Hosting Network =>
➡️ Help Line for Ukrainian lesbian refugees => +48 571 944 400 (Polish number)
➡️ Paypal =>


Download the Kyiv Narrative Report

For those who were not there, those who were present, those who missed nothing but still have not seen everything.

For those who want to know what has been said, what has been shared and what has been built.

For those interested, those inspired or even moved by lesbian genius. For sparks and tensions, for all audacity and passion …

For all of you and for others, here is the EL*C new Narrative Report (in English – translations are available in Russian and in Ukrainian), a reflection on our story and path so far. Have a close look at where we stand and where we are going. 46 pages of great pictures, quotes and graphics, the outcomes of the Lesbian Genius Conference in Kyiv last April.

Find out the program archives of the first two EL*C conferences in Vienna and Kyiv

What are experiences of lesbians throughout Europe and Central Asia, their life realities and their struggles in activism?

One of the main goals of the conference is to provide a space for lesbians* to develop a political agenda and a working programme for the European lesbian* movement in order to increase our impact and visibility in all spheres. Find out the amazing lesbians who were part of the two first conferences.



DOWNLOAD: EL*C Narrative Report - EL*C Participant Pack - Brief Report on Lesbian* Lives in Europe from the first conference in Vienna


The full narrative report of the European Lesbian* Conference 2017, is now availeble!

We have made it as lively, informative and as accurate as possible, to make sure the fantastic work and connections which happened in Vienna can remain and flourish.

Enjoy the reading!

Pictures & Impressions European Lesbian* Conference 2017

One of the main goals of the conference was to provide a space for lesbians* to develop a political agenda and a working programme for the European lesbian* movement in order to increase our impact and visibility in all spheres.


EL*C Brief Report on Lesbian* Lives in (parts of) Europe
EL*C Infographics Brief Report (web)
EL*C Infographics Brief Report Print Version? Request by E-Mail.

  First edition of the EL*C’s annual „Brief Report on Lesbian* Lives in (parts of) Europe”- an  ongoing endeavour meant to capture and synthesize aspects of lesbian* experiences throughout Europe. The report highlights recent empirical findings on lesbian* lives in various European countries, focusing on the topics Discrimination and Health in its first edition. We will address the methodology and data sources used in the report, highlight important key findings as well as crucial limitations, and make recommendations for various stakeholders involved in the promotion of lesbian* well-being throughout Europe.