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Peadar Ua Laoghaire

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Peadar Ua Laoghaire

JaiotzaClondrohid1839ko apirila
Heriotza1920ko martxoaren 21a (80 urte)
HeziketaSt Patrick's College (en) Itzuli
Irlandako gaelera
Jarduerakhizkuntzalaria, itzultzailea, apaiz katolikoa, Bibliaren itzultzailea eta idazlea
Lan nabarmenak
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
ErlijioaErromatar Eliza Katolikoa

Peadar Ua Laoghaire, ingelesez Peadar Ó Laoghaire (1839ko apirila, Clondrohid, Cork konderria1920ko martxoaren 21a), irlandar idazle eta apaiz katoliko bat izan zen. Pizkunde gaelikoan eta irlanderazko literatura modernoaren sortzaile eta hastapenearen bultzatzaileetako bat izan zen.

Cork konderriko Clondrohid udalerrian jaio eta Gaeltacht irlandera hiztunen eremuko Múscraí eskualdean hazi zen.

  • Ar nDóithin Araon, 1894
  • Mion-chaint: an easy Irish phrase book, compiled for the Gaelic League, 1899
  • Eólas ar áireamh, arithmetical tables in Irish, 1902
  • An Soísgéal as Leabar an aifrinn, 1902 (the liturgical readers from the Missal)
  • Irish prose composition: a series of articles, including several upon the Irish autonomous verb, 1902
  • Aesop a Tháinig go hÉirinn, 1903
  • Sgothbhualadh, a series of articles in Irish reprinted from the "Leader", 1904
  • Séadna, 1904 (originally serialised in 1898)
  • An Craos-Deamhan, 1905
  • An Bealach Buidhe, a drama, 1906
  • Tóruigheacht Dhiarmuda agus Ghráinne, 1906
  • Niamh 1907
  • Eisirt, 1909
  • Seanmóin agus trí fichid, sermons for every Sunday and holy day of the year, 1909–10
  • An sprid: Bas Dalláin: Tadhg Saor, three short plays, 1911
  • An Cleasaidhe, 1913
  • Caitilina, 1913
  • Aithris ar Chríost, 1914 (a translation into Irish of Thomas à Kempis' 'Imitatio Christi')
  • Sliabh na mban bhFionn agus Cúan Fithise, 1914
  • Lughaidh Mac Con, 1914
  • Bricriu, 1915
  • Na Cheithre Soisgéil as an dTiomna Nua, 1915 (a translation into Irish of the Four Gospels)
  • Mo Sgéal Féin, 1915
  • Guaire, 1915
  • Ag Séideadh agus ag ithe, 1918
  • An teagasg críosdaidhe, edited by Ua Laoghaire, 1920
  • Don Cíchóté, (A partial translation of Cervantes' novel Don Quixote, 1921
  • Gníomhartha na nAspol, 1921 (a translation into Irish of the Acts of the Apostles)
  • Lúcián, 1924
  • Sgéalaidheachta as an mBíobla naomhtha, 1924 (stories from the Bible)
  • Críost Mac Dé, 1925
  • Sgealaidheacht na Macabéach, 1926 (the stories of the Maccabees from the Apocrypha)
  • Aodh Ruadh, an adaptation of the life of Aodh Ruadh Ó Domhnaill originally by Lughaidh O'Clery in the 17th century, 1929
  • Notes on Irish words and usages
  • Papers on Irish idiom : together with a translation into Irish of part of the first book of Euclid, by the late canon Peter O'Leary ; edited by Thomas F. O'Rahilly.
  • Cómhairle ár leasa, articles published in the "Leader"
  • Mo shlighe chun Dé : leabhar urnaighthe