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Generoa Leccinum
Gray, 1821

Leccinum Boletaceae familiako onddoen genero bat da. Mundu osoan banatutako 135 espezie inguruz osatuta dago.


Leccinum albostipitatum
Leccinum cyaneobasileucum
Leccinum duriusculum
Leccinum holopus
Leccinum manzanitae
Leccinum pseudoscabrum
Leccinum scabrum
Leccinum variicolor


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  1. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 211.
  2. Halling RE. (1977). «California boletes. VI. Some unreported species from the Sierra Nevada of California» Mycologia in: 69. 1: 206–210.  doi:10.2307/3758636..
  3. a b Wells VL, Kempton PE. (1975). «New and interesting fungi from Alaska» Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia in: 51.: 347–358..
  4. a b c Lannoy G, Estadès A. (1994). «Contribution à l'étude du genre Leccinum S. F. Gray - 4 - Essai de clé monographique du genre Leccinum S. F. Gray» Documents Mycologiques in: 24. 94: 1–29..
  5. den Bakker HC, Noordeloos ME. (2005). «A revision of European species of Leccinum Gray and notes on extralimital species» Persoonia in: 18. 4: 511–574..
  6. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 138.
  7. Halling RE. (1989). «A synopsis of Colombian boletes» Mycotaxon in: 34. 1: 93–113..
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k Smith AH, Thiers HD, Watling R. (1967). «A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum, sections Luteoscabra and Scabra» The Michigan Botanist in: 6.: 107–154..
  9. Vassilkov BP. (1978). «A new species of genus Leccinum S. F. Gray from Far East arctic regions» Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rasteniĭ in: 15.: 84–85..
  10. Wells VL, Kempton PE. (1967). «Studies on the fleshy fungi of Alaska. I» Lloydia in: 30.: 258–268..
  11. Redhead SA, Watling R. (1979). «A new psammophilic Leccinum» Canadian Journal of Botany in: 57. 2: 117–119.  doi:10.1139/b79-020..
  12. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 154.
  13. a b c d e Thiers HD. (1971). «California boletes: IV. The genus Leccinum» Mycologia in: 63. 2: 261–276.  doi:10.2307/3757759..
  14. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 153.
  15. Contu M.. (1990). «Leccinum sectio Luteoscabra in Sardinia» Agarica in: 10–11. 19–20: 24–29..
  16. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 159.
  17. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 155.
  18. Snell WH, Dick EA, Hesler LR. (1951). «Notes on boletes. VIII» Mycologia in: 43. 3: 351–364.  doi:10.2307/3755599..
  19. a b Redeuilh G.. (1995). «Contribution à l'étude des Bolets. III. Trois bolets nouveaux» Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France in: 111. 3: 169–182..
  20. a b c Halling RE. (1999). «New Leccinums from Costa Rica» Kew Bulletin in: 54. 3: 747–753.  doi:10.2307/4110871..
  21. Korhonen M.. (1995). «New boletoid fungi in the genus Leccinum from Fennoscandia» Karstenia in: 35. 2: 53–66..
  22. a b Redeuilh G.. (1990). «Novitates – Combinaisons nouvelles et validations» Documents Mycologiques in: 20. 78: 35..
  23. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 157.
  24. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 135.
  25. Lannoy G, Estadès A. (1993). «Contribution à l'étude du genre Leccinum S. F. Gray - 3 - Étude de Leccinum nucatum sp. nov., Leccinum brunneogriseolum fo. chlorinum fo. nov. et L. molle avec comb. nov. de L. coloripes Blum» Documents Mycologiques in: 23. 89: 63–71..
  26. a b c d e f g h i Smith AH, Thiers HD, Watling R. (1968). «Notes on species of Leccinum. I.: Additions to section Leccinum» Lloydia in: 31. 3: 252–267..
  27. a b Lannoy G, Estadès A. (1991). «Contribution à l'étude du genre Leccinum S. F. Gray - 1 - Étude de L. variicolor, oxydabile et de quelques satellites, formes et variétés» Documents Mycologiques in: 21. 81: 11–26..
  28. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 194.
  29. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 152.
  30. a b Singer R.. (1947). «The Boletoideae of Florida. The Boletineae of Florida with notes on extralimital species III» Cramer in: 37. (Weinheim, Germany).
  31. Klofac W.. (2007). «Schlüssel zur Bestimmung von Frischfunden der europäischen Arten der Boletales mit röhrigem Hymenophor» Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde in: 16.: 187–279 (ikusi 255. or.)..
  32. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 146.
  33. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 165.
  34. a b c d Heinemann P.. (1964). «Boletineae du Katanga» Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'État a Bruxelles in: 34. 4: 425–478.  doi:10.2307/3667162..
  35. Watling R.. (1960). «British records» Transactions of the British Mycological Society in: 43.: 692.  doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(60)80061-7..
  36. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 191.
  37. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 136.
  38. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 163.
  39. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 160.
  40. Høiland K, Schumacher T. (1982). «Agarics, clavarioid and some heterobasidiomycetous fungi from Northern Thailand» Nordic Journal of Botany in: 2. 3: 265–271..
  41. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 154.
  42. a b Bon M.. (1981). «Clé monographique des Lépiotes d'Europe (Agaricaceae, Tribus Lepioteae et Leucocoprineae)» Documents Mycologiques in: 11. 43: 1–77 (see pp. 35, 39)..
  43. Bon M.. (1989). «Novitates – Nouveaux taxons» Documents Mycologiques in: 19. 75: 55–58..
  44. a b Halling RE, Mueller GM. (2003). «Leccinum (Boletaceae) in Costa Rica» Mycologia in: 95. 3: 488–499.  doi:10.2307/3761891. PMID 21156638..
  45. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 166.
  46. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 162.
  47. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 201.
  48. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 139.
  49. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 144.
  50. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 138.
  51. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 193.
  52. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 152.
  53. Šutara J.. (1989). «The delimitation of the genus Leccinum» Ceská Mykologie in: 43. 1: 1–12..
  54. Lannoy G, Estadès A. (1991). «Contribution à l'étude du genre Leccinum S. F. Gray - 2 - Étude de Leccinum brunneogrisoleum sp. nov., L. pulchrum sp. nov., L. umbrinoides» Documents Mycologiques in: 21. 82: 1–6..
  55. Takahasi H.. (2007). «Five new species of the Boletaceae from Japan» Mycoscience in: 48. 2: 90–99.  doi:10.1007/s10267-006-0332-6p..
  56. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 200.
  57. Singer R, Williams R. (1992). «Some boletes from Florida» Mycologia in: 84. 5: 724–728.  doi:10.2307/3760382..
  58. Zang M.. (1986). «Notes on the Boletales from eastern Himalayas and adjacent areas of China» Acta Botanica Yunnanica in: 7. 4: 388–401..
  59. a b Singer R.. (1945). «New Boletaceae from Florida» Mycologia in: 37. 5: 797–799.  doi:10.2307/3755143..
  60. Quadraccia L, Lunghini D. (1990). Contributo alla conoscenza dei macromiceti della tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano (Micoflora del Lazio II). in: 264., 49–120 (see p. 103) or..
  61. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 204.
  62. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 142.
  63. Thiers HD. (1976). «Boletes of the southwestern United States» Mycotaxon in: 3. 2: 261–273..
  64. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 141.
  65. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 210.
  66. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 139.
  67. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 205.
  68. Hongo T.. (1973). «Notulae mycologicae (12)» Memoirs of Shiga University in: 23.: 37–43..
  69. Smith, Thiers, Watling (1966), p. 145.
  70. Redeuilh G.. (1993). «Novitates – Combinaisons nouvelles» Documents Mycologiques in: 23. 89: 62..
  71. Smith & Thiers 1971, p. 131.
  72. Horak E. (1980). «Indian Boletales and Agaricales. Revisions and new taxa» Sydowia in: 33.: 88–110 (see p. 97)..
  73. Watling R.. (1969). «Records of boleti and notes on their taxonomic position. 2» Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh in: 29.: 265–272..
  74. Ortiz-Santana B, Lodge DJ, Baroni TJ, Both EE. (2007). «Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Republic» Fungal Diversity in: 27.: 247–416 (see p. 352)..
  75. Ortiz-Santana B, Halling RE. (2009). «A new species of Leccinum (Basidiomycota, Boletales) from Belize» Brittonia in: 61. 2: 172–174.  doi:10.1007/s12228-008-9067-3..
  76. Watling R.. (1961). «Notes on British boleti» Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh in: 39. 2: 196–20.  doi:10.1080/13594866109441700..

Smith AH, Thiers HD, Watling R. (1966). «A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum, section Leccinum» The Michigan Botanist in: 5.: 131–179.. Smith AH, Thiers HD. (1971). «The Boletes of Michigan» University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, Michigan).

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