Community Support

LibreOffice is made and supported by its community. There are many ways you can find and access community support. If you are looking for professional support please visit our dedicated page.

  • Documentation: We maintain and have a full set of documentation here. Alternatively you can use the LibreOffice built-in help, (provided it is installed together with LibreOffice) by pressing F1 on your keyboard.

  • Mailing Lists: The user support mailing list address is our main channel for LibreOffice users needing help with a problem: [email protected]. You need to subscribe to the list first before you can post a question. To do that, just send an empty message (no subject line, no message body) to [email protected]. Instructions will be mailed back to you immediately (check for new mail, and check your spam/bulk mail folder just in case). In order to unsubscribe send an en empty message to [email protected] . Non-English speaking users: Native-Language projects have their own users mailing lists. See here.

  • Ask.LibreOffice : The Ask LibreOffice website provides a space where you can ask (and answer!) questions related to LibreOffice. AskLibO is a modern Q+A site and is not a Bulletin Board style web forum. Presently the website UI is English only, but we are working with the developers of Askbot to provide localization of both user interface and questions/answers.

  • The Wiki: Almost everything is on our wiki; it is also the place where a lot of work is ongoing with various teams. While it is not as ordered as our documentation a lot of information can be obtained there.

  • Nabble: Nabble is not a forum itself, rather, it's a nice way to read and use the LibreOffice Users mailing lists as if they were a forum. Connect to our Nabble gateway here.