Del curso: Aprende inglés: Las aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 8: El ataque

Capítulo 8: El ataque

Hello and welcome back to The Adventures of Lola Badiola. In the last chapter, Lola was making a speech to her new colleagues when her mind went completely blank. Now you're probably wondering what happened next. Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a few episodes to find out, because right now we are returning to the situation of Luis Bruña, Lola's ex-boss. We are going to discover how he and his team are coping after the loss of their star performer. Their rainmaker. We will also discuss the common expressions, phrasal verbs and business concepts that are used in the text. So without any further delay, let's go back to the story. The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Chapter 8 - The Attack. Luis Bruña opened the front door of his house and tiptoed in, quietly shutting the door behind him. It was past midnight, and he'd spent the last 18 hours dealing with a crisis at TechSpania. Lying at the bottom of the stairs was his six-year-old son, Chima. The little boy was deep asleep…
