Del curso: Aprende inglés: Las aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 52: Confusión

Capítulo 52: Confusión

Hello, and welcome back to The Adventures of Lola Badiola. In the last episode, Park and the secret agent, who we now know to be Eugenio Hernandez, arrived at Eugenio's apartment in Madrid. In this episode, we are going to find out how Concha reacts to the stranger in her house. Here we go. The Adventures of Lola Badiola, Chapter 52 - Confusion. Concha knew when people were telling her the truth, when they were exaggerating, and when they were outright lying. In her work as an executive headhunter, she had seen thousands of CVs and interviewed hundreds of executives. "Well, who is he?" She asked for a second time. Eugenio had to tread very carefully if he wanted to maintain the cover story that the little Asian man in their apartment was a location scout. But before he could reply, the buzzer sounded from the hallway. Concha stood up from the table and hurried to the videophone to see who it was. It's Lola, she shouted from the doorway. She forgot her iPhone. It's here on the kitchen…
