Del curso: Aprende inglés: Las aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 42: La tumba del granjero glorioso

Capítulo 42: La tumba del granjero glorioso

Hello and welcome back to The Adventures of Lola Badiola. In the last chapter, we enjoyed an evening with Lola and Concha at a Lebanese restaurant in the Malasana district of Madrid. In this chapter, we are going to return to North Korea and pick up the action where we left it. If you remember, Park had decided to defect from North Korea and follow the escape plan of Kim Dae Won. Let's find out what happened next. The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Chapter 42 - The Tomb of the Glorious Farmer. Park remained hidden in the bicycle carriage until the rider had taken him beyond the streetlights of the city. It was a clear night, and the moon illuminated the way into the empty countryside. It wasn't long before the urban sound's diminished and all Park could hear was the squeaking of unoiled bicycle chain and the panting of his diligent rider. It was a bitterly cold night. The temperature was just above freezing but the humidity made it feel a lot harsher. Park pulled the enormous collar of…
