Del curso: Aprende inglés: Las aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 30: El juego

Capítulo 30: El juego

Hello and welcome back to The Adventures of Lola Badiola. In the last episode, Park decided not to say anything to the authorities about Kim's plan to defect. So he is now an accomplice to a crime against the state. In this episode, we are going to find out what happens next to both Park and Kim. So here we go. The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Chapter 30 - The Game. Over the following two weeks, Park watched the slow but perceptible deterioration of his colleague and best friend, Kim Dae Won. Kim's personal hygiene gradually disappeared. His hair became greasy and uncombed, and he started to lose weight. He didn't speak to anyone apart from answering Kang's repetitive questions. Some nights he slept in his chair at the ministry. Other nights, he wandered alone around the grounds of the complex. He could no longer be counted on as a colleague or a friend. It was a thoroughly convincing performance, and if Park didn't know any better, he could easily believe that Kim had fallen into a…
