Del curso: Aprende inglés: Las aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 12: La conferencia de prensa

Capítulo 12: La conferencia de prensa

Previously on The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Whoever had defeated Park Jae Bong was going to feel the full force of his revenge. He wasn't just going to rehack SMZ. He was going to attack the company that protected them. He was going to bring down TechSpania. Hello and welcome back. You have reached Chapter 12 of our podcast. Your command of common expressions, phrasal verbs and advanced vocabulary is improving with each episode. And in the story so far, you have met the management of TechSpania, the programming team of JBlock and the North Korean hackers. In this episode, we are going to bring all of these protagonists together. We're going to find out what happens when their worlds collide. So strap yourself into your seat and get ready for the start of a roller coaster ride. The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Chapter 12 - The Press Conference. Lola and Cayetano returned to the Adriatica building on Gran Via. After their coffee together, they were having a friendly chat about the best…
