Del curso: Aprende inglés: Las aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 11: Entrevista

Capítulo 11: Entrevista

Hello and welcome back to The Adventures of Lola Badiola. In the last episode, Lola was able to control her panic attack and deliver a speech. In this episode, we are going to find out more about JBlock, her new company and the man who founded it. We will also discuss the advanced vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation used in the text. So without any further delay, let's go back to the story. The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Chapter 11 - The Interview. JJ got onto his electric scooter and rode through the rush-hour traffic of central Madrid. It was already 8:30 and he had a busy morning ahead of him. He had to pick up his residency permit from the town hall. Then he had to drop off various documents relating to his business at the tax office. After that, he had an appointment for an interview with an American journalist at Cyber Story magazine at a restaurant near Plaza Colon. He was running late, but every time he tried to speed up, a car, truck or bus would get in his way and he…
