Garnacha Origen

Garnacha Origen

Fabricación de alimentos y bebidas

ZARAGOZA, Provincia 187 seguidores

Promoting wines of Garnacha, one of the most planted grapes in the world.

Sobre nosotros

Origen Garnacha, is a Spanish non-profit association whose sole purpose is the promotion of Garnacha wines. The association represents a public-private alliance integrated by the key entities in the Garnacha production . As public entities: The designation of origin of the largest Garnacha production in Aragon region (PDO Cariñena, PDO Calatayud, PDO Campo de Borja, PDO Somontano) and Catalonia (PDO Terra Alta, PDO Priorat), Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, Aragón Exterior and CITA (Agri-Food Research and Technology Centre of Aragon) Private entities: The leading and most prestigious Garnacha wineries in Spain: Bodegas San Alejandro, Grandes Vinos, Bodegas Aragonesas, Bodegas San Valero, Bodegas Paniza, Unió Cellers. The association is nourished, among others, by European funds aimed to the international promotion of European Quality Agrofood. To date, Garnacha Origen has implemented Garnacha promotion campaigns in China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, the USA and Canada. We keep working to promote our precious Garnacha in the leading wine consuming markets.

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Fabricación de alimentos y bebidas
Tamaño de la empresa
1 empleado
ZARAGOZA, Provincia
Organización sin ánimo de lucro


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    ZARAGOZA, Provincia 50018, ES

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Empleados en Garnacha Origen


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    187 seguidores

    Happy International Garnacha Day!! We are celebrating this beautiful day in the middle of harvest season with a short video we created. Thank you to all of our friends around the world that have made this possible! Thank you to the PDOs, the wineries, and all wine lovers. Let´s keep spreading the word of this variety. Cheers to Garnacha! #Garnacha #DiaInternacionaldelaGarnacha #Wine

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    187 seguidores

    Bodegas San Alejandro presents its first #PaperBottle: A bottle made of recycled cardboard with a food-grade bag inside. The future is definitely here and Bodegas San Alejandro keeps on working towards the latest technology to improve their products. Check it out!

    Ver la página de empresa de Bodegas San Alejandro, gráfico

    528 seguidores

    ¡Bienvenido al #futuro que mereces! 🚀🌍 #BodegasSanAlejandro presenta su primera #PaperBottle: Una botella hecha de cartón reciclado con una bolsa alimenticia en su interior. 🍃🍷 🌱 Más sostenible: Este nuevo packaging reduce hasta un 85% la #huelladecarbono en su producción, disminuyendo hasta 6 veces las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera. 🌍♻️ 🛡️ Más seguro: Los bordes de nuestra botella, al estar hechos de cartón prensado, son completamente #seguros. Evita cortes accidentales o roturas. 👍✨ 💨 Más ligero: Sin vidrio, es 5 veces más ligera que una botella común. Su menor peso implica menos consumo de combustible en su transporte y una mayor facilidad de uso. 🚚⚖️ Los viñedos ecológicos seleccionados para la elaboración de #Querencia priorizan técnicas que mantienen la salud del suelo, previenen la erosión y promueven la fertilidad. 🍇🌿. Alargar la vida de la viña, preservar la biodiversidad y el paisaje, y usar envases reciclables es clave para proteger a futuras generaciones. 🌱👶🍇 Welcome to the future you deserve! 🚀🌍 #BodegasSanAlejandro presents its first #PaperBottle: A bottle made of recycled cardboard with a food-grade bag inside. 🍃🍷 🌱 More sustainable: This new packaging reduces the #carbonfootprint by up to 85% in its production, cutting CO2 emissions by up to 6 times. 🌍♻️ 🛡️ Safer: The edges of our bottle, made from pressed cardboard, are completely safe. No accidental cuts or breakage. 👍✨ 💨 Lighter: Without glass, it’s up to 5 times lighter than a common bottle. Its lighter weight means less fuel consumption during transport and easier handling. 🚚⚖️ The #organic vineyards selected for the production of #Querencia prioritize techniques that maintain soil health, prevent erosion and promote long-term fertility. 🍇🌿. Extending the life of the vineyard, preserving #biodiversity and the landscape, and using recyclable packaging is key to protecting future generations. 🌱👶🍇 #WineLovers #distintospornaturaleza #spanishwines

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Garnacha Origen, gráfico

    187 seguidores

    Hello Switzerland! Garnacha is here! Last week we had the pleasure of organizing our first event in Zurich, a pairing lunch in the Restaurant Carlton. The lunch included a small debate led by Ursula Geiger and the export Managers of Bodegas Aragonesas S.A. , Bodegas San Alejandro,Grandes Vinos and Cellers Unió. Some of the topics covered were old vines, the importance of the strong wind in Garnacha grapes, how the high altitude affects the flavors and textures in Garnacha wines... We will continue to keep the conversation going and hope for a successful partnership! #Garnacha #Wine #Switzerland

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Garnacha Origen, gráfico

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    HARVEST SEASON in the different Garnacha PDOs In the areas where Garnacha is grown the grapes are normally harvested in the summer, beginning in August, and ending almost in autumn or mid November for big altitude vineyards. More specifically, it is interesting to see how the differences in the PDOs affect the ripening periods. For example: -In the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Calatayud the harvest begins at the end of September and can last until mid-November -In the PDO Campo de Borja the harvest generally begins in late September or early October -Also, in the PDO Cariñena, grapes are harvested in early September. -In PDO Terra Alta, in general, the peculiarities of the terroir make them of medium and late ripening So, we will have to wait a little bit longer for the full Garnacha harvest of 2024. #Harvest #Garnacha

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    187 seguidores

    Could you imagine having Garnacha as an ice cream flavor? and an ice cream flavor of the wine Particular Garnacha 2023? Well, Bodegas San Valero has done it! they have managed to turn one of their most renowned wines into ice cream . Born from brave, strong and wild vines, planted at altitude, the Particular Garnacha 2023 is a very lively, clean and bright wine. This innovative creation is part of Bodegas San Valero's guest brand collaboration programme . This project seeks to strengthen ties between Aragonese brands, promoting mutual support and joint innovation. #Garnacha #Icecream (Source: Enjoy Zaragoza)

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    187 seguidores

    How to store your Garnacha wine cool at home- Wine storing tips! - The key is to keep it at a constant temperature, preferably under 15 degrees. The worst enemy of a bottle is an abrupt change of temperature. -The place should be cool, well-ventilated and humid. An example would be in a storage room, which is normally underground, or a basement. But if you don’t have a basement, you can store the wine in artificial cellers. -It is also possible to keep the wine in its own box, as long as it is made of wood (avoid keeping the carton box) and is not in contact with the ground. -The kitchen is the worst place to store wines because there are more temperature changes due to the kitchen appliances. Cheers to summer! ☀ #Garnacha #Storewine #wine

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Garnacha Origen, gráfico

    187 seguidores

    Summer is here! Discover some FUN dinner ideas paired with Garnacha wines for the hot weather months. 1-BBQ assortment of meats paired with Particular Garnacha from Bodegas San Valero No matter where you are, a summer barbeque is a must. Enjoy grilled chorizo, sausages, “longaniza”… with a red wine, Particular Garnacha from Bodegas San Valero. 2-Gazpacho paired with Clos del Pinell Garnacha Blanca from Cellers Unió This cold cream soup is probably the most popular choice in Spanish cuisine during the hot months. The staple ingredients are tomatoes, onions and green peppers; A great way to enjoy it is with a white wine such as Clos de Pinell Garnacha Blanca. 3-Greek salad paired with CDA Corona de Aragón Garnacha Rosado 2023 from Grandes Vinos A traditional Greek salad consists of sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, green bell pepper, red onion, olives, and feta cheese; which balances really well with a Rosé wine such as CDA Garnacha Rosado 4-Mussels paired with Viñas de Miedes Blanco from Bodegas San Alejandro Fresh and simple, mussels with lemon and parsley paired with a glass of light White Garnacha is such a yummy treat! 5-Paella mixta paired with solo rosado from Bodegas Aragonesas S.A. Mixed paella means that it contains seafood and meat, the perfect combination to pair with a Rosé that brings out the flavors of this mix #Garnacha #summerwines #pairingideas 

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Garnacha Origen, gráfico

    187 seguidores

    Discover what this vine hides... Do you see the red wire? It is a method called "sexual confusion" used to control the grapevine moth. The sexual confusion technique is a highly effective biotechnological control strategy, reduces the use of insecticides and it is an alternative to the use of non-selective neurotoxic insecticides that eliminate other auxiliary species. How does it work? It continuously emits pheromones synthesized by the female during the flight stage in adult moths. These pheromones, in sufficient quantities, saturate the receptive capacity of the olfactory system of male insects. They confuse the male to the point of making it difficult for him to locate the female, thus preventing mating and the female from being fertilized. In this way, the evolution of the cluster moth plague is interrupted. #Garnacha  #Vines

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