Contribute to shaping the European Open Science Cloud
The EOSC Association brings together key stakeholders in the European research environment to agree on strategies for the advancement of Open Science and to optimise the conditions for research outcomes, and ultimately, to make the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) a reality. EOSC will offer researchers open and seamless services for storing, managing, analysing and re-using research data, and thus accelerate the creation of new knowledge and spur innovation.
EOSC-A Articles of Association
Join us today, and make your voice heard!
In joining us, you will:
- Shape the European Open Science Cloud;
- Guide the strategy for the EOSC implementation phase;
- Participate in Advisory Groups and General Assembly meetings;
- Engage in policy dialogues; and
- Network with like-minded people.
Together, we can create a European Research Data Commons that will not only benefit Europe but help tackle the societal challenges worldwide.
How to join?
If you would like to join the EOSC Association, please complete this form. You will be asked to provide the following information:
- Organisational details, including a contact person and documents clarifying your organisation’s legal status;
- A formal letter of your legal representative, indicating your organisation’s interest in EOSC and acknowledging the EOSC Association’s statutes, vision and values;
- A formal letter for mandated organisations (if applicable).
Depending on your membership status, the annual fee for joining the EOSC Association varies from 10 000€ for full members to 2000€ for observers.
Membership options
The EOSC Association is comprised of Members and Observers. All Members have a presence in an EU Member State (MS) or Associated Country (AC), or any other country associated with the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Observers may be established outside this area.
Members and Observers must be a legal entity and confirm in writing that they embrace and endorse the vision of the Association and adhere to its values. They cannot be a department of national governments or ministries.
Members and Observers should fall into one or more of the following categories:
- Research funding organisation;
- Research performing organisation;
- Service providing organisation;
- Other organisations, e.g. intergovernmental organisations.