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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I view biting as one of my love languages. My boyfriend is aware of this.

This morning we were cuddling in bed.

Me: I’m hungry.

Boyfriend: Go have breakfast. You have several options.

Me: I want boyfriend flesh.

Boyfriend: Okay. You can have my flesh.

Me: Hmmm. I need a signed waiver first.

Boyfriend proceeds to finger spell W A I V E R.

Boyfriend: There. A signed waiver.

This makes me laugh, quite a bit.

Me: Accepted. Yay! Boyfriend flesh! Nom!


there is this annoying trend where for example someone will like. reinvent phrenology and someone will point out " you know the nazi's believed in that" and then response they'll go "oh so i should make sure my phrenology isn't racist or anti-sematic!" because they don't understand that assigning physical traits to intelligence or morality is still bad no matter what, not just because "people who i know are objectly bad share those beliefs for the wrong reasons" and this happens everytime.


someone will reblog a post that's like "men are genetically disposed to being evil due to their genes and brain chemistry" and than be told "you know this post was written by a terf and they're talking about trans women, right?" and than go "oh my bad" and than post "men are genetically disposed to being evil due to their genes and brain chemistry (this post is not about trans women!) terfs dni" and it's like. ok you know that doesn't suddenly help right?