Upcoming Events

Johns Hopkins alumni are invited to attend a variety of lectures and events to expand and enhance their engineering knowledge.


Visit our YouTube channel to view recordings of any of the lectures below.

The Frederick S. Billig-L. Gordon Croft Endowed Lecture

Frederick Billig ’55, spent his remarkable career at APL focusing his research in the area of high speed, air-breathing propulsion for advanced flight vehicles, including pioneering work for the Air Force in external burning and supersonic combustion. The Frederick S. Billig-L. Gordon Croft Endowed Lecture was established in his honor by his friend and mentee, L. Gordon Croft, and brings experts to campus in the fields of mechanical engineering, chemical and biomolecular engineering, and entrepreneurship and management.

The Blumenthal Lecture and Award for Contributions to Management in Technology

Established by Sydney C. Blumenthal ’37 and his wife, Mitzi, the award was created to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to management in technology. Awardees are invited to campus to speak to the Johns Hopkins community, and the annual Blumenthal Lecture not only is one of the Whiting School's most significant lectures each year, but is also held in highest regard across JHU.

The Harriet Shriver Rogers Lecture

This endowed lectureship was established in 1991 by the late Dr. William H.B. Howard ’59 to honor his mother, Harriet Shriver Rogers, whose support made it possible for him to matriculate at Johns Hopkins following his military service. The annual Rogers Lecture is an important end-of-year event for the entire school community.

The Ilene Busch-Vishniac Engineering Lecture

The annual Ilene Busch-Vishniac Lecture honors the former dean of the Whiting School of Engineering (1998-2003) and was established by her friends and engineering alumni. The lecture always features an accomplished woman engineer and highlights the intellectual contributions of women in the field.

Alumni Lifelong Learning Opportunities

The Johns Hopkins Alumni Association offers a variety of ways for alumni of Hopkins Engineering to continue scholarly pursuits after graduation.