Staff nurse unit coordinators were chosen to administer and collect the
IPNG surveys.
A Direction for
IPng. Retrieved October 12, 2005, from
This worldwide network, which is actually composed of several smaller, regional 6bone networks, is run by the IETF
IPng Transition Working Group.
The IETF started the
IPng area in 1993 to investigate the different proposals and to make recommendations for further procedures.
Migration to the new protocol is expected to take place over the next three to seven years, although the precise nature of the migration is debated among factions who argue for rapid introduction of
IPng and those who favor a gradual phase-in.
IPNG is a questionnaire developed by Hess (1998) which covers information on socio-demographic characteristics (gender, education, employment status), organizational factors (number of years practicing in nursing and in current institution, and the type of nursing unit), and six dimensions of governance including control over nursing personnel, access to information, influence over organizational resources, participation, control over nursing practice, and goals and conflict resolution.
IPv6 is version 6 of the Internet Protocol, and initially called IP then Next Generation (
IPng) when it was picked as the winner in the IETF's
IPng selection process.
The mechanisms should work for both the current version of IP (IPv4) and the new version of IP (
IPng or IPv6).
This paper presents an over-view of the Next Generation Internet Protocol (
While the current Internet protocols do not properly handle the demands for predictable bandwidth and latency demanded by these services the next generation Internet protocol -
IPNG - will address these issues.
We begin this section with an article that provides an overview, explanation, and discussion of the next-generation Internet Protocol (