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From Latin serrare.




  1. (Gherdëina) to lock, to close down
    Ie muesse śaré la majon.I have to lock the room.
    Śera la porta!Lock the door!
    Ëi à śarà ju la stredaThey have closed down the street.
  2. (Gherdëina) to close (a store/business)
    La butëiga ie śareda.The shop is closed.
    Nëus śaron dala 6.We close at 6.
  3. (Gherdëina) to brake
    L auto ne śera nia.The care doesn't brake.
    Tu mues śaré pra na ncrujeda.You have to brake at a crossing.
    Śera! Te furneies massa debota.Brake! You're driving too fast.

Alternative forms


Derived terms
