Latest comment: 4 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
The topic development submission has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is below, plus see the general feedback page. Please also check the page history for changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Marks are available via UCLearn. Marks are based on the latest version before the due date.
Promising development of key points for each section, with relevant citations
Avoid overly emotive language
Use bullet points (per Tutorial 2)
Use APA style 7th edition for citation formatting
There seems to be reasonably good coverage of theory, however, strive to balance the content with critical review of relevant research, with illustrative examples
Conclusion (the most important section):
What might the take-home, practical messages be? (What are the answer(s) to the question(s) in the sub-title and/or focus questions?)
Promising use of in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to other relevant book chapters. Also link key concepts, not just case study biography pages.
Promising use of example(s)/case study(ies)
Connect the scenario(s) with motivation and emotion to help illustrate psychological science about this topic
Be wary of overdoing case studies - they are useful if they are used to clearly illustrate key points in the text
Consider including quiz question(s), table(s) etc.
Brief description about self provided – consider expanding
Consider linking to your eportfolio page and/or any other professional online profile or resume such as LinkedIn. This is not required, but it can be useful to interlink your professional networks.
Latest comment: 3 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I have just read through your chapter and I am very impressed! Your depth of research is evident throughout your information and the structure of your paragraphs are clear and fluent!
A few minor pieces of feedback relating to the style and referencing of your chapter:
In the sections 'Impacts of solitary confinement' and 'Psychological processes involved in solitary confinement' there is alot of dense information. Perhaps a relevant figure would help the visuals of the chapter to make it easier to read.
Consider changing the colour of the feature box of your focus questions so that your case studies have a dedicated colour to help with fluency throughout the chapter.
Finally, I can see a few places where in-text references may be necessary. Particularly your section on Maslow's heirachy of needs there are no in-text references which may cause some questions about the factualness of your information.
I have also updated one of your in-text references where you had only included the last name of the author and not the year.
Good luck witht the assignment! I am excited to read the final product of this chapter, it is a very interesting topic!
First, I just want to say that I'm very impressed. The way you connects psychological theories, like Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the Self-Determination Theory, to the conditions of solitary confinement is really interesting and helps in understanding why solitary confinement can be so detrimental to a person's wellbeing. I also thought the way you divide your sections up was really good as I like the way you've used quizzes, case studies and images to help your arguments.
This is of course nit-picking because I am really impressed but it might be interesting to delve more into the standpoint of why solitary confinement has its supporters. I really liked the point you made about Buddhist monks so maybe adding some more on that area could help and could create more depth to the argument. I am sure you are close to the world limit though so I understand if you can't fit this in.
Latest comment: 2 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Chapter marks will be available via UCLearn along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.
Overall, this is an excellent chapter. It successfully uses psychological theory and research to address a practical, real-world phenomenon or problem.
For additional feedback, see the following comments and these copyedits
Overall, the quality of written expression is very good; the simple, direct style is excellent. In some places, more citations to support claims would strengthen the work.
Latest comment: 2 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's UCLearn site. Written feedback is provided below, plus see the general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener.
The audio is easy to follow and interesting to listen to
The presentation makes effective use of narrated audio
Audio communication is well paced
Excellent intonation enhances listener interest and engagement
The narration is well practiced and/or performed
Audio recording quality was reasonably good
Review microphone set-up to achieve higher recording quality (audio level was low; volume varied between pauses, with some static spikes). Possibly an on-board microphone was used. If so, consider using an external microphone.
The narrated content is well matched to the target topic
The chapter title is used, but the sub-title (or a shortened version of it) is not used, as the name of the presentation. The sub-title (or an abbreviation of the sub-title that fits within the 100 character limit) would help to clearly convey the purpose of the presentation.
A brief written description of the presentation is provided. Expand.
An inactive hyperlink to the book chapter is provided