Treaty of Trianon
Treaty Series No. 10 (1920.)
Treaty of Peace
between the
Allied and Associated Powers
and Protocol and Declaration
Signed at Trianon, June 4, 1920
[With Map.]
Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
Printed and Published by
His Majesty’s Stationery Office.
To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from
H.M. Stationery Office at the following addresses:
- Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and
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Preamble |
1 |
Part I.—The Covenant of the League of Nations.
The Covenant of the League of Nations (Articles 1 to 26) |
4 |
Annex |
10 |
Part II.—Frontiers of Hungary.
Frontiers of Hungary (Articles 27 to 35) |
11 |
Part III.—Political Clauses for Europe.
Section VIIII.—Italy (Articles 36 to 40) |
16 |
Section VIIIII.—Serb-Croat-Slovene State (Articles 41 to 44) |
17 |
Section VIIIIII.—Roumania (Articles 45 to 47) |
17 |
Section VIIIIV.—Czecho-Slovak State (Articles 48 to 52) |
18 |
Section VIIIV.—Fiume (Article 53) |
18 |
Section VIIIVI.—Protection of Minorities (Articles 54 to 60) |
18 |
Section VIIIVII.—Clauses relating to Nationality (Articles 61 to 66) |
20 |
Section VIII.—Political clauses relating to certain European States (Articles 67 to 72) |
21 |
Section VIIIIX.—General provisions (Articles 73 to 78) |
22 |
Part IV.—Hungarian Interests Outside Europe.
Section III.—Article 79 |
23 |
Section IIII.—Morocco (Articles 80 to 85) |
23 |
Section IIIII.—Egypt (Articles 86 to 93) |
24 |
Section III.—Siam (Articles 94 to 96) |
25 |
Section IIIIV.—China (Articles 97 to 101) |
25 |
Part V.—Military, Naval and Air Clauses.
Section IIII.—Military clauses |
26 |
Chapter IIII.—General (Articles 102 and 103) |
26 |
Chapter IIIII.—Effectives and cadres of the Hungarian Army (Articles 104 to 108) |
27 |
Chapter III.—Recruiting and military training (Articles 109 and 110) |
27 |
Chapter IIIIV.—Schools, educational establishments, military clubs and societies (Articles 111 and 112) |
28 |
Chapter IIIV.—Armamnet, munitions and material (Articles 113 to 119) |
28 |
Table IIII.—Composition and maximum effectives of an infantry division |
29 |
Table IIIII.—Composition and maximum effectives for a cavalry division |
30 |
Table III.—Composition and maximum effectives for a mixed brigade |
30 |
Table IIIIV.—Minimum effectives of units whatever organisation is adopted in the army |
30 |
Table IIIV.—Maximum authorised armaments and munition supplies |
31 |
Section IIIII.—Naval clauses (Articles 120 to 127) |
31 |
Section III.—Air clauses (Articles 128 to 132) |
32 |
Section IIIIV.—Inter-Allied Commissions of Control (Articles 133 to 139) |
33 |
Section IIIV.—General articles (Articles 140 to 143) |
34 |
Part VI.—Prisoners of War and Graves.
Section III.—Prisoners of war (Articles 144 to 154) |
35 |
Section II.—Graves (Articles 155 and 156) |
36 |
Part VII.—Penalties.
Penalties (Articles 157 to 160) |
37 |
Part VIII.—Reparation.
Section III.—General provisions (Articles 161 to 174) |
37 |
Annex IIII. |
40 |
Annex IIIII. |
40 |
Annex III. |
44 |
Annex IIIIV. |
46 |
Annex IIIV. |
47 |
Annex IIIVI. |
48 |
Section II.—Special provisions (Articles 175 to 179) |
48 |
Part IX.—Financial Clauses.
Financial Clauses (Articles 180 to 199) |
49 |
Part X.—Economic Clauses.
Section VIIII.—Commercial relations |
58 |
Chapter IIII.—Customs regulations, duties and restrictions (Articles 200 to 208) |
58 |
Chapter IIIII.—Shipping (Article 209) |
60 |
Chapter III.—Unfair competition (Article 210) |
61 |
Chapter IIIIV.—Treatment of nationals of Allied and Associated Powers (Articles 211 to 214) |
61 |
Chapter IIIV.—General articles (Articles 215 and 216) |
62 |
Section VIIIII.—Treaties (Articles 217 to 230) |
62 |
Section VIIIIII.—Debts (Article 231) |
65 |
Annex (1 to 25) |
67 |
Section VIIIIV.—Property, rights and interests (Articles 232 and 233) |
70 |
Annex (1 to 15) |
72 |
Section VIIIV.—Contracts, prescriptions, judgments (Articles 234 to 238) |
75 |
Annex (1 to 23) |
77 |
Section VIIIVI.—Mixed Arbitral Tribunal (Articles 239 and 240) |
81 |
Annex (1 to 9) |
81 |
Section VIIIVII.—Industrial property (Articles 241 to 245) |
82 |
Section VIII.—Special provisions relating to transferred territory (Articles 246 to 259) |
85 |
Part XI.—Aerial Navigation.
Aerial navigation (Articles 260 to 267) |
88 |
Part XII.—Ports, Waterways, and Railways.
Section IIII.—General provisions (Articles 268 to 273) |
89 |
Section IIIII.—Navigation |
90 |
Chapter IIII.—Freedom of navigation (Article 274) |
90 |
Chapter IIIII.—Clauses relating to the Danube (Articles 275 to 291) |
90 |
Chapter III.—Hydraulic system (Articles 292 and 293) |
93 |
Section III.—Railways |
94 |
Chapter VIII.—Freedom of transit to the Adriatic for Hungary (Article 294) |
94 |
Chapter VIIII.—Clauses relating to international transport (Articles 295to 299) |
94 |
Chapter VIIIII.—Rolling-stock (Article 300) |
95 |
Chapter VIIIV.—Transfers of railway lines (Article 301) |
96 |
Chapter VIIV.—Provisions relating to certain railway lines (Articles 302 to 307) |
96 |
Chapter VIIVI.—Transitory provision (Articles 308) |
98 |
Chapter VII.—Telegraphs and telephones (Articles 309 and 310) |
98 |
Section IIIIV.—Disputes and revision of permanent clauses (Articles 311 to 313) |
99 |
Section IIIV.—Special provision (Article 314) |
99 |
Part XIII.—Labour.
Section III.—Organisation of labour |
100 |
Chapter IIII.—Organisation (Articles 315 to 327) |
100 |
Chapter IIIII.—Procedure (Articles 328 to 348) |
102 |
Chapter III.—General (Articles 349 to 351) |
106 |
Chapter IIIIV.—Transitory provisions (Articles 352 to 354) |
106 |
Annex |
107 |
Section II.—General principles (Article 355) |
107 |
Part XIV.—Miscellaneous Provisions.
Miscellaneous provisions (Articles 356 to 364) |
108 |
- Preamble
- Part I. The Covenant of the League of Nations (Arts. 1–26)
- Part II. Frontiers of Hungary (Arts. 27–35)
- Part III. Political Clauses for Europe (Arts. 36–78)
- Part IV. Hungarian Interests outside Europe (Arts. 79–101)
- Part V. Military, Naval and Air Clauses (Arts. 102–143)
- Part VI. Prisoners of War and Graves (Arts. 144–156)
- Part VII. Penalties (Arts. 157–160)
- Part VIII. Reparation (Arts. 161–179)
- Part IX. Financial Clauses (Arts. 180–199)
- Part X. Economic Clauses (Arts. 200–259)
- Part XI. Aerial Navigation (Arts. 260–267)
- Part XII. Ports, Waterways and Railways (Arts. 268–314)
- Part XIII. Labour (Arts. 315–355)
- Part XIV. Miscellaneous Provisions (Arts. 356–364)
- Signatures
- Protocol (Trianon, 4 June 1920)
- Declaration (Trianon, 4 June 1920)
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