Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Long, Charles Edward

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710756Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 34 — Long, Charles Edward1893Gordon Goodwin

LONG, CHARLES EDWARD (1796–1861), genealogist and antiquary, born on 28 July 1796 at Benham Park, Berkshire, was the elder and only surviving son of Charles Beckford Long of Langley Hall, in the same county, by Frances Monro, daughter and heiress of Lucius Tucker of Norfolk Street, Park Lane, London. Edward Long [q. v.], the historian of Jamaica, was his grandfather. He was educated at Harrow School and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he gained a declamation prize, and in July 1818 won the chancellor's gold medal for English verse, the subject being 'Imperial and Papal Rome.' He graduated B.A. in 1819, and M.A. in 1822. Possessed of an ample fortune, he devoted himself to historical and genealogical studies, which were greatly facilitated by the access to the Heralds' College granted him by his uncle, Lord Henry Molyneux Howard, deputy earl marshal. He died unmarried on 25 Sept. 1861, at the Lord Warden Hotel, Dover, on his return from Homburg, and was buried in Seale churchyard, Surrey.

With Harrow and its concerns Long always maintained a friendly relationship. He materially assisted Dr. Butler in his biographical notes to the lists of Harrow scholars, and during 1860 he wrote on the history of the founder, John Lyon [q. v.], in the 'Harrow Gazette.' He took also a considerable interest in the history of Wiltshire, was an earnest promoter of the objects of the Archæological Society for that county, and contributed to its 'Magazine.' During many years he was a frequent correspondent of the 'Gentleman's Magazine,' and the leading antiquarian periodicals.

In 1832 he published a pamphlet in defence of the conduct of his uncle, Robert Ballard Long [q. v.], in the campaign of 1811, entitled 'A Reply to the misrepresentations and aspersions on the military reputation of the late Lieutenant-general Robert Ballard Long, contained in “Further Strictures on those parts of Colonel Napier's History of the Peninsular War which relate to Viscount Beresford,” and two more in reply to Lord Beresford in 1833 and 1835. With the assistance of Sir Charles George Young, Garter, Long compiled in 1845 a volume called 'Royal Descents; a genealogical List of the several Persons entitled to quarter the Arms of the Royal Houses of England.' In 1859 he edited for the Camden Society, from the original manuscript in the British Museum, the 'Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army during the Great Civil War, kept by Richard Symonds.'

His other writings are:

  1. 'Considerations on the Game Laws' [anon.], 8vo, London, 1824.
  2. 'The Albuera Medal,' 8vo, London, 1838, a privately printed pamphlet, protesting against the omission of Lieutenant-general R. B. Long from the recipients of the medal for Albuera in 1814.
  3. 'Letter to the Viscount St. Vincent on the Jamaica House of Assembly's Abandonment of its Legislative Functions,' 8vo, London, 1839.

Long also made 'Genealogical Collections of Jamaica Families,' which he presented to the British Museum; it is Additional MS. 27968. During 1857-9 he gave to the museum many valuable documents relating to Jamaica, which are respectively catalogued as Additional MSS. 21931, 22639, and 22676-80. His letters to the Rev. Joseph Hunter, extending from 1847 to 1859, are preserved in Additional MS. 24870, ff. 189 96.

[Gent. Mag. 1861, ii. 568-9.]