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Raheem Kassam

From Wikiquote
Freedom is a God-given right. This means maximising liberty while minimising harm to others.

Raheem Jamaludin Kassam (1 August 1986) is a British political activist, former editor-in-chief of Breitbart News London, and former chief adviser to former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage. He has been described as far-right and right-wing He is the former global editor-in-chief of Human Events and most recently became the editor-in-chief of The National Pulse.




  • Steve: According to him [Cuomo] it doesn't matter where you died.
    Raheem: Well according to him it doesn't matter where you put your hands.
    • War Room Pandemic, Ep. 768, 3/2/2021 11:05AM EST live. Regarding accusations against Andrew Cuomo regarding nursing home deaths and sexual assault accusations.


  • Insulting the hijab is also hardly Islamophobic. Indeed many in the West see the hijab as a symbol of oppression against women, and in opposing it are simply standing up for classical liberal, Western values.
  • All across the continent of Europe, and more recently in the United States, we have seen acts of the most heinous depravity and barbarity committed in the name of this religion. All the while, the reformist and moderating voices are shut down by hard-line Sunnis and their useful idiot, fellow travellers. Groups like the Soros-funded Hope not Hate demonise even practising Muslims for daring to oppose Shariah law.
  • Mrs. May knows that with her current, slim majority in Parliament, she is at the behest of the hard Brexiteers who could easily mount a coup against her, defying the party whip, and may be even worse, if she demurs from her short-lived mantra of “Brexit means Brexit”. And you don’t need to fall for it or worry about it either. Look at the mathematics of a parliamentary election, before you head down into the comments and start screaming, “But Corbyn doesn’t want ANY Brexit! She’s our only hope!” The fact is you’re going to end up with her anyway. There’s no chance Corbyn and this fantasy “coalition of chaos” comes to pass, given the situation up and down the country. It’s a magnificent, though somewhat predictable, piece of Tory electioneering. But that’s all it is.
  • UKIP’s manifesto was a rehash of its 2015 offering. Which was good, but there was barely anything for us to sink our teeth into. Burka ban? Great. I had it in my leadership manifesto last year. But let’s face it, the people keen on such a thing would have probably voted UKIP anyway. Where were the new, flatter tax plans? Where was the digital strategy? Where were the “wedge issue” moments that drew a distinction between the political establishment and the insurgent populist party? I didn’t see any.
  • The Brazilians have already elected a Trumpian nationalist. So too the Hungarians, Poles, Austrians, and Italians. If the world is indeed watching America, it looks like they’re learning from Trump rather than staring wide-eyed into a concocted vacuum of leadership.
    • Opinion: Romney stands for failed politics of past, The Detroit News (January 3, 2019)
  • Freedom is a God-given right. This means maximising liberty while minimising harm to others. Owning an AR-15 does no harm to others. Using it to kill people does. So murder is not a right. But property ownership — especially for defense — is.
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