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I sat me down to watch upon a bank
With ivy canopied and interwove
With flaunting honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera), also known as Woodbine, are arching shrubs or twining vines in the family Caprifoliaceae, native to the Northern Hemisphere. There are about 180 species of honeysuckle, 100 of which occur in China; Europe, India and North America have only about 20 native species each.


  • And stroke with listless hand
    The woodbine through the window, till at last
    I came to do it with a sort of love.
  • Around in silent grandeur stood
    The stately children of the wood;
    Maple and elm and towering pine
    Mantled in folds of dark woodbine.
    • Julia C. R. Dorr, At the Gate; reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 372.
  • I sat me down to watch upon a bank
    With ivy canopied and interwove
    With flaunting honeysuckle.
  • I plucked a honeysuckle where
    The hedge on high is quick with thorn,
    And climbing for the prize, was torn,
    And fouled my feet in quag-water;
    And by the thorns and by the wind
    The blossom that I took was thinn'd,
    And yet I found it sweet and fair.
    • Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Honeysuckle; reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 372.
  • And honeysuckle loved to crawl
    Up the low crag and ruin'd wall.
  • And bid her steal into the pleached bower,
    Where honeysuckles, ripen'd by the sun,
    Forbid the sun to enter, like favorites,
    Made proud by princes, that advance their pride
    Against that power that bred it.
  • And the woodbine spices are wafted abroad,
    And the musk of the rose is blown.
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