Eric Cantona

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Eric Cantona in 2009

Eric Cantona (born May 24, 1966) is a French former footballer of the 1990s. He ended his professional footballing career at Manchester United where he won four F.A. Premiership titles in five years, including two FA Cup "doubles". Cantona is often regarded as having played a major "talismanic" role in the revival of Manchester United as a footballing powerhouse, and was voted their player of the century in 2000.

By Eric Cantona

  • When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
  • After his first training session in heaven, George Best, from his favourite right wing, turned the head of God who was filling in at left-back. I would love him to save me a place in his team - George Best that is, not God.
  • I feel close to the rebelliousness and vigour of the youth here. Perhaps time will separate us, but nobody can deny that here, behind the windows of Manchester, there is an insane love of football, of celebration and of music.
  • Because arguing with racist people is like playing chess with a pigeon: It doesn't matter how good you are! The pigeon is going to knock all the pieces down and shit on the board and parade around like he's won. (the "Playing chess with pigeons..." statement is not something that originated with Eric Cantona but was first created by an Amazon product reviewer and is often repeated by others, per Snopes.)
  • As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport. Soon the science will not only be able to slow down the ageing of the cells, soon the science will fix the cells to the state. And so we will become eternal. Only accidents, crimes, wars, will still kill us but unfortunately, crimes, wars, will multiply. I love football. Thank you. (The first sentence is itself a quotation from King Lear)
  • "The three million people in the street, they go to the bank, withdraw their money, and the banks collapse...That's a real threat, there's a real revolution," he said in the video on the web. At the time, French workers were taking to the streets to protests France's pensions reform.[1]

About Eric Cantona

  • "He was the only player I saw who the manager never had a go at. We all went to a film premiere and were told to wear black ties. Eric turned up in a cream lemon suit with Nike trainers. The manager told him that he looked fantastic!" [1]
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