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Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (film)

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Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a 2009 film about a young inventor named Flint Lockwood who invents a machine that makes food fall from the sky like rain on his island hometown of Swallow Falls.

Directed and written by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, based on the novel by Judi Barrett and Ron Barrett.
Prepare to get served

Flint Lockwood

  • [first lines; narrating] Have you ever felt like you were a little bit different, like you had something unique to offer the world if you could just get people to see it? Then you know exactly how it felt...to be me.
  • [narrating] I wanted to run away that day...but you can't run away from your own feet.
  • From that moment on, I was determined to invent something great.
  • [narrating] My dream was to help my hometown, a tiny island hidden under the "A" in "Atlantic", called Swallow Falls. We were famous for sardines until the day the Baby Brent Sardine Cannery closed for good right after everyone in the world realized that sardines are super gross. Soon, all of us were stuck eating the sardines that no one else wanted. Poached, fried, boiled, dried, candied, and juiced. Life became gray and flavorless. But when all seemed lost, I stared at defeat and found hope. My name is Flint Lockwood. And I was about to invent a machine that turns water into food.
  • Everyone is going to love this.
  • [narrating] It had been almost 10 years since Mom died. And Dad still didn't understand me like she did.
  • [running up to the power station] This is a great idea.
  • [seeing everyone incredibly angry at him while trapped in the giant fish bowl after destroying Sardine Land] Ay, Papi.
  • [talking about how the FLDSMDFR works] Water goes in the top, and food comes out the bottom.
  • [while playing a Jell-O piano] Everything's made of Jell-O! This piano, those sconces, that ghetto blaster, that Jell-O, that aquarium, that Venus de Milo with your face on it next to a Michelangelo's David that also has your face.
  • [to Tim, about wanting to turn off his invention; coldly] It's making everybody happy! Everybody except you. When are you going to accept that this is who I am instead of trying to get me to work in some boring tackle shop?
  • [seeing big hot dogs all around] These are big hot dogs.
  • [explaining to Mayor Shelbourne about the food being over-mutated] This is the molecular structure of a hot dog that fell last week. And this is the molecular structure of a hot dog that fell today. The machine uses microwave radiation to mutate the genetic recipe of the food. The more we ask it to make, the more clouds it takes in, the more radiation it emits, the more these food molecules could over-mutate. I think that's why the food is getting bigger.
  • [seeing a spaghetti tornado] Mamma mia.
  • For the first time in my life, everybody loves something that I've done.
  • I've gotta stop the machine! Everyone's in danger because of me!
  • I tried to help everybody, but instead I ruined everything. I'm just a piece of junk. So I threw myself away...Along with all these dumb inventions. [holds up his Spray-On-Shoes spray can to Tim] This is junk. [then holds up his Hair Un-Balder] This is junk. [points to himself] This is junk.
  • Mom was wrong about me. I'm not an inventor. I should've just quit when you said.
  • [as Tim holds up his lab coat he lost from the spaghetti tornado] My coat.
  • Come on, Steve. We've got a diem to carpe!
  • When it rains, you put on a coat...of Spray-On Shoes!


  • What is the number one problem facing our community today? Untied shoelaces. Which is why I've invented a lace-less alternative foot covering. Spray-On-Shoes!
  • I don't understand fishing metaphors!
  • Everyone just thinks I'm a weirdo.
  • A professional-grade lab coat. Just like the real guys wear! [tries it on] It fits perfect!

Sam Sparks

  • Can you believe it, Manny? Temporary professional meteorologist. Whoo!
  • [looks closely at Flint's shoes] What is going on with your feet? (Flint: Spray-On-Shoes. They don't come off.)
  • Thanks, Patrick. Okay, everyone, you're not going to believe this one, but I'm standing in the middle of a burger rain. You may have seen a meteor shower, but you have never seen a shower "meatier" than this. For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven.
  • [surprised while entering Flint's lab] Wow, you seriously spend a lot of time alone.
  • Well, those cheeseburgers were only the beginning, because a breakfast system is on its way to Swallow Falls. My forecast? Sunny side up.
  • Now that's what I call, poultry in motion.
  • Leftovers? Not a problem with Flint Lockwood's latest invention, the Outtasighter, so named because it catapults uneaten food out of sight, and therefore, out of mind.
  • Flint, this is amazing! And designing the ice cream to accumulate into scoops? I don't know how you're gonna top this!
  • I scream, you scream, we all scream for Flint Lockwood's latest tasty town-wide treat, with flurries of frozen fun on what the mayor declared to be an ice cream snow day. He'd also like to invite everyone in the world to catch a cruise liner, and come on down this Saturday for the grand opening of Chew and Swallow, a town that is truly à la mode. With today's scoop for the Weather News Network, I'm Sam Sparks!
  • We are about to be in the epicenter of a perfect food storm. It's going to spread across the globe. I've calculated the Coriolis acceleration of the storm system. First, it'll hit New York, then Paris, then the Jiayuguan Pass in eastern China. And in four hours, the entire northern hemisphere will be one big potluck.
  • [while upon seeing the meateroid] Water goes in the top, a food hurricane comes out the bottom.
  • Where's Flint? [looks outside as the meateroid explodes; despaired, thinking Flint died] NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • Your son was a great man.
  • Hello, Sam Sparks. I’m America!

Earl Devereaux

  • You're under arrest, Flint Lockwood! Thank goodness. You only caused minimal damage to Sardine Land.
  • Hey! This mess we're in is all our fault. Me, I didn't even protect my own son. Look, I'm as mad at Flint as you are. In fact, when he gets out of that car, I'm gonna slap him in the face! I know Flint Lockwood made the food, but it was made to order, and now it's time for all of us to pay the bill.
  • My chest hairs are tingling. Something's wrong.

"Baby" Brent McHale

  • [repeated line] Uh-oh!
  • What a freak! He wants to be smart, but that's lame.
  • [running while carrying a pair of gold plated ceremonial scissors] I really shouldn't be running with these!
  • What?! You're letting that guy in?! That guy's a nerd.
  • Glad I'm wearing a diaper.
  • Who am I?!
  • I'm not Baby Brent anymore. I'm Chicken Brent, and I'm finally contributing to society!

Patrick Patrickson

  • This just in: Our humiliated weather intern is apparently back for more.
  • Yikes! What is that, a scrunchie? I haven't seen one of those since 1995.


Tim: Flint, you don't keep throwing your net when there aren't any fish.
Flint: What?
Tim: I want you to work full-time at the tackle shop.
Flint: The tackle shop?! Aw, Dad, no!

Sam: Incredible! Did you make all of this stuff? [gasps in realized shock of anger] You hit me with a rocket!
Flint: You kicked me in the face!
Sam: I said I was sorry. [as she continues talking some yellow goop splats on the ladder and a pickle slice lands in the water] Oh! Do you know how hard it is to break into the weather game? I spent my entire life building up to that moment. You get one shot at the show. [something falls out of the sky and lands in a can] And if you don't make it, it's back to cleaning the barometers.
Flint: [walks over to the can and finds a slice of cheese inside] Cheese? [reaches his hand out to grab it and a ratbird appears from the shadows and flies away out of the can, taking the cheese] But that could only mean… [turns and looks up into the sky and gasps]

Sam: This food weather was created intentionally by meek-ish backyard tinkerer, Flint Lockwood.
Townspeople: [surprised] Huh?
Earl: [shocked] Flint Lockwood?!
[Everyone turns to him in the background]
Flint: [sheepishly] Hi.
Earl: [angrily tackles him to the ground] You're under arrest for ruinin' Sardine Land!
Sam: Flint, those burgers were awesome! The producer called and he was all like, [mimicking the producer in a deep voice] "Everybody loves that food weather."
Mayor Shelbourne: Food weather. This could be even bigger than Sardine Land.
Sam: Can you make it rain food again, please?
Flint: Uh, I don't really know if I…
Cal: You're gonna do it again?
Earl: Oh, you gotta be kidding!

Flint: So here's how it works: Water goes in the top, and food comes out the bottom.
Sam: So when you shot it up into the stratosphere, you figured it would induce a molecular phase change of the vapor from the cumulonimbus layer?
Flint: That's actually a really smart observation.
Sam: I mean… The clouds probably have water in them, which, uh, I guess is why you shot it up there in the first place.
Flint: Right, right. That's why I did it that. On-On purpose.
Sam: Right. Yeah.
Flint: [in unison] Right.
Sam: [in unison] Of course.
Flint: The machine uses a principle hydro-genetic mutation. Water molecules are bombarded with microwave radiation which mutates their genetic recipe into any kind of food you want.
Sam: So… pizza?
Flint: Yes.
Sam: Mashed potatoes?
Flint: Yes.
Sam: Peas?
Flint: Yes, that's also a food.
Sam: Steak?
Flint: Yes.
Sam: Apples?
Flint: Mm-hmm.
Sam: Apple sauce?
Flint: Yes.
Sam: Can you do BLT?
Flint: I'm pretty sure I said any kind of food.
Sam: Chicken wings?
Flint: Okay, well, just think about what you're saying and if it's a food, then yes it can.
Sam: Bologna.
Flint: Bologna. That is a food.
Sam: [gasps] How about Jell-O?
Flint: Do you like Jell-O?
Sam: I love Jell-O.
Flint: I love Jell-O too! Oh, and peanut butter, right?
Sam: Oh, no, no. I am severely allergic to peanuts.
Flint: [lying] Hey, me too.
Sam: So what’s it called?
Flint: Peanut allergy.
Sam: No, the machine.
Flint: Of course. It's called the Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super-Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator. Or, for short: The FLDSMDFR!
Sam: [confused] Fliminadifiser?
Sam: Fliminubahdibferer?

Flint: What do you guys want for breakfast?
Steve: Gummy Bears.
Flint: [sternly] Whoa, Steve, no. We both know how you get around Gummy Bears.
Sam: How about… eggs.
Flint: And toast.
Sam: Orange juice.
Flint: And [in unison] bacon!
Sam: [in unison] Bacon!
[Flint dreamily slowly puckers up his lips about to kiss her]
Sam: What are you doing?
Flint: Nothing. To the computer! [quickly types in the breakfast food code]
Sam: So, you're sure this is safe?
Flint: [chuckles] Don't worry. I have a Dange-ometer that lets us know if the food is going to over-mutate.
Sam: Well, what happens if the food over-mutates?
Flint: I don't know. But that'll never happen.

Flint: I've never actually been in a snowball fight.
Sam: Really?
Flint: I don't even know the rules. Is there like a point system or is it... to the death?
Sam: No. You never...? I mean, look, even Steve is throwing chocolate snowballs. Oh, ew.

Sam: Can you keep a secret?
Flint: No. [awkward pause] But this time, sure. Yeah.
Sam: [sighs] Okay. It was a really long time ago, but I too was... a nerd.
Flint: [blankly] "Too"?
Sam: When I was a little girl, I wear a ponytail and glasses, and I was totally obsessed with the science of weather. [Flashback to her childhood; voice-over] Other girls wanted a Barbie. I wanted a Doppler Weather Radar 2000 Turbo. But all the kids used to taunt me with this lame song. It wasn't even clever.
Kids: [singing while taunting rudely Young Sam] ♪ Four eyes! Four eyes! You need glasses to see! ♪
[Flashback ends; Flint snickers a bit and Sam looks at him]
Flint: Go on.
Sam: So, I got a new look, gave up the science-y smart stuff, and I was never made fun of again. [takes her glasses out her pocket] And I still need these glasses, but I never wear them.
Flint: I'll bet you'll look great with glasses on.
Sam: Oh, I'm really…
Flint: And on they go. [puts the glasses on her eyes]
Sam: [as her vision becomes clear] Whoa!
Flint: What?
Sam: Nothing.
Flint: Wait. [quickly carves something out of Jell-O] It's a Jell-O scrunchie. [puts Sam's hair up in a ponytail] And now, the reveal. [covers his eyes with his hands and moves it, revealing the real her] Wow. I mean, you were okay before, but now you're beautiful.
Sam: No, I'm not. I can't go out in public like this.
Flint: Well, why not? I mean, this is the real you, right? Smart. Bespectacled. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
Sam: You know, I've never met anyone like you, Flint Lockwood.
Flint: Me either. But about you.

Joe Towne: A toast…to Flint and his delicious steaks.
Flint: Oh, thanks.

Sam: We need a doctor! Is anyone here a doctor? Anyone?
Manny: I am a doctor.
Sam: You are?
Manny: I was, back in Guatemala. I came here for a better life. Pretty great decision, eh?

Manny: You are going to need a co-pilot.
Sam: You are a pilot, too?
Manny: Yes. I am also a particle physicist.
Sam: Really?
Manny: No, that was a joke. I am also a comedian. [Flint and Sam laugh]

Brent: The pizza's chasing us?!
Flint: Sentient food? That's impossible!
Sam: Unless its molecular structure's mutated into super food!
Both: That's been genetically engineered to protect the FLDSMDFR.
Steve: Pizza.
[Flint, Sam, and Brent all scream]

[Flint and Sam run up to a hole surrounded with peanut brittle]
Sam: That's peanut brittle. If either one of us touches it, we'll go into anaphylactic shock.
Flint: Actually, I'm not entirely allergic to peanuts. I might have just said that to get you to like me.
Sam: So you really thought having allergies would make you more attractive?
Flint: [shrugs] Eh…

Flint: [Hanging from a licorice rope held by Sam, who is swelling up from her peanut allergy] Let go, Sam.
Sam: I'm not gonna let you go! Flint, you'll be stuck down there.
Flint: It's not ideal, no.
Sam: Come with us, Flint. We'll live underground, and use bacon for clothes.
Flint: That's not a very good plan, Sam.
Sam: It is if I don't have to lose you. Look, I like you, okay?
Flint: Like... Like as a friend?
Sam: No, like "like you" like you.
Flint: Me too. But about you. [bites through rope and drops] Goodbye, Sam.
Sam: Flint! No!

[last lines]
Flint: Sam.
Sam: Flint.
Flint: Sam.
Sam: Flint.
Tim: Flint.
Flint: Dad.
Steve: Steve!
Tim: Flint. [sighs] Look, when you... when you cast your line... if it's not straight, um...
Sam: Oh, for crying out loud. [puts Steve's Monkey Thought Translator on Tim's head]
Tim: I'm proud of you, Flint. I'm amazed that someone as ordinary as me could be the father of someone as extraordinary as you. You're talented, you're a total original, and your lab is breathtaking. Your mom, she, uh, always knew you were going to be special. And if she were alive today, she'd tell us both, "I told you so." Now, uh, look, when I take this thing off, and… you hear me make a fishing metaphor, just know that fishing metaphor means… [speaks in a normal voice] I love my son.
Flint: I love you too, Dad.

Mayor Shelbourne: [floating in the middle of the ocean] This was not well thought out.

Voice cast






See also
