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Gallowwalkers is a 2012 American Western horror film which had a screening at the "Film4 FrightFest" festival in the United Kingdom. It was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States in 2013, nearly eight years after the film started production in 2006.

Written and directed by Andrew Goth.


  • Legend goes that somewhere beneath these mountains lies a gateway between heaven and hell. It is said that a sacred sisterhood guards this portal and the power of their prayers keeps the damned from tormenting the living. Trouble with the damned is... they never stay put.
  • Most times, when you bring a man to justice, the axe swings. The noose tightens. That's it. Out here, they come back. Harder to kill. The way I finish them, rip out their heads. As for these men, target practice.
  • Now that's starting the story... at the end. It begins with a harlot. She's with child when the mines dry up, so she becomes a thief. But not very good. She's headed for the gallows when the Sisters of San Diablo find her. They take her in and teach her the secrets of the dead. When the boy child is born, they tell her, "You must give him up. The Gateway to Hell is no place to raise a child." So she sends him to an orphanage. And there, he grows. And grows and grows until the clock strikes twelve. And then they tell him, "You're a man. You must leave." But where? A widowed woman meets him, likes him, takes him in. She is the mistress of a slaughterhouse. She teaches him a trade, puts food on the table. Loves him. And raises him with... her daughter. A beautiful daughter. He grows to love the daughter. She is his to protect. One sunrise, she tells him, "Go with mother to sell the skins. Don't worry. I can take care of myself." He leaves her. Five men ride by. They find her alone. And they make use of her. She keeps it secret until she can no more. For now, she is with child. She begs him, "Forgive her, forget what has happened to her. For the sake of the unborn." She says the men are gone, and to her, they mean... nothing. But not to him. No. For one of them grows inside of her. Unbearable. So for a second time, he leaves. For the next five years, he remembers nothing but the pain of not being by her side. He returns to find her dead. She died giving birth to that... child. They took from him the thing he loved most. Those who were responsible... would pay.
  • I felt for the kid. I really did. But I couldn't just leave him to die. Me, I had unfinished business at my place of my own resurrection. I figured, if I ever made it back, I would tell him about the time when I died.
  • It was over. My death meant nothing. But to my mother, it was everything.
  • And so I awoke beneath that mountain, where my mother had sacrificed her life for mine. While out there, the damned were stirring.


  • What's a girl gotta do to get rescued around here?
  • Death ain't the worse thing to happen to you. Ever heard of the Gallowwalkers?


  • A bottle of beer is a good idea. Wearing a hat in the rain is a good idea. This... is genius.
  • We die, we come back. And you call us... Gallowwalkers. Well, if it's good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for us. It's a hell of a miracle, ain't it? It happens, but no one knows who or how or why. No one knows. Here's the thing: I get shot. My son gets shot. Three of my men get shot. The son of a bitch even shoots my harlot. I come back. My men come back. Even my damn harlot comes back! But with my son? Death persists! Life's little mystery. Does anyone here know where I might find the Sisters of San Diablo? In the Mountain of Resurrection? Hmm? No?


Deputy: What piece of you can I buy for a dollar?
Angel: My pity.
Deputy: I was being kind.
Angel: I like my men heartless.

Fabulos: You don't look like a thief.
Angel: I'm a dancer.
Fabulos: So where'd you learn a trick like that?
Angel: Ballet school.
Fabulos: You know if you cross his path again, he's liable to kill you.
Angel: Death ain't the worst thing that can happen to you. You ever heard of the Gallowwalkers?

Marshal Gaza: Welcome, pilgrims! I do not call you "prisoners". Nor do I call these "gallows". These are the gates of your salvation. For this sacrifice, God has chosen you as the lamb. Just as He chose me to help these righteous people spread justice across the land. I was once a sinner...
Angel: Damn right, you were! Cherry Gaza. Y'all virgin eater!
Gaza: You harlot of Babylon! You painted cat! You womb of vipers! The smell of Jezebel has no power over me now! When I saw the devil rise up from his grave...
Church Novice: Sir, to whom do we plead our case?
Gaza: St. Peter!
Church Novice: You cannot hang us without a trial!
Gaza: I can and I will! You've already been judged and found wanting in the eyes of the Lord. It's through His mercy that He brought you here to be cleansed, by the rope. Just as He cleansed me when I saw the devil rise from the gutter!

Angel: You touch me and you're dead!!
Kansa: Compelling argument. You must be a lawyer.
Kisscut: She's a harlot.
Kansa: An easy mistake. I apologize.

Angel: You freak!!
Kansa: I get that a lot. It doesn't stop it hurting, though.

Kansa: What breed was your mother?
Angel: She was Scottish.
Kansa: Those Celts have luster. And your father, was he... pale skinned?
Angel: Pale? He was invisible.

Angel: I'm a woman in need of rescue. What kind of man are you?
Fabulos: I'm the heartless kind. [to Aman] Hey, come on. I don't know how to be dead!
Aman: No one taught you how to live!


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