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Dragon Tales

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Dragon Tales (1999-2005) is an animated educational fantasy preschool-grade children's television series in which 3 human siblings named Max, Emmy and Enrique go on adventures in a magical land of dragons.

Season 1


To Fly with Dragons [1.1a]

Emmy: Max, look! [pointing at the sky informing Max what she just saw]
Max: Are those...
Max: [hiding behind his sister's back] REAL BIG DRAGONS!!!
Ord: I gotta find it. It's my first tooth and it just fell out.
Cassie: Ord, down there!
Ord: You found my tooth. Huh?! What's that?!
Cassie: I think they're... children! I saw a picture of them in a book.
Ord: We'd better stay far, far... Cassie, where are you going?
Max: Emmy?
Ord: Cassie?
Emmy: Wow! You talk!!
Cassie: So do you!
Emmy: Yes! I'm Emmy and this is my little brother Max!
Max: I'm not little. I'm big!
Cassie: I'm Cassie and this is my friend Ord!
Ord: Hi.
[Max walks up and looks at Ord up close]
Ord: You won't bite me, will ya?
Max: Me, bite you? [laughs]
Emmy: Where are we?
Cassie: Dragon Land.
Emmy: Dragon Land? Do more dragons live here?
Cassie: Sure. Lots and lots! Aren't there dragons where you come from?
Emmy: Only in storybooks.
[Emmy and Max heard a growl noise]
Max: Hey, what's that?
Ord: My tummy! [searching for something in his pouch while pulling out some random stuff in it] I forgot my morning snack. [found what he is looking for] Ha! Dragoncorn!! [tosses the dragon size corn kernels into the air]
Cassie: [scared, pushing Emmy and Max away] DUCK!!!!
[Ord uses his fire breath on the kernels and they popped into dragon size pink popcorn]
Emmy: Wow, fire breath! I always wanted to see that.
Max: Cool Ord! Huge pink [taking a bite of the dragoncorn] popcorn!
[Max, Emmy and Cassie started eating dragoncorn.]
Ord: Now I'm not hungry anymore. But I still don't have my baby tooth. It's gone!
Cassie: Poor Ord.
Emmy: Maybe you can check all the places you played today. That's what I do when I lose stuff.
Ord: Yeah, maybe I lost it at Singing Springs when I show it to Zak and Wheezie.
Max: Whose Zak and Wheezie?
Cassie: We'll show you. C'mon!
[Ord and Cassie flew back into the air but stop in mid air to notice Emmy and Max not coming to join them.]
Ord: Aren't you coming?
Emmy: We can't fly!
Cassie and Ord: Can't fly?! [flew back down to Emmy and Max's side]
Ord: Not even a little bit?
Emmy and Max: No.
Cassie: Well... Emmy? You could ride on my back.
Emmy: Me? Fly?! Definitely!
Ord: Wanna ride on me, Max?
Max: I don't know.
Emmy: It's ok Max. I'll go first. [gets up on Cassie's back]
Cassie: All set?! [flies to the air with Emmy riding on her back]
Emmy: Max, look, look!! I'm flying!!
Max: It does look sorta fun. But how am I gonna get way up there?
Ord: Climb on! [Max climbs on Ord's back and he's laughs a little] You tickle!
Max: Whoooaaaa!!! This is better than my flight at home Emmy!
Ord: Ready?!
Max: Guess so.
Ord: Hold on tight. All aboard for Sining Springs! [fly in the air with Max riding on his back]
Emmy: You can open your eyes now, Max.
[Cuts to a magnificent view of a mountain they fly by. Next scene is the Singing Springs fountain as they arrive]
Max: That water is playing music!
Ord: Sure. This is Singing Springs!
Cassie: But where are Zak and Wheezie?
Ord: I'll get em. [walks up near a knuckerhole] ZAK!!! WHEEZIE!!!
[The knuckerhole erupted spitting out Zak and Wheezie in the sky and landed into the Sining Springs fountain.]
Zak and Wheezie: What's up?
Max: [gasp] It's a...
Emmy: ...two-headed dragon!
Wheezie: Great balls of fire!!!
Zak: What are they?!
Cassie: Children! Emmy and Max, this is Zak and Wheezie.
Zak: Children?!
Wheezie: Whoa! Loooooove it!!!
Ord: Zak, Wheezie, did I left my tooth in your room?
Zak: I don't know.
Wheezie: Let's go look.
[Both went back into the knuckerhole]
Max: Where'd they go?
Cassie: Down the knuckerhole! They live down there.
Emmy: A knuckerhole?! Wow! Can we see?
Cassie: Sure. Come on!
Max: Me first this time.
Emmy: Okay, okay!
[Ord, Max, Cassie and Emmy slide into the knuckerhole and arrived at Zak and Wheezie's cave]
Wheezie: Our cave is your cave.
Ord: Did you find my tooth?
Zak: I don't see your tooth on my side.
Wheezie: It's not on my side either.
Zak: How can you tell where anything is in all that mess?!
Wheezie: What mess?
Ord: [sigh] I guess my tooth isn't here.
Cassie: Maybe Quetzal can help us look.
Emmy: Quetzal?
Cassie: Our teacher at the School in the Sky.
Max: You go to school up in the sky?!
[Next scene shows dragons at a playground playing and pans to the left showing the School in the Sky.]
Emmy: Cool playground!
Max: Wow!
Ord: Quetzal!
Quetzal: ¡Que sorpresa! Children! Here in Dragon Land!
Cassie: Emmy, Max! This is Quetzal!
Quetzal: Hola, niños!
Emmy: You speak Spanish!
Quetzal: ¡Sí! I came from Mexico.
Max: So does my abuelita!
Emmy: Maybe we're cousins!
[Quetzal laughs a little bit]
Cassie: Quetzal, have you ever seen children in Dragon Land before?
Quetzal: Ah, sí, Cassie. Come and I will show you.
[The next scene shows the Big Storybook as Quetzal opens it and show the image of a lonely dragon.]
Quetzal: Long ago in Dragon Land, there was a lonely dragon who wish to play with real, live children. So she sprinkled magic dust on her shiniest dragon scales and blew them right out of Dragon Land. And whenever children are lucky enough to find one, they can visit Dragon Land any time they want.
Emmy: And we found one of her scales!
Ord: But we didn't find my tooth! [sniffs sadly]
Max: Don't cry, Ord.
Quetzal: You lost your tooth? Show me!
Max: I found something today that looks just like that. [took the tooth out from his pocket to show it to Ord] See?!
Ord: It's my tooth!! It's my tooth!! [gives Max a big hug] Thank you, Max. You're the best!
Max: Uh Ord? I'm squished.
Emmy: What are you doing, Ord?
Ord: Every time dragons loose a tooth, they get to make a wish and this is my first one. [blew at the tooth and it magically disappeared]
Max: What'd you wish for?
Ord: I wished you and Emmy would come back and play. All the time!
Wheezie: Loooooove it!!!
Zak: Me too!
Quetzal: Well this is easy! Whenever you want Emmy and Max to visit, just rub this dragon scale and magic. The dragon scale at their house will glow and they'll know you want to play with them.
Emmy: But we don't know how to go home.
Quetzal: I'll teach you a special rhyme to take you home. Ready, niños?
[The dragons and Emmy and Max say their good byes promising they'll see each other again]
Emmy: Ready, Quetzal!
Quetzal: Now, here's the rhyme: I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home, until next time.
Emmy and Max: I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home, until next time.
[They are surrounded by sparkles, and there is a flash as the view goes white; fades in to the playroom, the dragon tapestries reappear on the wall as more sparkles appear; another flash as Emmy and Max appear. Emmy goes to the secret drawer and opens it to reveal the box from before; she opens it to see the dragon scale, right where she left it.]
Emmy: It's here!! I can't wait to go back to Dragon Land.
Max: Me too! I wonder if Ord has trucks? [making a vroom sound as he play with his toy truck]
Mom: Emmy! Max! How do you like the new house?
[A beat...]
Emmy and Max: LOOOOOOOVE IT!
[Both laugh and the episode ends fading away to black]

The Forest of Darkness [1.1b]

Mom: Emmy. Max. Everything okay up there?
Emmy: Yeah, Mom.
Max: Bubble gum.
Emmy: Come on, Max. Let's go to Dragon Land.

To Kingdom Come [1.2a]

Emmy: If you'd shared the Wish Shell in the first place, Ord, we definitely wouldn't be in this mess!

[Ord breaks off a tiny piece of his cupcake and offers it to Monsieur Marmadune, however is not enough.]
Monsieur Marmadune: This is sharing?
Ord: [breaks off a larger piece of his cupcake] This much?
Max: More...
Ord: [breaks another piece again] This much?
Max: More...
Ord: [frustrated] Awwwwwwww... THIS IS SO HARD! [until ultimately divide his cupcake in half and offers it to Monsieur Marmadune]

Ord: Hey look, my dragon badge is shining! I did it, I shared!

Good-bye, Little Caterpoozle! [1.2b]

  • [When Cassie sees Poozie the caterpillar inside a silk sack --called a w:chrysalis-- and is sleeping inside it.]
  • Cassie: [gasps] Oh she is dead!
  • [Cassie cries.]

Knot a Problem [1.3a]


Ord's Unhappy Birthday [1.3b]

[The episode starts out in the playroom where Max and Emmy are wrapping presents. Emmy’s is all wrapped up neatly while Max’s is rather wrinkled and uneven.]
Max: Look Emmy! I'm done wrapping my birthday present for Ord. Neat, huh?
[Max holds up his present, but the ribbon unravels and falls off.]
Emmy: [unsure] Uh, sure Max.
[Max struggles to tie the ribbon back on. So Emmy tries to help.]
Emmy: Put your finger on the ribbon, Max. I'll make a bow for you.
Max: Thanks.
[Max puts his left index finger on the knot while Emmy ties the bow. But it ends up being so tight, Max's finger gets stuck in the ribbon.]
Max: Hey! My finger’s stuck!
Emmy: Come on, Max. We gotta help Cassie get ready for Ord's surprise birthday party
[Max and Emmy hold the scale and start saying their opening wish.]
Max and Emmy: I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.
[The dragons on the wall come to life and circle around the kids flying faster and faster until they disappear in a bright light and soon they arrive in DragonLand.]
Emmy: Cassie!
Max: There she is!
[Max spots a dragon tail waving behind a tree but is blue, not pink.]
Emmy: Cassie! Look what we got for...
[The figure that comes out from behind the tree is, in fact, Ord]
Emmy: [whispering] It’s Ord! Hide your present!
[Emmy hides her gift behind her back and Max tries to hide his but his finger is still stuck on the bow. Ord approaches the kids and he bows down.]
Ord: Max. Emmy. Guess what? Today's my birthday. Look what mom and dad got me. [shows them a pencil with a feathery end and he draws a little tic-tac-toe grid in midair]
Ord: It draws on anything. Wanna play with it?
Max: Yeah!
Emmy: No!
[Ord gets a little surprised at the response.]
Emmy: I mean, no kidding. Today's your birthday.
Ord: Uh huh. It’s my very favorite day of the year. You wanna play?
[Max wanted to say yes, but then he remembered...]
Max: We can't. We gotta go meet Cassie and set up the par...
Emmy: [interrupting] Picnic! Uh, Max and I are having a picnic with Cassie. So happy birthday, Ord. Bye.
Ord: But...
[Max and Emmy leave with their gifts behind their backs, leaving Ord all alone.]
Ord: Bye.
[The kids later arrived at the treehouse.]
Max: [whispering] Don't forget the secret knock.
[Emmy nods, knocks on the door four times and then another four more. The door opens revealing Cassie.]
Cassie: Max! Emmy! Phew! I’m so glad it’s you. I thought you were Ord.
Max: We're not Ord. Ord’s in the meadow.
[Max and Emmy head inside while Cassie gets a little worried that Ord might have followed them.]
Cassie: Is he coming this way?
Emmy: I don't think so. We had to tell him he couldn’t play with us.
Max: I hope we didn’t make him sad.
Cassie: Well I bet he’s going to be really happy when we surprise him. Come on, you two can help me blow up the balloons.
[Cassie hands Max and Emmy a balloon. Max tries inflate one up but release and comes out flying. Max then wobbles around holding his head.]
Max: Wow! I’m dizzy.
Cassie: Don’t worry, Max. I’ll blow them up.
[Cassie blows up a balloon herself.]
Max: Hey, what can I do?
[Emmy hands Max the balloons.]
Emmy: You hold them. Don't let go.
[Max is holding three balloons, a green and pointy one with yellow spots, and lavender one shaped like a star and a pink one with a smiley face on it, to whom Max sticks his tongue out and laugh.]

Zak: Ord! Uh...
Wheezie: What are you doing here?
Ord: Today's my birthday. Whatcha wearing the party hats for?
Zak: Hats?
Wheezie: What hats? [Looks to the ones on top of their heads.] Oh, those hats. Those aren’t party hats. They're uh... umm...
Zak: Rain-hats. Only it's not raining. Guess we don’t need them, Wheezie.

[Just then a knock is heard on the door.]
Zak: [whispering] That wasn’t the secret knock!
Sid Sycamore: [whispering] It’s Ord! Hide everything!
[Everyone scrambles to hide everything. Zak and Wheezie take the pizza, Max puts away the party hats, and Emmy takes the balloons and hands them to Sid Sycamore.]
Emmy: Sid, will you hold these for me?
[Meanwhile they hand the rest of the stuff to Zak and Wheezie.]
Zak: Where are you gonna put that?
[Wheezie ultimately decides to put the stuff in their pouch.]
Zak: Ew! That feels gross!
[All that was left was the tablecloth which they remove as Ord opens the door.]
Ord: Hello?
[Inside the gang is sitting on the floor doing a puzzle.]
Emmy: Oh, hi Ord. What’s up?
Ord: I wasn't doing anything and, uh, I thought maybe you needed some help setting up your... [notices the room.] picnic?
Zak: We decided not to have the picnic.
Wheezie: Yeah. Putting together a puzzle is much more exciting.
Ord: I love puzzles. Can I play?
Emmy: Well uh... um...
Max: Sure.
[Emmy slaps her forehead. Zak slaps his as well, Wheezie puts her hand over his and Zak gets angry.]
Max: You can help me, Ord.
Ord: Great!
[Ord heads to the school and inside he finds Quetzal wrapping a gift.]
Ord: Quetzal?
Quetzal: Buenos dias, Ord. How are you today?
Ord: Not so good. [notices the gift.]
Ord: Who’s that for?
Quetzal: A very good friend of mine.
[Ord goes back to being sad again.]
Quetzal: What’s the matter?
Ord: I'm sad because today's my birthday, and it's a really special day, but my friends must not like me anymore because they don't want to play with me. And Cassie didn't invite me to her picnic, and then everyone decided to make a puzzle instead of a picnic, and before I could even push one piece together, they pushed me away and... and... and I’m not having a happy birthday at all.
Quetzal: Hmmm, you did the right thing coming to see me, Ord.
Ord: I did?
Quetzal: Si. [checks his pocket watch] I know just what to do to make you feel better.
Ord: You do?
Quetzal: Uh huh. Come with me.
[Ord and Quetzal go over to the treehouse where the others are watching by the window and laugh.]
Ord: But they don't want to play with me, Quetzal. I already tried.
Quetzal: Courage, Ord. Go up there and tell them what you told me.
Ord: Are you sure?
Quetzal: Si.
Ord: Okay.
[Ord goes up the stairs and he takes one last look toward Quetzal who gives him a nod, before knocking on the door.]
Cassie: Who's there?
Ord: It's me, Ord. And I'm sad 'cause today's my birthday but no one wants me around. And I really want to be friends and play with you so can I come in? Can I, please?
Cassie: Not yet.
Ord: See? They don't want me.
Cassie: Okay, you can come in now.
Ord: Really?
[Ord opens the door and is surprised.]
Ord: You like me! You really like me.
[Max runs up to Ord and hugs him]
Max: Of course we do, Ord. You're our biggest, bestest friend of all.
Emmy: We just didn't want you to find out about the surprise party.
Ord: Boy! I was really surprised.
[Wheezie lights the candle with her fire breath]
Wheezie: Come on, Ord. Make a wish and blow out the candle.
Ord: Okay?
[Ord uses wind power to blow it out and everyone applauds]
Max: All right, Ord.
[All laugh]
Emmy: Good one.
[Quetzal walks around with a knife in his hand and starts cutting the cake.]
Ord: [with his mouth full] This is the best birthday I've ever had.
Max and Emmy: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time. [Both then disappear and appear back in the playroom]
Max: Oooh! My tummy hurts from eating all that cake.
Emmy: Me too. But it sure is a yummy tummyache.
Max: [laughs] Yeah.
Emmy: Where are you going, Max?
Max: To tell mom I want a surprise birthday party next year.
Emmy: But if you know it’s a surprise party, it won’t be a surprise.
[Max thought about that and realized she’s right.]
Max: Then you ask mom for me. Mommy! Emmy has something to ask you!
[Max heads out the door while Emmy just shakes her head.]

Tails You Lose [1.4a]

Wheezie: OH! They're dragons Zak, not snails!
Zak: Slow music is better for the game!
[Zak and Wheezie argue over whether the dance must be fast or slow.]
Wheezie: IS NOT!
Zak: IS TOO!
Wheezie: IS NOT!
Zak: IS TOO!
Wheezie: IS NOT!

Emmy: I'm not out! You don't play fair! I want another chance!
Cassie: Sorry Emmy. But we have to play the game by the rules.
Emmy: Rules stink! And losing stinks!
Wheezie: [comforts Emmy] Look at it this way, Emmy. Next time you might win.
Cassie: Don’t go, Emmy!
Emmy: [to Max] COME ON, MAX!
Emmy: [sternly] I SAID, "COME ON, MAX!"
Ord: Oh...! Can Max stay?
Zak: [also trying to cheer Emmy up] We’ll finish this game. Then we’ll play a new one.
Max: [turns to Emmy] WELL, I AM GOING TO STAY!
Emmy: Fine! I'm going home!
[Emmy turns away.]
Emmy: [says the "wrapping up" line] I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme to go back home until next time!
[Emmy disappears and exits Dragon Land without Max.]
Max: Bye, Emmy.

[Back in the playroom, Emmy plays with her whale puppet --named "Mr. Whale".]
Emmy: Hey, Mr. Whale. What do you want to do today? [then as her whale puppet] "NO SILLY GAMES! THAT IS FOR SURE!" [then as her normal voice] How about color? I can't lose at that. No peeking. You can look now, Mr. Whale. What do think? It's Max and and my dragon friends playing Freeze Dance. [then as her whale puppet] "IF THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS, HOW COME YOU ARE NOT PLAYING TOO?" [then back to her normal voice] It's a dumb game. [sighs] They do look like they're have fun. More fun than me anyway… Maybe I should go back, just to make sure Max is alright. Thanks for listening, Mr, Whale. [Emmy puts her puppet away and takes out the dragon scale] I wish, I wish, with all my heart with to fly dragons in a land apart.

Calling Dr. Zak [1.4b]

Emmy: It's in here somewhere. Got it!
Max: And I got my guitar. [imitates guitar]
Emmy: Stop fooling around, Max. We have to get to Dragon Land.
Kids: I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Kids: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
Emmy: I knew Zak and Wheezie were gonna win the dance contest.
Max: They were great.
Mom: Max! Emmy!
Emmy: What is it, Mom?
Mom: I made a doctor's appointment for you both tomorrow. It's time for your checkups.
[Despite a "doctor's appointment" announcement --made by their mother-- Max and Emmy do not mind.]
Max: Let's play doctor, Emmy.
Emmy: Okay.

Dr. Booboogone: Now Zak, squeeze!
[Zak shuts his eyes and squeezes Wheezie's hand as the thorn is removed]
Zak: I'm squeezing as hard as I can! I'm still squeezing! When are you going to take the thorn out?
Dr. Booboogone: I already have, Zak.
Zak: [shocked] Huh?

Pigment of Your Imagination [1.5a]

Max: Dandelions.
Emmy: Max, no! [Emmy shook his head]
Ord: Anything!
[couching, music playing and painting cans chatting]
[Before going back to the playroom.]
Kids: I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home until next time.

Zak's Song [1.5b]

Wheezie: But Do-Re-Mi's are wild birds, they like wild music, i'll show ya...!
Zak: [putting it in its place] No, Wheezie! This time i'm gonna try it my way. [he removes the beak of bird and keep going playing the melody in front of the Do-Re-Mi's]
Wheezie: It's not working see, I knew...
Max: Look!

Snow Dragons [1.6a]


The Fury is Out on This One [1.6b]


The Giant of Nod [1.7a]

Wheezie: I don't believe it, he didn't even yawn.

The Big Sleepover [1.7b]

[Emmy goes over to Cassie's house and knocks on the door; Cassie comes out to bedroom window.]
Cassie: Emmy! What are you doing here?
Emmy: What are you doing here? Aren't you coming to Zak and Wheezie's sleepover?
Cassie: Oh, I don't know. [Emmy climbs up to her window through the ivy of the facade and Cassie gasps]
Emmy: Come on, Cassie. You'll have fun! Big time!
Cassie: I know. But I've never slept away from my mommy and daddy before! Ever! Not even one whole time!
Emmy: Well, what if you brought something to remind you of home?
Cassie: Like what?
Emmy: On my first sleepover, I brought Lupita. She's my favorite doll.
Cassie: Oh! Maybe I could bring... [leaves and comes back with a pile of books] Some of my favorite books! [catches the top book as it falls off]
Emmy: How about just one?
Cassie: Oh, I could never pick just one. Wait, I've got another idea! [puts the books away and returns with a pile of pillows] How about my favorite pillows? [Emmy shakes her head] Still too much?
Emmy: Definitely!
Cassie: Oh. I know! [puts the pillows away and takes out a photo of her with her parents and two of her siblings] I'll take this picture of my mommy and daddy and all my brothers and sisters! [unfolds it to reveal more pictures that tile out the window down the wall]
Emmy: All seventy-four of them? That'll work. Come on, you can do it!
Cassie: Okay, I'll try.
Emmy: Yes!
[Changes to the knuckerhole later that night; the sleepover is on! Laughter and cheering rings out from Zak and Wheezie's bedroom as Emmy, Max, Ord, and Cassie jump in the bed while Zak looks at his alarm clock and Wheezie play his drum.]

Zak: Now, can we PLEASE get ready for bed?! ["PLEASE" is mistakenly heard as "police"]
Zak and Wheezie's dad: Everything really funtastic and wild in there for you kiddos?
Zak and Wheezie's mom: [as Cassie hesitates and takes out a photo of her family] Now if you need anything, dear, remember, we're right down the hall. Just a holler away. A few small steps.
Zak: Thanks, mommy.
Emmy: What's the matter, Cassie?
Cassie: I miss my daddy and mommy.
Wheezie: Why don't you call them?
Cassie: Can I?
Wheezie: Sure!
[Changes to a ceiling phone horn; Wheezie gets it down for Cassie to use.]
Wheezie: Talk away!
Cassie: Hi, this is Cassie. Can you connect me to my mommy and daddy?
Cassie's dad: Hello? Cassie? Is that you?
Cassie: Hi, Daddy.
Cassie's dad: Are you having fun?
Max: [comes past still spinning] Wheeeeeeeee!!!
Cassie: Sort of. I just wondered if you and Mommy miss me. I mean, I could come home if you want.
Cassie's dad: Of course we miss you, honey, but why don't you try and stay a little longer and have fun with your friends?
Cassie: Okay, I'll try.
Cassie's dad: Bye, sweetie.
Cassie:: Bye, Daddy.
[The call ends and the phone retracts.]

[Ord makes shadow puppets]
Max: Wow! That's cool! Let me try! [makes a simplistic shadow puppet]
Zak: What is that?
Max: A rock.
Zak and Wheezie's dad: Okay, kiddos! Five minutes until beddy-bye time!
Wheezie: [dismayed] Oh, Zaky...

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words [1.8a]

[The Doodle Fairy has drawn a picture to communicate with them]
Max: It's a hairy bug!
[The Doodle Fairy shakes her head]
Zak: This is too hard! I quit.
Ord: We can't give up! Please!

The Talent Pool [1.8b]

Cassie: I know. I can't help it.
Emmy: I have an idea, Cassie.
Cassie: Can I try? [giggles] I'm doing it.
Emmy: That's it.
Max: Way to go, Cassie!
Ord: Yay, Cassie!
Cassie: [notices sound] Sorry, Zak. Here. I'll fix your boo-boo.
Zak: [sighs] Thanks for helping me fell better, Cassie.
Cassie: Yeah, but, I can't do anything special for the talent show.
Ord: Don't give up, Cassie.

Cassie: I don't know what to do, Quetzal. I try and try, but, I can't think of anything special I can do.
Quetzal: Why don't we look in the Big Story Book?

Emmy's Dreamhouse [1.9a]

Zak: Emmy, how do you like the steps Wheezie and I made?
Wheezie: We've even thought of a secret musical password. [plays "Shave and a Haircut" on the steps, with Zak's triangle making up the final two notes.] Looooooove it!
Emmy: It's great. But red steps would go better with the rest of the treehouse, don't you think? [pours a can of red paint all over the stairs and some of it gets on Wheezie's foot]
Wheezie: [angrylid] No! You said we could have...
Zak: Whatever we want and...
Wheezie: We want black and white!
Emmy: Oops. Sorry. I guess I forgot to ask again, didn't I?
[Zak and Wheezie are angry as Emmy enters the treehouse where everyone is setting up their things. Cassie is setting up her bookshelf.]
Cassie: Let's see. Where should I put my picture book on flying? Right there. [the book flies into place] How do you like my new bookshelf, Emmy?
Emmy: It looks nice, Cassie. It would look better with these flowers on it. [takes out a flowerpot with flowers in it]
Cassie: But those are your flowers!
Emmy: Yeah.
Cassie: And they're too tall!
Emmy: I know. [takes all of Cassie's books off the shelf and lowers the middle shelf to the bottom. She then puts the books cover side down with two stacked up in the middle and puts the flowerpot on top of them.]
Emmy: Perfect!
Cassie: But... my books! [starts crying and shrinks]
Emmy: Oh, Cassie, I'm sorry I made you feel bad! [Cassie runs off] I can't believe I forgot to ask what she wanted.
Max: Emmy, take a look through my telescope!
[Ord is getting his toy chest set up and Max has put his telescope near the window]
Max: You can see the Stickleback Mountains.
Ord: And check out my... my... [grunts trying to close it but can't] ...toy drawer. Neat, huh?
Emmy: Yeah! And this is a great spot for our play rug.
[She unfolds the rug doing fall Max's telescope and covers the toy chest a bit at the corner]
Emmy: We'll only have to move your stuff a little bit, okay?
Ord: I guess.
[Emmy pushes the toy chest off the rug into the wall and moves the telescope to the opposite side.]
Emmy: That's better.
Max: No, it isn't! You didn’t leave room for my telescope!
Ord: And I can’t play with my toy drawer in the corner because there’s not enough room!
Cassie: [aggravated] And you made my bookshelf the way you wanted it!
Wheezie: And Zaky and I didn’t like how you repainted our steps!
Zak: Or our toenails! [Wheezie shows the paint on her foot]
Wheezie: [wryly] Actually, I thought the toenails were kinda pretty.
Max: [carrying his telescope] You’re not being nice, Emmy!
Wheezie: Come on, everyone! Let’s go build our own treehouse!
Zak: The way we want it!
[Everyone less Emmy leaves very annoying]
Emmy: [also angry] I was just trying to make the treehouse better, that's all!
[They all leave indignant with their stuff and Zak and Wheezie takes the staircase leaving Emmy in the treehouse]
Emmy: Have it your way! I'll just build my own treehouse! [so she tries to build a ladder herself but it breaks] Oh, this is no fun.
Sid Sycamore: Hey, maybe a tree joke will cheer you up! Why did the tree cross the road? Give up? He had to "leaf!" Get it? Tree? Leaf? Ha ha! [He laughs, and leaves fall out; Emmy does not answer.] So, friend troubles, huh?
Emmy: Yeah. They're mad. I didn't let them do what they wanted.
Sid Sycamore: Well, if you choose all the colors and decide where everything should go, what's left for your friends to do?
Emmy: They can, uh... Not much, I guess. Maybe I'd better help them put things back the way they wanted.
Sid Sycamore: Hey, now you're barkin' up the right tree!
[Rumbling is heard and the purple goo clouds are coming closer]
Sid Sycamore: Hey, you better hurry. The purple goo clouds are almost here!
[Emmy runs off and the others are at the other side of the forest carrying their things when she them catches up]
Emmy: Wait up! [they stop, she sighs and asks for forgiveness, with the purpose of amendment] I guess I wasn't very good at listening and letting you do what you wanted. It's just that I get really excited about my own ideas. But it's no fun building a treehouse without my friends. Can we finish it together? Please?
Ord: Sure!
Wheezie: Of course!
Max: Let's do it!
Emmy: Come on, Cassie. We can fix your bookshelf just the way you wanted. And, Max, where do you want that telescope?
[Much later, the treehouse is being finished the way everyone wants it. Max and Ord roll out the rug and Emmy builds the roof. More rumbling as the purple goo clouds come closer and everyone notices.]

Dragon Sails [1.9b]


Eggs Over Easy [1.10a]


A Liking to Biking [1.10b]

Emmy: [singing] Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Max: Heh, and don't come back!

Cassie: Ord, you're a dragon; use your wings.
Ord: Oh, yeah! [flies safely back up the cliff] I forgot.

[last lines]
Emmy: Look, Max, the rain stopped. We can go outside now.
Max: Yeah!
Emmy: Watch the door!
Max: [crashes and falls] I know, I know. Watch where I'm going.
[both giggle]

Sky Pirates [1.11a]


Four Little Pigs [1.11b]

Max: I'm the pig in the straw house! [Max's puppet has a mustache.] [imitates pigs oinks]
Ord: I'm the pig in the house of sticks. [imitates pigs oinks]
Cassie: And I'm the smart pig! In the brick house! Oink, oink, oink!
Emmy: And now it's time for the most important puppet of all!
Zak: Yeah! The really big....
Wheezie: Really bad...
Zak, Wheezie and Emmy: Wolf! [imitates wolf's howls until they stop. Zak and Wheezie stare at Emmy. Zak is glaring and Wheezie is confused.]
Zak: Huh?
Wheezie: Why'd you make a wolf?
Emmy: 'Cause I'm playing the wolf.
[Zak and Wheezie growl at Emmy's sock puppet and look at each other and back at Emmy]
Emmy: What a cool wolf puppet! Oh, I'm sorry! I wouldn't have made my puppet... [takes her wolf puppet off her left hand and tosses it aside and grabs Zak and Wheezie's wolf puppets and puts them on both her hands] ...if I knew you were gonna make one for me. Thank you so much!
[Zak and Wheezie look at each other sad]
Zak: Uh, you're welcome.
[Wheezie gets mad]
Wheezie: No, she's not! We made it for us! [Wheezie takes back her and Zak's wolf puppets from Emmy and places them on both their hands] We want to play the wolf!
Emmy: But I thought you wanted to play the music.
Zak: We always have to play the music!
Wheezie: And this time we want to do something else!
Max: But you play music the best!
Zak: Well, we wanna be the wolf!
Wheezie: Yeah! No wolf...
Both: No Zak and Wheezie.
Cassie: But if you play the wolf, who will play the music?
[Emmy hangs her head down]
Emmy: I can't play the music by myself.
Cassie: Well, I don't think I can. [to Ord with her puppet] What about you?
Ord: Oh, no! [with his puppet] I'm a pig!
Emmy: [to Zak and Wheezie] You've got to play the music!
Max: You're the best!
Ord: Please!
Cassie: Will you?
[Zak gets mad]
Zak: No! If we can't be the wolf....
Wheezie: We don't wanna play with you anymore. [both Zak and Wheezie nod their heads no and walk out of the theater. Emmy tries to say something, but the words don't come out. Zak and Wheezie run away angrily. Cassie peeks out calling to them. Then Emmy, Max and Ord peek out.]
Cassie: Zak!
Emmy: Wheezie!
Ord: Wait!
[Zak and Wheezie jump into their hole. Cassie runs up to the hole. Emmy, Max and Ord follow suit. They peek down the hole. They are now all sad.]
Cassie: [sighs] I guess we'll have to do the show without them.
Ord: But we need music, don't we?
Emmy: [smiling] I have an idea! Come on!
[The gang goes back to the stage. Zak and Wheezie poke their heads out of their hole and sees the gang walking away. Zak and Wheezie look at each other sadly.]

Wolf: I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.

Max: I miss Zak and Wheezie.

Zak and the Beanstalk [1.12a]


A Feat on Her Feet [1.12b]

Zak: Slow down!
Max: It's Cassie.
Ord: Look out!
[all screaming]
Cassie: Oh, no! [crashes]
Emmy: Sorry, Cassie.
Ord: Are you okay?
Cassie: I'm fine. But, look, my poor flowers. Oh, you poor things. How I will ever get you to Singing Springs now?
Emmy: Why do you need to take the flowers to Singing Springs, Cassie?
Cassie: Because they're Jingle Flowers. I grow them from seeds. But, now, that they're grow up, I need to plant them at Singing Springs. Cause without the foundation music water they'll lose the Jingle Flowers.

Ord: Nice skating, Cassie!
Cassie: Come on, let's get the jingle flowers plant now!

Not Separated at Birth [1.13a]

Quetzal: My, my, niños. You really wish to be separated from each other?
Zak and Wheezie: [in chorus] YES!
Quetzal: Then, so be it. [he takes out a pair of pink crystals] Here. Take these crystals. [they take them] Now fly into the air and say: "Alakazoo, split in two." Rub the crystals together and your wish will come true.
Wheezie: Come on, Zak! Let's get flapping!
Zak: Well, I'm not holding us up...
[They fly into the air, each holding a crystal]
Zak and Wheezie: Alakazoo, split in two!
[They rub the crystals together and appears a blinding flash of light as Emmy and Max gasp. The flight floats down to them and it clears to reveal Zak and Wheezie now with their own separate bodies.]
Wheezie: Loooooove it!
Zak: Two feet? Two claws? Two wings? Too good to be true! Ha-ha-ha!
Max: Wow!
Emmy: I don't believe it!
Ord: Did it hurt?
Zak: No, it didn't.
Cassie: How does it feel?
Wheezie: Great! Now I can do anything I want! [does some somersaults] Whoo! See? Just me.
Zak: Well, look at this... [does a handstand] A handstand, all by myself!
Wheezie: [lands behind him] Watch me! [does some loops in the air and divebombs down]
Zak: Careful, Wheezie!
[Wheezie does some more tricks in the sky but suddenly she crashes into a tree and everyone gasps. She falls out as Zak and Emmy run over.]
Emmy: Are you okay?
Wheezie: Okay?! I'm better than okay!
Zak: Thank goodness. I'll never have to fly too fast again. [flies at his own slow pace]
Wheezie: [yawns] Ho hum.
[Later Wheezie empties out the playground equipment]
Max: How are we gonna make all that stuff into a slide?
Wheezie: It's easy. You got Wheezie. Let's go!
Max: Oh, no! I forgot my other tools!
Ord: Here, Max. [hands him tools from his pouch] You can use my wrench and my screwdriver, my pliers and my saw and...
Max: [falls down and laughs] Ord, enough!
Wheezie: [holding a plank and post] Now, which one goes where? [bumps the post against the plank]
Ord: I don't think they fit, Wheezie.
Wheezie: [hammers the post into the plank, denting it] Ha! They do now.
[The slide is later fully constructed but poorly]
Wheezie: Ta-da! Don't you just looooooooove it?!
Ord: Is it supposed to look like that?
Wheezie: Yeah! Wild and fun!
Max: What's that stuff for? [he points to the parts that were never used]
Wheezie: Uh... they're just extras. Oh, don't worry. This is gonna be super-duper! [she leans against the slide and suddenly it falls apart]
Wheezie: Uh-oh. Hm, maybe those weren't extras. Zak would've known how to put it together. Oh, Zaky?!
[Elsewhere, Zak is helping Emmy and Cassie with the drum trampoline. Wheezie walks up.]
Wheezie: We had a teensy little problem. Could you please help us? [shows him the broken slide parts]
Zak: Hmm... Huh? [takes out a blueprint of the slide] Wheezie, did you follow the directions?
Wheezie: Ah, who needs those boring things?
Ord and Max: We do!
Wheezie: Okay, okay! Following the directions is Zak's job, but I can do it too! Thanks for the help, Zak. [takes it from him] Let's see. Where's the thingamajig?
[Zak is working on the trampolines as Emmy and Cassie pull on the elastic bed]
Zak: A little more... Not too tight... Not too loose...
Cassie and Emmy: ZAK!!!!
Zak: Sorry. Usually Wheezie tells me when we're done. [finishes tightening the bolts] There. Three perfect drum trampolines.
Emmy: Yes! Now I can show you my famous bottoms-up bounce! [she tries to bounce but falls on her back as it dents in] Whoa!!
Cassie: That's your big bounce?
Emmy: No way! Zak, the trampoline is saggy!
Zak: I know. This way we can jump nice and slow.
Emmy: Slow?! But we need bouncy! You can't do good flips and knee drops unless it's bouncy!
Cassie: Let me try. [she jumps and falls too] Whoa!! It's... it's...
Both: Boring...
Zak: I guess Wheezie would've known how to make it fun. Wheezie, can you come here?
[The others are working on the slide and Wheezie comes over]
Zak: What's wrong with our trampolines?
Wheezie: [pulls on the still loose ropes] You just need to tighten the ropes an extra squeeze, so they'll be extra bouncy.
[Zak does just that; he tests the trampoline]
Zak: Thanks, Wheezie. I knew you'd know what to do. That's bouncy, all right.
Cassie: Okay, Emmy, show us your big bounce!
[Emmy bounces and flips flawlessly]
Cassie: Wow!
Emmy: Come on, you try!
Cassie: [bounces on it] Whee! He-he-he-he! [gets off] Hey, Emmy, is there anything else we can do on here besides jump?
Emmy: Well...
Ord: Hey, everybody! Step right up!
Max: The xylophone slide is now ready to go!
[It is perfectly constructed]
Wheezie: Whoo-hoo! See you later, alligators! [she slides down cheering and lands hard on the ground]
Zak: Wheezie, are you okay? Did you get a boo-boo? Are you bleeding?
Wheezie: It was fun! ...Except for the landing.
Ord: So now we have a great slide.
Max: With an icky landing. What are we going to do?
[Ord pulls out a sandwich]
Ord: Have a snack?
Zak: [gets an idea] Why don't we put the slide and the trampoline...
Wheezie: Together?
Zak: Exactly!
[All they move the trampolines in front of the slide]
Wheezie: Is this the right spot, Zaky?
Zak: A little over... Just right!
Wheezie: Let's try it.
Zak: You first, Wheezie.
Wheezie: [takes her place] Look out below!!!!!!! [she slides down and bounces across the trampolines coming in for a perfect landing] Looooooove it! Zaky, you're up!
Zak: All by myself? Only me? Nobody else? Will you come with me, Wheezie?
Wheezie: Sure.
[They sit at the top of the slide together]
Zak: Ready, Freddy?
Wheezie: Okey-dokey, artichoke-y!
[They slide and bounce laughing and shouting happily]
Zak: That was fun!
[The others cheer them happy]
Others: Let's go!/I wanna try!/Me next!/Don't forget me!
[Quetzal comes back]
Quetzal: Fantástico! You did a great job putting everything together. Is it fun?
Wheezie: It's fun-tastic! But I have an idea that will make it even better. [whispers into Zak's ear]
Zak: Great idea, Wheezie.
[They both whisper to Quetzal]
Max: What idea? I don't get it.
Wheezie: Quetzal, can we?
Zak: Pretty please, with a fireball on top?
Emmy: Tell me. I wanna know!
Quetzal: [gets out the crystals from before] I think it's a wonderful idea.
Cassie: What is?
Quetzal: [as Zak and Wheezie take the crystals] Fly into the air and say: "Alakazoo, stick like glue." Then rub the crystals together.
Zak: Come on, Wheezie!
[Both they hold hands and fly up]
Zak and Wheezie: Alakazoo, stick like glue!
[They rub the crystals; a blinding flash of light as it comes down and it clears revealing Zak and Wheezie have returned to their original two-headed self.]
Zak and Wheezie: Ha-ha, yeah!/We did it!
[They high five and fly around happily]
Max: Now I get it!
Cassie: They're our Zak and Wheezie again!
Emmy: Definitely!

A Kite for Quetzal [1.13b]

Max: I guess we'll just have to go home now. Huh, Emmy?
Emmy: Guess so, Max.

Dragon Drop [1.14a]


Cassie Loves a Parade [1.14b]

Cassie: I really, really wanted to ride on that float. It's not fair. It's just not fair. Whoa! [Cassie hits the tree, spider web and the flower!] It's just hate today.

Ord: Uh, how are we gonna stop this thing?
Emmy: Easy. You can fly us out of here.
Ord: Oh, yeah.
Zak and Wheezie: Oh, yeah.
Cassie: Oh, yeah.
Cassie: Yeah. I was sad because I didn't get picked for the book float. [giggles] And I ended up having fun anyway.
Emmy: Let's go.
Quetzal: Have fun, niños.
Kids: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
Emmy: Hey I never did get my chocolate milkshake.
Mom: Emmy? Max? Anyone for ice cream?
Emmy: Coming, Mom.
Max: Hey, wait for me.

A Cool School [1.15a]

Ord: Slam dunk...
Max: For Air Ord-an!

Max's Comic Adventure [1.15b]


It Happened One Nightmare [1.16a]


Staying Within the Lines [1.16b]

[The next scene shows Dragon Land not in color and it's all white and monochrome.]
Ord: Max! Emmy! I'm so glad you got here.
Max: Hey, where's our hug, Ord?
Ord: Not now, Max. We got work to do.
Quetzal: Hola, niños!
Emmy: Hola, Quetzal!
Max: Hi!
Quetzal: We all have something very important to do. Look over there.
Emmy: What happen to all the color?
Cassie: It got washed away by a big rain storm.
Ord: Even our school.
Quetzal: Si, that's why I brought these. You all go to the Stickleback Mountains. I'll color in the School in the Sky, you can help color in the rest.
Emmy: But you can't color in a real mountain.
Quetzal: In Dragon Land, you can!
Max: I love to color. This is gonna be fun!
Ord: Come on, everyone! Let's go!
Quetzal: But be careful, niños! There's a giant sleeping in the Stickleback Mountains and if he's awaken, he can be quite grumpy!
Max: Wow! It looks like a giant coloring book!
Emmy: Yeah! Before it's been colored!
[Ord and Cassie landed, Max and Emmy got off of their backs. They see the Knuckerhole, hear Zak and Wheezie's voice and see them pop out of the Knuckerhole in the air.]
Emmy: Zak! Wheezie!
[Zak and Wheezie land on the ground]
Wheezie: We came as soon as we got Quetzal's message!
Zak: Wh-what's wrong?
Max: There's no color.
Wheezie: No color? Haaatte it! it looks so...
Zak: Neat and clean? LOOOOVE IT! [laugh] Why messing it up by coloring it?
The Gang: [annoying] ZAK!!!

Zak: That leaves a knucker hole for you and me, Wheezie...
Wheezie: [filling the brush with paint of various colors] Oooooooh, I just love coloring, it's so... so... colorful!
[They go to the knucker hole with a paintbrush and Wheezie paints it with all the colors of the rainbow]
Zak: [scolding her] Wheezie... Knucker holes are supposed to be brown.
Wheezie: Uh-uh... They're prettier in rainbow...
[Zak won't let him paint the knucker hole that color and Wheezie throws the paintbrush with paint in his snout, much to his disgust.]
Wheezie: [laugh] You look prettier in rainbow too, Zaky.

Follow the Dots [1.17a] (2000)


Emmy: Like Mexican chili pepper. I know. I'll count them in Spanish. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis. That's 6.
Max: Look, Ord. Dandelions!
Ord: One, two... three, four, five, six... ( groaning ) seven. ( sneezes )

Max: I found another dot!
Ord: I don't see anything we can count.
Max: I do. Stinky-dink bugs! ( muffled ) You write the number this time, because I gotta hold my nose.
Ord: ( muffled ) Okay, Max.
Max: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Phew!

Kids: I wish, I wish with all my heart to go back home until next time.
Emmy: Let's do some more connect the dots, Max.
Max: Here's one.
Emmy: I wonder what it's a picture of.
Max: Maybe, a race car, or a dinosaur. Or a...
Max and Emmy: Norm The Number Gnome!

( music song ends )

A Smashing Success [1.17b]

[After Wheezie blamed Cassie and said it was Cassie who broke her trumpet and after Emmy's lie got her --Cassie-- and Zak in trouble.]
[Cassie says that thanks to Emmy, Wheezie is not going to speak to her --Cassie-- again. And Cassie, she didn't do anything. After Cassie accuses Emmy --for making Wheezie blame her-- Cassie she resumes crying. When Emmy --so she would not get in trouble with Wheezie for breaking her trumpet-- did not tell Wheezie, Wheezie had blamed both Zak and Cassie. So Emmy, her lie had gotten both Zak and Cassie in trouble.]

Quibbling Siblings [1.18a]

  • [By that saying of Zak, Zak is not going to speak to Wheezie ever again once he gets back his sleep, breakfast, and magnifying glass.]

  • Wheezie: I wonder why Zakie is so mad at me.
  • Emmy: Well, you made him angry.
  • Wheezie: [in disbelief] ARE YOU KIDDING?! Name one thing that I could possibly do to make him mad.
  • Max: [for first reason] You kept him up all night with your banging.
  • Wheezie: All right! Name two things that I could have done.
  • Emmy: [for second reason] You ruined his breakfast.
  • Max: [also for second reason] And you took his magnifying glass.
  • Wheezie: You think that is why Zak is so made at me?
  • [Zak takes off his alone cone.]
  • Zak: [in a sing-songy voice] ♪ I CAN'T HEAR YOU!♪
  • [He gets angry.]
  • Zak: BUT YES!
  • [He puts the cone back on his head and resumes hiding in it.]

Wheezie's Hairball [1.18b]


A Tall Tale [1.19a]


Stormy Weather [1.19b]

Max: Super Max Isn't Afraid Of You Know What?
Emmy: Definitley!

Blowin' in the Wind [1.20a]


No Hitter [1.20b]

Max: I am pitching.
Emmy: [she refuses to give Max the ball and let him pitch] Uh-uh. You are playing out there with Ord.
[Max and Emmy argue about who should pitch.]
Emmy: DID NOT!
Emmy: DID NOT!
[Max --angrily-- makes a fist.]
[Max hits Emmy on the hand --with his fist-- fast.]
Emmy: [squints her eyes and cries in pain] OW!
[Emmy cries. Quetzal walks over. He --Quetzal-- wants to know what all the commotion is about. Then Emmy, she tearfully reports to Quetzal about what happened.]
Quetzal: (What is all of the commotion?)
Emmy: [crying] MAX HIT ME!
Quetzal: [turns to Max] Why did you hit your sister, Max?
[When Quetzal asks Max if he hit his sister --and now demands an answer-- Max --angrily-- tells him why Emmy is crying after he hit her on the hand. He --Max-- explains why he hit his sister.]
Emmy: [in between tears] I NEVER SAID THAT!
[After Max says this, Emmy tries to correct her speech. That is, as she --Emmy-- says...!]
Emmy: [in between tears] I SAID, "OKAY, LET'S GO"! I DID NOT HEAR YOU ASK TO PITCH!
[Emmy resumes crying.]
Quetzal: [to both Emmy and Max] All right, ninos!
[Quetzal --after saying this-- calms both the kids down.]
Quetzal: [to Emmy] Go ahead and pitch, Emmy.
[Quetzal turns to Max.]
Quetzal: [to Max] Max? We need to talk.
[Quetzal takes Max out of the game so he and Max can have a little chat. Because Max hit Emmy, Quetzal is going to take Max out of the game and discipline him.]

Quetzal: Did you see how sad Ord was when you hit him, Max?
Max: I used my words, but he didn't listen.
Quetzal: Well, the next time you feel like hitting somebody, stop and find something to hit instead.
Max: Huh? [finds a basket filled with balls] Like dragon balls?
Quetzal: Sí, perfecto, Maxito. You can hit them as hard as you want and nobody gets hurt.
[Max tips the basket over then kicks a few dragon balls]
Max: YEAH!
[Quetzal winks at him]

[Everyone walks right over happily]
Cassie: WE WON!
[Ord picks Emmy, Cassie, and Max up and hugs them]
All: [celebrating happily] YAY! ALL RIGHT! YEAH! GOOD GOING!...

Do Not Pass Gnome [1.21a]


Treasure Hunt [1.21b]


The Jumping Bean Express [1.22a]


Get Offa My Cloud [1.22b]


Backwards to Forwards [1.23a]


Sounds Like Trouble [1.23b]


The Greatest Show in Dragon Land [1.24a]


Prepare According to Instructions [1.24b]


Wheezie's Last Laugh [1.25a]

Zak: [to Mr. Pop] Mr. Pop? I have a great sound for you!
[Zak takes away Mr. Pop's laugh.]
Mr. Pop: Really? A very funny one?
[After Zak and Wheezie stole Mr. Pop's laugh, they replace it with a donkey sound. The donkey sound --which Mr. Pop had stole-- must have came from a donkey. And he --Mr. Pop-- had replaced the donkey bray on the donkey with a different animal sound.]
Mr. Pop: [Insert donkey brays here]! MY LAUGH! [Insert donkey brays here]!
Wheezie: Now you know how it feels to lose your favorite [imitates laugh]!
Mr. Pop: [in between donkey brays] I sure do! And it feels awful!
[After Mr. Pop says this, he resumes donkey brays.]
Zak: [to Mr. Pop] I will give you your laugh back, if you give my sister her laugh back.
Mr. Pop: [in between donkey brays] Okay. You win.

Frog Prints [1.25b]


Crash Landings [1.26a]


The Big Cake Mix-up [1.26b]

Zak: Wait! Something’s not right. [looks over the stuff on the table] Hmmm, I know. The bowl is going to be too small, and everything’s gonna spill and make a big mess!
Cassie: Maybe there’s a bigger bowl in the cupboard.
Zak: Good idea.

Wheezie: Perfect! It's time to bake it!
Zak: Oh, no! We can't!
Max: Why not?
Zak: 'Cause we're not allowed to use the oven without Mom... ["Mom" is mistakenly heard as "Bob"]
Wheezie: I can fix that... MOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

Mom: Max! Emmy!
Emmy: Uh-oh!
Max: What?
Emmy: I think. There's something we didn't plan too well.
Max: What?
Mom: Dinnertime!
Both: Aw!

Quetzal's Magic Pop-Up Book [1.27a]


My Way or Snow Way [1.27b]


Sand Castle Hassle [1.28a]

Zak: They're coming!
Ord: The turtle dragons?
Zak: No, the waves!

True Blue Friend [1.28b]

Max: Then, follow me to Dragon Land.

Zak Takes a Dive [1.29a]

Quetzal: Ord Por favor leave some water for the lake for the others
[Ord Smiles]
Max Come on let's make a big splash like Ord!
Quetzal:: Don't forget to put on your dragon wings
Max:: Dragon wings Cool

[They try to swim but use the wrong arm strokes]
Wheezie: Was that better?
Zak: No! We didn't go anywhere.

Under the Weather [1.29b]


My Emmy or Bust [1.30a]

[Max hears Emmy close the door.]
Max: Oh, no! Huh?
[Emmy goes into the car --to go shopping at the grocery store with their dad.]
[The car drives away.]
Mom: Max? Did you call me?
[But their mom is unaware that Emmy was going grocery shopping with their dad. And Max was left behind --that is, to go to Dragon Land without Emmy. What is more, Emmy --on the other hand-- is going shopping with their dad. That is, even though she was supposed to go to Dragon Land with Max.]
Max: No, Mom!
[Max turns back to himself.]
Max: The dragons are calling! But, I don't want to go without Emmy! But, what if they need me?!
[Max takes out the dragon scale. And he says the rhyme.]
Max: [with the dragon scale] I wish, I wish,
with all my heart,
To fly with dragons in a land apart.

[At the end.]
Emmy: [as she gets back home from the supermarket with their dad] You should have come, Max! Dad gave me a quarter so I could ride on the big blue dinosaur which was in front of the store.
Max: That is nothing. Because I went to Dragon Land by myself. [he tells Emmy about his adventure without her] I was captain of a submarine. And I was searching for a missing sea dragon.
Emmy: Oh Max!
[Emmy talks to Max about the dinosaur at the supermarket. Their dad had given Emmy a quarter and Emmy she got to ride the dinosaur in front of the supermarket.]
Emmy: Just because I got to ride the dinosaur (at the supermarket), you do not need to make up a story.

Light My Firebreath [1.30b]

Emmy: Ready.
Max: Here goes.
Emmy: Let me try. [blows]
Max: Blow harder.
Emmy: Ew. [laughs] Okay, enough volcanoes. Let's go to Dragon Land.
Max: Good idea.
Kids: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Follow the Leader [1.31a]


Max and the Magic Carpet [1.31b]


Rope Trick [1.32a]


Baby Troubles [1.32b]


Small Time [1.33a]

Ord: That's weird. You wouldn't think they'd only send her backpack. [holds up Emmy's backpack]
Zak: Huh? How come Emmy's backpack is here?
Wheezie: And Emmy isn't?
Cassie: Where'd you find that, Ord?
Ord: Right beside these flowers.
Cassie: Careful, Ord, those are shrinking violets. When they bloom, they shrink anything they touch!
Ord: [pulling his finger away] Oh!
Wheezie: Hey, what's this? [picks up the shrunken kickball] I found a marble that looks like a dragon ball.
Cassie: Say, that looks just like Emmy's kickball. It must've shrunk. [gasps] What if Max and Emmy touched the Shrinking Violets?
Zak: Well, then they'd shrink down to teeny, tiny... Oh, No! They shrunk!

Max: Monster caterpoozle!
Emmy: It's just a regular caterpoozle.
Max: We're tiny!

Roller Coaster Dragon [1.33b]

Wheezie: I want to ride the roller coaster dragon so bad I can taste it!
Ord: Really? What does it taste like?
Cassie: Ha ha ha! It's just an expression, Ord!
Ord: Oh. What's an expression taste like?

Wheezie: Hurry up! We have to get our snacks and get back in line before the roller coaster comes back!
Server Dragon: Do I look an octopus, kid? I only have six arms!

Mom: Max! Emmy! I'm going to the store to get dinner and ice cream. Be back in 15 minutes!
Kids: Ice cream!?!
Max: Only 15 minutes? I can wait that long, easy!
Emmy: Me, too. Let's draw.
[They sit down and draw pictures]
Max: I drew a circle. Your turn.
Emmy: There's a triangle.
[Suddenly they realize what they drew]
Max: Oh, no! It looks like an ice cream cone!
Kids: MOM!
[They realize they have to wait as the view goes black]

Up, Up and Away [1.34a]

All: Good. Whoa! [all screaming]

Wild Time [1.34b]


Bad Share Day [1.35a]

[Emmy finds a keyboard in the playroom and starts playing a song on it.]
Emmy: [singing while playing her toy keyboard] Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run.
Max: [giggles] That's funny!
Emmy: [singing while playing her toy keyboard again] Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
[Max wants to play the keyboard too. But Emmy refuses to let him have a turn.]
Max: Let me try.
Emmy: [angrily] NAH-UH! I AM PLAYING WITH IT!
[Max tries to tell their mom. That is, about Emmy not sharing the keyboard.]
Mom: [from outside the playroom --and to Max] Try to find something else until it's your turn, Max.
[Max --who quickly buries the hatchet-- completely forgets about the keyboard and then, regards to Dragon Land.]
Max: Maybe Ord has something cool to share with me.

Cassie: If I don't take my crayon back now, it'll be too late!

Emmy: You can use it.
Max: I didn't want to use, Emmy. I only wait it to share it. Can't we play it together?

Whole Lotta Maracas Goin' On [1.35b]

Emmy: Wake up, sleepyhead.
Max: [yawns] I'm tired.

Ord Sees the Light [1.36a]


The Ugly Dragling [1.36b]


Out with the Garbage [1.37a]


Lights, Camera, Dragons [1.37b]

Wheezie: LOOOOOOOVE IT! What's that?
Emmy: It's my dad's video camera, I'm taping you right now.
Wheezie: Ooh! I just love being in videos, they're so... [makes faces at the camera and laughs]
Zak: [scolding hers] Wheezie! We you're making us look silly! [approaching the camera] HI, MOM! HI DAD! IT'S ME, ZAK! ["Mom" is mistakenly heard as "Bob"]
[When suddenly Ord appears worried covering Zak and Wheezie and looking for Cheddar, his mouse]
Ord: Hey! Did you two see Cheddar?
Zak: [pushing it] Who cares about cheese, Ord? You're interrumpting my scene! [he and Wheezie make funny faces at the camera]
Ord: I'm not talking about cheese... I'm looking from my dragon mouse, Cheddar. He ran into that knucker hole.
Wheezie: So that's who scared Zak.
Zak: He zipped right under out feet! Nearly tripped me.

Ord: Cheddar!
Quetzal: No... It's tuna fish.
Wheezie: [laugh] No, no, no, Cheddar's the name of the mouse!
Zak: He's Ord pet, but he run away.
[Cheddar runs away with Quetzal's sandwich and Emmy records the scene]

Quetzal: Jamón.
Max: Ham!
Quetzal: Tomate.
Max: Tomato!
Quetzal: Mostaza.
Max: Mustard! [laughs]

Max: More cheese!
Ord: I like olives!
Zak: No jalapeños, please.

Bully for You [1.38a]


The Great White Cloud Whale [1.38b]

Cassie: Yeah! Maybe we can help you think of another way to catch the cloud whale.
Wheezie: Oh!... oh!... oh!... I bet he'd come if he heard a nice whale song...
Zak: We don't know any whale songs.
Wheezie: Sure we do! ♪ Oh, where, oh, where has my big cloud whale gone?... ♪
Zak: [scolding hers] That's a dog song!
Wheezie: Not anymore... ♪ Oh, where, oh, where can he be? With his ears cut short... ♪
Zak: [scolding hers] Whales don't have any ears!
Wheezie: ♪ And his tail cut long, oh, please, come back to Wheezie. ♪ [he laughs while Zak gets angry]
Max: Nice song! Too bad it didn't work...

To Do or Not to Do [1.39a]

Zak: Please don't tell me we're really in the stomach of a giant Dragonocerous!
Glimmer: Honey, you're really in the stomach of a giant Dragonocerous.
Zak: I told you not to tell me that!

Much Ado About Nodlings [1.39b]

[In the grass, the little Nodlings are all shouting in fury after Max broke their wagon.]
Max: What are they saying?
Wheezie: They are very angry!
[It is true --true to what Wheezie says. The nodlings are really, very, very, mad.]
Zak: Because you broke their wagon!
Cassie: And now they don’t have anything to carry their mush trees in!
Max: What’s a mush tree?
Ord: It’s like a mushroom, only it’s a tree. Well, not to the big dragons like us, but to the little Nodlings, these are really huge. And they cut them down, eat their fruit, and chop them up into firewood to keep themselves warm in the winter. But without their wagon, the Nodlings won’t have anything to carry their mush trees home. And then they would be cold and even worse, hungry.
The Giant of Nod: [offscreen] WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
Ord: [frightened] It’s the Giant of Nod!
[The Giant of Nod --easily-- makes his way through the grass right up to the dragons. He eventually makes it to the pathway. And --almost that quickly-- he makes it to the entrance to the nodlings's house where he and the little nodlings live.]
Wheezie: Huh, I still can’t believe you’re a giant. You’re so small.
[Wheezie laughs.]
Zak: Wheezie!?
[The Giant of Nod takes out a megaphone.]
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker --that is, to Wheezie] MAYBE TO YOU! BUT TO MY NODLINGS, I AM GIGANTIC!
[The little nodlings show their leader --the Giant of Nod-- the wagon that Max broke. The Giant of Nod turns to the little nodlings. And when they --the little nodlings-- complain to the Giant of Nod what about happened to their wagon --and about a child boy breaking it-- they are very angry. That is, and so is the Giant of Nod. After the nodlings --angrily-- tell their leader the Giant of Nod, the Giant of Nod sees this. He --the Giant of Nod-- gets what the little nodlings said to him. And he turns back to Max, Emmy, and the dragon group, then he screams into his megaphone.]
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker] WHO DID THIS?!
[The Giant of Nod --when he screams "WHO DID THIS?!"-- he demands an answer. After demanding an answer, everyone --Emmy, Ord, Cassie, and Zak and Wheezie-- in response to him --the Giant of Nod-- look at Max. And they angrily glare at him.]
Max: [sees Emmy, Ord, Cassie, and Zak and Wheezie glare at him, then turns to the Giant of Nod] I guess I did. I am sorry.
[The Giant of Nod turns to Max.]
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker --and to Max] SORRY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I COMMAND YOU TO FIX OUR WAGON IMMEDIATELY!
[By the saying of the Giant of Nod, he --even though Max said he was sorry-- says Max did it deliberately. And he demands that Max fixes his and his little nodlings's wagon immediately.]
Max: I did not mean to break it. It was an accident. May we just forget about it?
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker --and to Max] SO YOU CAN LEAVE MY NODLINGS WITH NO WAY TO CARRY OUR MUSH TREES?! NEVER!
[So the Giant of Nod is not going to let Max forget about it. Because he does not want the little nodlings having no place to carry their mush trees. That is, as he says --through echoes on the megaphone-- "AND LEAVE MY NODLINGS WITH NO PLACE TO CARRY OUR MUSH TREES?!". So he orders Max to fix his little nodlings's wagon.]

The Giant of Nod: Thank you, Max. Now my nodlings will be able to cut down more masteries than ever.

Don't Bug Me! [1.40a]

Emmy: [finding Max in the playroom] Max? [Notices a rubber spider and shrieks]
Max: Scared ya!

Over and Over [1.40b]


Season 2


Lucky Stone [2.01a]

Max: Pilot to co-pilot. Ready for take off.
Emmy: Ready, Captain Max.

Max: Ord? Where is everybody?

The Mefirst Wizard [2.01b]


Cassie Catches Up [2.02a]

Cassie: [sighs] I feel so bad I let Emmy down.
[first lines]
Emmy: [making shadow puppets] See? This one's a dog and this one's a rabbit. Can you guess what this one is?
Max: Um, a bat?
Emmy: Right! And he's coming to get you...
[last lines]
Max: We could have a jumping contest and a spinning with your eyes shut contest.
Mom: Max! Emmy! Time for lunch!
Emmy: How about a contest to see who can eat the most spaghetti?
Max: I'd win that!
Emmy: Not if I get the spaghetti first!
Max: Heh heh, wait up!

Very Berry [2.02b]

[first lines]
Max: Hey, look, Emmy. I have a banana nose.
Emmy: Hold on. I've almost finished my book. Are you done with your puzzle yet?
[last lines]
Max and Emmy: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
Emmy: Hey, look out the window! It's started to rain. And you know what that means.
Max: Lots and lots of mud puddles!
Emmy: Wait for me!
Ord: Ohh... [his stomach starts making very loud noises] I've ate so many berries before... Should I... or shouldn't I? Well, maybe just a little bite.
Max: My Daddy once read me a story where a bear who got stuck in a hole. 'Cause he too much honey.
Zak: Really? How did he get out?
Max: He stayed there until he got thin again, then he popped out!

Finders Keepers [2.03a]


Remember the Pillow Fort [2.03b]

Wheezie: ♪ The wind blows a breezy through Wheezie's treezies... ♪
Zak: [annoying] Ohhhhhh... If I hear another song about the wind blowing through something like... Ohhhhhh...
Wheezie: [repentant] Oh... You right, you right.
Max: Hi, Zak and Wheezie, what's wrong?
Wheezie: Oh, hi, Max. We're supposed to bring a new song to our music lesson tomorrow and it's supposed to be about feelings, but we can't think of anything good.
Zak: And we've been trying for days!
Wheezie: Oh!... oh!... oh!... How about...? ♪ Ord is tall and Max is short, they both built a pillow fort... ♪
Zak: [scolding hers] Wheezie, feelings, like happy and sad!
Wheezie: I know, I know...
Max: That's because I'm making a purple fort and you're making a red fort, Ord.
Ord: But I wanted to make a tunnel just like yours!
Ord: FINE! I've never like purple anyway.
Max: IS NOT!
Ord: IS TOO!
[is repeated]
Zak: Oh! Now this is good!
Zak: ♪ Is not! ♪
Wheezie: ♪ Is too... ♪
Zak: ♪ Is not! ♪
Wheezie: ♪ Is too... ♪
Zak: ♪ I'm mad! ♪
Wheezie: ♪ Mad at you. ♪
Emmy: What are you yelling about?
Cassie: What about?
Emmy: Why fight? Both of your forts are nice.
Cassie: Yeah! They look great!
Max: But don't you think purple's great, Cassie?
Ord: But red is nice is too, Emmy, just like apples! I know you like apples!
Emmy: Well, red is pretty nice. Just look at it, Cassie...
Cassie: But that purple is the same color as grapes. I love grapes.
Cassie: I'M NOT WRONG!
[They both regret their fight]
Cassie: Wait! Why are we fighting?
Emmy: Ah... Let's go back and play hospital. [both withdraw]
Zak: Oooooh! Let's put that in!
Wheezie: Okie-dokie!
Max: Come back!
Ord: YEAH! YOU NEVER TOLD US WHICH ONE YOU LIKED BEST! Ooooohhhhh... Max... This isn't any fun... I don't want to fight with you.
Max: Me either.
Ord: Really? Then you think red is better too?
Max: NO WAY! Purple's better...
Both: [sad] Awwwwwwwww...
Ord: How are we gonna stop fighting, Max?
Max: I don't know.
[Zak and Wheezie they return happy with an good new]
Zak: We finally have our song! And it's full of feelings thanks to you two, listen!
Wheezie: We used to have fun all day!
Zak: We were happy and we played!
Wheezie: [as both they get angry] Now we're sad and we fight...
Zak: From the morning till the night...!
[They repeat all the above]
[Both withdraw very happy]
Max: Zak and Wheezie are right, Ord, we used to have fun all day! We used to slide down the biggest mountains.
Ord: It was cold that day!
Max: And make music that everyone could dance to.
Ord: And we cooked yummy things in the kitchen. And played hide and snow seek till it was practically dark!
Max: Didn't we have a great time? And we'd fly everywhere on our magic carpet.
Ord: That was fun!
Max: And grab on the clouds that pull us way up into the sky!
Ord: And we made sandcastles and sandbombs... and sandwiches...
Max: [laughs] And you taught me how to swing on the jungle gym.
Ord: And you helped me learn to ride a bike. AND I WAS SO SURPRISED ON MY BIRTHDAY...!
Max: Ord, I want to be friends again, but I still like purple.
Ord: And I still like red...
Max: Come on, I know a way we can both get what we want.
[They both build a new fort with the red and purple pillows together and Cassie and Emmy peek out from behind a bush.]
Emmy: What?
[Max and Ord finish setting up the fort and Emmy waves to them]
Max: Come on down, you guys, come play in our new fort!
Ord: It's got lots of tunnels...
Emmy: But how did you two stop fighting so fast?
Ord: We used both our favorite colors and we made a really great fort. HURRY UP!
Emmy and Cassie: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [laughs]

Big Funky Cloud [2.04a]

Emmy: Yippee! We did it!

Ord: Look out!
All: Watch out!
Ord: Whoa!

Copy Cat [2.04b]

Mom: Max! Emmy! I just got back time the market! Does anyone want the juice pop?
Kids: I do! [laughs]

One Big Wish [2.05a]

Max: Better put these away, Wheezie, I don’t want to accidentally...
[Max grabs the bats but ends up crushing them to pieces]
Max: ...break them.
Wheezie: [very annoyed] HEY! BIG GUY!
Zak: [also annoyed] NICE GOING, MAX...!

Breaking Up is Hard to Do [2.05b]

Wheezie: STOOOOOOOOOP IIIIIIIIIIIT...! I just hate when you guys, especially over this... what do you call it.
Zak: Yeah! Plus all this noise is giving me a headache!
Emmy: I think I how to settle this.
Max: Okay...
Ord: How, Emmy?
Emmy: We'll play "eeny, meeny, miny, moe".
Ord: What's that? It sounds scary!
Emmy: [laugh] Don't worry, Ord, it won't be scary, I'll see a rhyme and with each word i'll point to one of you and then the other. Whoever I'm pointing to when the rhyme ends, gets to take the piece home first.
Max: Well, okay...
Ord: I guess so...
Emmy: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a dragon by the toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
[Max tries to put himself in Ord's place]
Emmy: [angry] MAX!
Max: Fine...
Ord: I'm going to show my mommy right away.

A New Friend [2.06a]


Have No Fear [2.06b]

Max: Too broken, too bouncy, too big.

Cassie the Green-Eyed Dragon [2.07a]


Something's Missing [2.07b]


A Crown for Princess Kidoodle [2.08a]

Emmy: I'm so full. I don't think I'll be able to eat again for three days.
Mom: Emmy! Max! Dinner!
[kids giggle]

Three's a Crowd [2.08b]


Knuck Knuck, Who's Where? [2.09a]

Cassie: Uh-oh. Which way?
Max: [distant] Emmy. Where are you, Emmy?
Zak: Where are you?
Max: Cassie.

Cassie: There we're so many different ways to go. So, we mark the paths and we ask for directions, too.

Just Desserts [2.09b]

[Mungus is sobbing]
Zak: Look, it's Mungus.

Dragonberry Drought [2.10a]


A Snowman for All Seasons [2.10b]

Mom: Emmy, Max, I think you have spent enough time inside today. Why don't you go outside and some fresh air? You can play in the snow.

I Believe in Me [2.11a]

Cassie: [gasps] Emmy, Max.

Bye Bye Baby Birdie [2.11b]


Back to the Storybook [2.12a]

Emmy: Come on, Max. Today's the day Cassie bringing Kiki and Finn to the School in the Sky.
Max: I'm ready. I was waiting for you.

Cassie: Kiki, Finn, you must be quiet! I'm sorry, Quetzal. Stop!
Bryce: No! Cassie! Let's get out of here!
Cassie: I think, they're tired of play with the toys.

[Emmy wants to know what the sad face --on Goldilocks-- is for. That is, as she --Emmy-- asks Goldilocks...!]
Emmy: [to Goldilocks] What is the matter, Goldilocks?
Goldilocks: [before crying] I bumped into the dining room table. And I spilled all the porridge!
[Goldilocks cries --after the accident she just made with the porridge.]
Goldilocks: [crying] BOO HOO!
[Max, he says to Goldilocks...!]
Max: All three bowls?
Goldilocks: [in between tears] Yes. I cleaned up the mess.
[After she --Goldilocks-- says this, she shows the group one of the porridge bowls. Then she says to Max and the rest of the gang...!]
Goldilocks: [in between tears] But now there is no porridge left to eat!
[Goldilocks resumes crying.]

Dragon Scouts [2.12b]


The Serpent's Trail [2.13a]

Norm: That’s for me to know and for you to figure out. [laughs] By solving this puzzle. So far today, I’ve seen six different faces, including yours. So have I seen Cyrus or not?
Wheezie: Can you say it again?
Norm: Sure. So far today, I’ve seen six different faces, including yours. [laugh]

Max: So that's why Cyrus took your detective kit, Emmy...
Ord: To help him find the girls eggs!
Emmy: Of course! My magnifying glass would help them spot the tiny little holes where the eggs are hidden.
Max: We have to find Cyrus.
Ord: We have to stop him!
Wheezie: We have to save of itty-bitty eggs!
Max: [listen to Cyrus] There he is...!
[The gang runs to catch it]
Cyrus: Come on, my dear little eggies... I know you're around here somewhere... Ah-ha! [dig in the sand] My treasure... Eggs, eggs and more eggs...!
[The gang finally catches him]
Cyrus: Oh, oh...
Emmy: That's MY detective kit, Cyrus...
Cyrus: You're right, sorry, I never should have taken it without asking you... Here. [he gives her back the detective kit and starts taking the eggs]
Cassie: Those aren't your eggs either, Cyrus!
Cyrus: But... but-but-but...!
Everyone: [in chorus] CYRUS!
Cyrus: Oh, alright. [puts the eggs down] Can't I have just one itty-bitty egg...?
Everyone: [in chorus] NO!
Cyrus: JUM! Fool... [leaves feeling angry and muttering to himself under his breath]

Head Over Heels [2.13b]

Max: Emmy, remember, it's "ready, hand-hand, foot-foot." Not, "hand-hand, foot-bottom."

Sticky Situation [2.14a]


Green Thumbs [2.14b]


Teasing is Not Pleasing [2.15a]


Team Work [2.15b]

Ord: Max! Emmy! Know any jokes? [hugging them]
Max: Why?
[Ord tickles Emmy and Max and they both laugh]
Ord: Because the giggle flowers are in bloom!
Wheezie: I looooove giggle flowers, they're so... giggly! [laugh]
Cassie: They'll laugh at anybody's jokes, even mine.
Zak: What to pick some?
Emmy: Definitely.

Max: If I had giggle flowers seeds, I'd plant them all over the place.
Ord: That wouldn't work, giggle flowers only grow in hard to find places, because they're shy.
Wheezie: I know how to find them...
Emmy: How?
Wheezie: I'll show you. Who has a knock-knock joke?
Max: Hum... Knock, knock...
Wheezie: Who's there?
Max: Cargo.
Wheezie: Cargo who?
Max: Cargo beat, beat!
[Wheezie laugh, listening the laughing flowers and Zak covers her snout]
Wheezie: I think are you one! [laugh]
Zak: How could you be sure what you're talking all the time? Shhhhhhhhhh!

[They both see their badges moving away]
Wheezie: OUR BADGES! [worried] They're gone. Oh, Zak... If we don't stop arguing our badges just won't shine and we'll never get them back.
Zak: You're right.
Wheezie: On a count of three, both of us will grab the top of the spider web and pull it! Ready? One, two...
Zak: Wait! Wait. Is it "one, two, hold on three" or "one, two, three", pull!
Wheezie: No, Zak... It's "one, two, three, then pull." Okay? Here we go.
[They both hold the spider web]
Wheezie: One, two, three, pull!

Ord: [hugging to Zak and Wheezie] Oh, thank goodness we found you...!

On Thin Ice [2.16a]

Emmy: Hurry, Max. I'm ready.
Max: Found them. I wonder why Quetzal asked us to bring our ice skates today.
Emmy: There's only one way to find out.

The Shape of Things to Come [2.16b]

[For the circle key to Crystal the Door, Max sees a green lizard round orange spots. And the lizard's spots are indeed shaped like a circle. The lizard smiles in a friendly smile. Then Max talks to the lizard.]
Max: [to the lizard] Excuse me, Mr. Lizard? Can we maybe borrow one of your spots? We promise to bring it right back.
Mr. Lizard: [laughs mockingly] Ha!
[Then he gets into a bullying tone.]
Mr. Lizard: [continues] Oh sure! After you let me borrow your nose!
[The lizard laughs mockingly and walks away --unless Max lets him borrow his nose so he can borrow one of his spots. Max --in response to the lizard-- pinches his nose and tries to keep the lizard from borrowing it. That is, since he does not want to fall for the lizard's joke.]

Hide and Can't Seek [2.17a]


The Art of Patience [2.17b]


So Long Solo [2.18a]


Hands Together [2.18b]

Dragons: Happy Dragontines Day! [hug them]
Emmy: And look what we brought! Dragontines for everybody!
Cassie: We have cards for you too!
[They all cheer and hand out the Dragontines as Quetzal comes over]
Quetzal: Hola, Max and Emmy. Will you be joining us for the Happy Hearts recital this morning?
Ord: It's a show that we put on for everyone we love every Dragontines Day. We sing songs and do dances. It'’s really fun, and...
Wheezie: And we'd loooove it if you two would boogie down with us!
Emmy: Definitely!
Quetzal: I'll see you onstage, then. Adiós, niños. [leaves]
Wheezie: Listen up, everybody, Zaky and I have a terrific idea! We want to sing a song that Quetzal taught us!
Zak: There's a dance that goes with the song. And we can teach you how to do it.
Ord: My mommy's gonna love that.
[Changes to the playground where they gather to rehearse.]
Wheezie: Okey-dokey, artichokies! The song is called "Los Pollitos".
Emmy: I know that song! My Tía Carmen taught it to me when I was little. "Los Pollitos" means "little chicks."
Wheezie: Right you are! And the little chicks are all cold and hungry. Brr!
Emmy: But their mom finds some food and a warm blanket for them.
Wheezie: Did your Tía teach you the dance too?
Emmy: She sure did.
Zak: Perfect! So why don't we show everyone how it goes?
Wheezie: A-one... A-two and a-one, two, three!
[Emmy, Zak and Wheezie perform the "Los Pollitos" dance]
Wheezie: ♪ Los pollitos dicen "Pio, pio, pio. Cuando tienen hambre, cuando tienen frio." Bajo sus dos alas, acurrucaditos. Hasta el otro dia, duerman los pollitos. ♪
[Moves: "Los pollitos dicen "Pio, pio, pio": Stand on one foot, then flap arms like a chick while stamping feet. "Cuando tienen hambre, cuando tienen frio": Stand still and rub belly, cross arms and shiver in place. "Bajo sus dos alas, acurrucaditos": Flap arms and stamp feet again while spinning. "Hasta el otro dia, duerman los pollitos": Pretend to sleep with head against arms, then rock arms back and forth.]
Cassie: That looks fun!
Ord: Yeah, let's all try it now!
Zak: In English this time.
[They all dance and Ord stumbles]
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ All the little chicks say "Cheep, cheep, cheep. We are very hungry and too cold to sleep. Their mother spreads her wings and feeds them lots of grain. So until tomorrow, they're warm and safe again. ♪
[Ord knocks Max and Cassie to the ground and they laugh.]
Zak: Pretty good for the first time. Want to try it again?
Cassie: Yeah!
Emmy: Sure!
Ord: You bet we do!
[The song restarts, all but Ord dances and he stumbles again.]
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ Los pollitos dicen "Pio, pio, pio. Cuando tienen hambre, cuando tienen frio." Bajo sus dos alas, acurrucaditos. Hasta el otro dia, duerman los pollitos. ♪
Emmy: ♪ All the little chicks say "Cheep, cheep, cheep. We are very hungry and too cold to sleep. Their mother spreads her wings and feeds them lots of grain. So until tomorrow, they're warm and safe again. ♪ [hugs Cassie and laughs]
Ord: Hey, that dance is hard!
Emmy: Why don't we try it again? You'’ll catch on.
Ord: I hope so.
Cassie: I have an idea! What if we try the dance again a little slower, one line at a time?
Ord: Okay.
Zak and Wheezie: Here we go! ♪ Los pollitos dicen... ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ All the little chicks say... ♪
Max: Get ready to flap.
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ "Pio, pio, pio." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ "Cheep, cheep, cheep." ♪
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ "Cuando tienen hambre..." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ "We are very hungry"... ♪
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ "Cuando tienen frio." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ And too cold to sleep." ♪
Ord: Hey, I did it! I did the dance!
Emmy: Ready to try it all together now?
Ord: You betcha!
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ Los pollitos dicen "Pio, pio, pio." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ All the little chicks say "Cheep, cheep, cheep." ♪
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ Cuando tienen hambre, cuando tienen frio." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ "We are very hungry, and too cold to sleep" ♪
Ord: Wait. I'm stuck! I can do the parts of the dance, but it's hard to do them all together! Maybe if I watch you guys do it all the way through again, that'll help...
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ Los pollitos dicen "Pio, pio, pio. Cuando tienen hambre, cuando tienen frio." Bajo sus dos alas, acurrucaditos. Hasta el otro dia, duerman los pollitos. ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ All the little chicks say "Cheep, cheep, cheep. We are very hungry and too cold to sleep. Their mother spreads her wings and feeds them lots of grain. So until tomorrow, they're warm and safe again. ♪
Ord: Okay, I think I got it. Let's try it!
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ Los pollitos dicen "Pio, pio, pio." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ All the little chicks say "Cheep, cheep, cheep." ♪
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ "Cuando tienen hambre..." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ "We are very hungry"... ♪
Zak and Wheezie: ♪ "Cuando tienen frio." ♪
Emmy and Cassie: ♪ And too cold to sleep." ♪
Ord: Whoa! [he stumbles]
Emmy: Are you okay, Ord?
Ord: Yes, but it's almost time for the Happy Hearts recital and I'm never gonna learn this dance never, ever, ever...
Max: [while Zak, Wheezie, Cassie and Emmy gasps] Ord, wait!
Emmy: Come back!

Ord: [song hums] Clap, stomp. Oh! It's no use!
Quetzal: Hola, Ord.

Sneezy Does It [2.19a]


Try It, You'll Like It [2.19b]


Just for Laughs [2.20a]


Give Zak a Hand [2.20b]

Zak: Sure!

Make No Mistake [2.21a]


The Balancing Act [2.21b]

Emmy: I love my new skateboard, but, I'll never be able to ride it if this rain doesn't stop.
Max: I know a place where you can ride it, Emmy.
Ord: Cookie?
Emmy: Ord! No! [gulps] Whoa!

Max: You can help me build my log tower, if you want. Whoa! It's gonna fall and make a mess!

Room for Change [2.22a]


The Sorrow and the Party [2.22b]


The Grudge Won't Budge [2.23a]


Putting the Fun in Fun Houses [2.23b]


Puzzlewood [2.24a]

Max: Come on, Emmy, let's finish our jigsaw puzzle. The piece that fits here is big at the top and small at the bottom. Look, Emmy, I found it.
Emmy: Me, oh, my, it's my favorite.

Let's Dance [2.24b]

Zak: Well, I don't love it that music's making me dance, and I can't stop!
Wheezie: But dancing's fun, Zaky, and look at you go you're dancing up a storm. LOOOOOOOVE IT!
Zak: Uh... It maybe fun for you, Wheezie, but I don't want to dance. Where are we going?
Wheezie: It's me...
Zak: Arrrghhhh... But we're supposed to guard the other boxes!
Wheezie: Oh, all right, I'll close the box now... Zak, it won't close!
Zak: Uh... Let my try. [try to close the box] I can't close it either and if we don't we'll keep dancing.
Wheezie: Come on, little boxy, please, close...
Zak: Oh, great, now what?
[They both leave with the music box dancing ballet along the way]
Zak: Maybe Quetzal could help us.
[Quetzal sees them dancing from the school window and greets them]
[Quetzal looks at them through the window again and withdraws]
Wheezie: Oh, no! What do we do?
Wheezie: Did tell the truth... [sighing] I'm tired of dancing too...
[The pace of the song slows down]
Zak: Do you hear what I hear?
Wheezie: The music seems to be stopping, let's try to close the box again... WE DID IT!

Zak: Now leave those boxes alone, Wheezie, every time you open one, we get in big trouble!
Wheezie: No more peaking, Zak, i promise...

Greta: Hello, everyone, my hat and I are back it last!
Zak: Here you go, Greta, your boxes.
Greta: Thank you for watching them...
Wheezie: Hmmmmmmm... Well... Actually... I couldn't wait and I opened two of them.
Greta: YOU DID?! But you shouldn't have opened them without my permission.
Wheezie: I know, and I'm sorry. I'm trying to learn how to wait.
Greta: Well... I know how hard it is to wait. But sometimes, waiting for a surprise makes it even more fun when you finally see what it is.
Wheezie: May I open the box now, please?
Greta: Yes, you may.
Wheezie: Any special rules?
Greta: Nope, go right ahead...
[Wheezie opens the box and to everyone's surprise colorful streamers come out]
Greta: But there's another secret to this little box, pull your streamer when I say these special words: "Gravity Green!"

Cassie: It was so much fun!
Ord, Emmy and Max: Thanks, Greta.
Zak: See, if you went ahead and opened the box, we wouldn't have known the special words, and we would have missed the merry-go ride.
Wheezie: I'm so glad I was finally able to wait.
Cassie: Wheezie, your badge!
Wheezie: Oh, boy! Look, Zaky, look!
Zak: That good going, Wheezie!
[They both hug each other]

Season 3


To Fly with a New Friend, Part 1 [3.01a]

[first lines]
Max: [imitates galloping hooves as he plays with his horse] Giddy-up! Yee-haw! I thought Enrique was coming over to play, Emmy.
Emmy: He is, Max. Isn't it great having a new friend living next door?
Max: Yeah.
[knocking on the door is heard.]
Emmy and Max: Come in!
[the door opens and Enrique comes in the playroom.]
Emmy: Hi!
Max: Hi, Enrique!
Enrique: Hola! Que tal?
Emmy: Great!
Max: How's it going?
Enrique: Bien. Okay... I guess.
Max: [offers another horse toy] Wanna play cowboy?
Enrique: [grabs the horse toy] I have an uncle who is a real-life cowboy. A vaquero. I used to ride horses with him back home.
Max: Was that in Mexico? That's where our abuelita (Spanish for: grandma) is from.
Enrique: No, in Columbia. But then we moved to Puerto Rico, and I didn't get to ride so much. [pause; Emmy and Max look at him confused and skeptical] You guys would love Puerto Rico! You could play on the beach and swim, and... [sighs sadly]
Emmy: You really miss it, huh?
Enrique: A veces. Uh, sometimes. It's so different here, and it's just hard.
Max: But you speak English really good.
Emmy: "Really well".
[Max glares at her.]
Enrique: It's not that, it's just... I don't know. I've tried to make friends at school but all the kids all know each other already. And they all talk about stuff I don't know anything about.
Max: Anything you want to know about, I'm an expert!
Emmy: [giggles] Oh, brother!
Enrique: Gracias, Max. I just wish there was a place where everyone was as friendly as you and Emmy.
Max: We know a place like that!
Emmy: [whispers] Max! [glares at him]
Max: [whispers] Why can't we take Enrique there?
Emmy: Because we... we just can't. [Max smiles at her] Well, maybe. I guess. [smiles] Definitely!
Max: [giggles]
[Emmy runs to the drawer and Max follows her. She opens the drawer, picks up the case and opens it, revealing the magic dragon scale.]
Enrique: Wow, that is so beautiful! Que es eso? (Spanish for: What's that?]
Max: It's a dragon scale!
Enrique: [chuckles] Sure, right. Seriously, what makes it glow like that?
Max: It's magical. It takes us to a place called Dragon Land.
Enrique: Come on! [Emmy and Max smile at him] Okay, so how does it work?
Emmy: Well, Max and I hold the scale and say: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart. And whoosh, we're there!
Max: [picks out the scale] You want to try?
[Enrique is hesitant as first but shrugs and decides to give it a try as he, Emmy and Max hold the scale together.]
Emmy and Max: I wish, I wish, with all my heart...
Enrique: I wish, I wish, with all I've got...
Emmy: No, it's "with all my heart"!
Enrique: Ah, corazon! Heart! Sorry!
[Emmy, Max and Enrique hold the scale together.]
Emmy, Max and Enrique: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.
[The scale shines bright.]
Enrique: [gasps]
[The dragon tapestries come to life and leap off the wallpaper, and spin around Emmy, Max and Enrique as the three are surrounded in a colorful sparkling light.]
Enrique: What? Whoa! No way!
[Emmy, Max and Enrique transport to Dragon Land.]

[Zak and Wheezie fly in.]
Wheezie: Ooooooh, I just loooove making a new friend... Hello! I'm Wheezie, and this is my brother, Zak!
Enrique: Ah... Ohhhhh... Hello, I'm... YOU HAVE TWO HEADS!
Zak: Yeah. Hers does most to the talking, mine does most to the thinking! [laugh]
Wheezie: Oh, Zaky... Ooh, I almost forgot! Quetzal sent us to find you, he need us for something veeeery important...
Enrique: Quetzal?
Cassie: He's our teacher at the school in the sky, Enrique...
Max: Come on! You'll really like him...
[Max rides Ord and Emmy rides Cassie.]
Zak: You can ride in us, Enrique...
Enrique: Ride on a dragon's back?
Max: Of course.
Enrique: Okay, I've read in horses this can't be that much more difficult. [rides Zak and Wheezie]
Zak: Hang on tight, Enrique!
Enrique: Okay... You're not gonna run too fast are you?
Zak: Who said anything about running?
Wheezie: You're gonna fly!

To Fly with a New Friend, Part 2 [3.01b]

Enrique: Where are we now?
Ord: Don't know, Enrique... Some kind of garden...
Cassie: And it's full of knucker holes.
Zak: Mystery solved. The knuckle holes disappear, some kind of magic brought him here.
Emmy: But who did the magic?
Quanita: That would be me... [comes down from the tree using his magic wand] Hi. I'm Quanita, junior wizard, uh... in training.
Wheezie: AM I MAD!
Max: Yeah, cause you shouldn't take what doesn't belong you! That's not right.
Quanita: Oh, I am so sorry, let me explain.
Zak: Oh... To this oughta be good...
Quanita: Easy... The head wizard asked me to plant all these speckled trees, but it would take me forever to dig holes for all of them...
Ord: There sure are a lot of them...
Quanita: So I waved my wand and made a wish for holes to plant them in, and well, these are what appeared. Huh... I am afraid I am not a good wizard.
[Everyone looks worried]
Zak: Ahhhhh... Anybody can make a mistake, with she makes them constantly.
Wheezie: SURE DO...!
Cassie: Maybe you just need practice, Quanita.
Quanita: You think?
Emmy: Definitely.
Quanita: I'll reverse the wish and send all the knuckle holes back.
Zak: Get ready to jump everybody, we're going home with the knuckle holes!
Enrique: Wait! Before we go, we can help Quanita plant her trees.
Emmy: That's the great idea, Enrique, it's a big job for one little wizard.
Enrique: Can you make a wish for shovels?
Quanita: I can try...
Max: You did it!

Rise and Bloom [3.02a]

Max: Come on, little guys. Rise and bloom. Hmm. I think then need a little moe help waking up.
[all join in, singing in Spanish]

Super Snow Day [3.02b]


Musical Scales [3.03a]

Zak: You heard, Wheezie! We aren't here! Oops! I mean, Wheezie and I aren't...! Oh! Oh, I give up.
Wheezie: Awwwwwwww... I had them fooled until you put our foot in your mouth...

Zak: Our song is called "El Coqui", the frog!
Enrique: I taught them that song en español and english.
[Music playing]
Wheezie: ♪ My Coqui, little frog, how I love you... ♪
Zak: ♪ For your song is be comfort and peace... ♪
Wheezie: ♪ Every night I can go to sleep happy... ♪
Zak: ♪ When I hear lullabies from Coqui. ♪
Both: ♪ Coqui, Coqui... ♪
Zak: OH! OW! OH!
Wheezie: ♪ Coqui, Coqui, Coqui... ♪
Enrique: I didn't teach you this part.
Zak: [jumping] OOH! AHH!
Wheezie: [jumping] AAH! OOOH!
Zak: Can you feel that? Uhh. Itchy! Ah!
Cassie: I think we'd better try something else. Hmmmmm... Maybe we could cover up the bald spots.
Max: With what?

Wheezie: Why didn't I ever think of wearing all my fancy clothes at the same time before?
Zak: Because we look like someone dumped a laundry basketover our heads... This almost looks worse than shedding.
[Ord, Cassie and Emmy laugh]
Max: No! You look like rock stars really. Play!
[Music playing]
Zak: ♪ My Coqui, little frog, how I love you... ♪
Wheezie: ♪ For your song is be comfort and peace... ♪
Zak: [concerned] ♪ A belt has come loose and it's slipping... ♪
Wheezie: ♪ Well, grab it before it falls off. ♪
Zak: ♪ Coqui, Coqui... ♪ Oh! ♪ Coqui, qui, qui... ♪ YOW!
Wheezie: ♪ Coqui, Coqui... ♪
Zak: WOW!
[They both fall to the floor]

Zak: WHOA!
Wheezie: [laugh] Oh, sorry. I can't help it!
Zak: That is a b-a-d haircut.

Hand in Hand [3.03b]

Enrique: Wow!
Emmy: Hey!
Max: Ow!
[Enrique gasps]
Zak and Wheezie: 1, 2, 3, pull! Pull!
Enrique: Pare! Stop! What are you doing?

Sky Soccer [3.04a]

Zak: Okay, okay, here goes nothing...

Itching for a Cure [3.05a]

Emmy: Careful.
Max: I am.

Enrique: Sorry, I'm late.
Emmy and Max: Huh?
Enrique: [speaks in Spanish] Sorry. I didn't mean to knock down your card house.
Emmy: That's okay, Enrique.
Max: Yeah, we we're just practicing for the big house of cards we're gonna build in Dragon Land.

The Big Race [3.05b]


Max Loves a Train [3.06b]

Max: All aboard! Choo-choo!
Enrique: Wow, Max. What a cool train set!
Emmy: Max loves trains, Enrique.
Max: Yeah, and today, we get to ride the Dragon Land Express.
Enrique: I know. I can't wait either.

Prince for a Day [3.10a]

Enrique: How are you two going to decide whose turn it is to clean up?
Emmy and Max: I know! Rock. Paper. Scissors! [they both do scissors] Rock. Paper. Scissors! [they both do rock]

So Long Solo [3.10b]

[After Wheezie's sheet music has sunken into a pond]
Zak: Oh, Wheezie, it's all my fault! I guess I wasn't holding the music tight enough.
Wheezie: It was an accident, Zak. It's okay. I know that there'll be other shows next year.
Zak: Can't you play a different song? You know hundreds.
Wheezie: I didn't bring any other music.
Zak: Well, if you're not gonna perform, then I'm not gonna perform.
Wheezie: Don't say that! You worked hard on your juggle gym, and I want you to show it off.
Zak: [smiling] Really?
Wheezie: [also smiling] Yeah!
[At that moment, their badges start glowing.]
Wheezie: Zak, look, our dragon badge!
Zak: Ha, it's glowing!
Wheezie: We must have really learned to...
Zak: ...work together!
Wheezie: Aw, Zaky!

Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique [3.12a]

Dragons: SURPRISE!
Enrique: This is all for me?
Wheezie: Absolutely... Happy birthday!
[Everyone it celebrates happily and laughing]
Quetzal: Feliz cumpleaños, Enrique.
Enrique: Gracias, Quetzal. Gracias, everybody!
Quetzal: I must go back to preparing tomorrow's lesson. Enjoy your party, niños!
Everybody: See you! Bye-bye!
Cassie: Will you help me pass these out, Emmy?
Emmy: Definitely.
Wheezie: Ooooooh, noisemakers, my favorite!
Zak: [annoyed] No surprise there.
[They all play the noisemakers and march with them, however stop when Enrique gets sad.]
Ord: What's the matter, Enrique? Did your blower stop working?
Enrique: No... These remind me of the tiny whistles we used to hide in the frosting of birthday cakes back in Colombia.
Emmy: Why did you do that?
Enrique: [laughting] Because it was so much fun to pull them out and lick the gooey frosting off the whistles.
[Everyone laughs less Zak]
Zak: Sounds messy to me!
Enrique: Hey! Is that a piñata?
Cassie: Well, it does kind of look like one.
Ord: But we use it to play another really fun birthday game.
Max and Ord: Pin the badge on the dragon.
Cassie: Each of us gets one of these!
Max: And you have to try to put it on the dragon's neck.
Ord: Like a dragon badge!
Zak: But the trick is you have to do it all... [takes out of his pouch a bandage]
Wheezie: Blindfolded...!
Emmy: Whoever gets the closest is the winner.
Max: Wanna play?
Enrique: Sure!
Ord: Ooh, ooh, ooh, can I go first, uh?
Cassie: It's a Enrique's birthday award, maybe he should be the first.
Enrique: That's okay, Cassie, you can go first, Ord...
Ord: Oh, goody... Thanks, Enrique.
Wheezie: Ready-freddy?
[Zak and Wheezie blindfold Ord and spin him around]
Emmy: COME ON, ORD...!
[Everyone is encourage for Ord]
[Ord places the badge on the dragon's foot]
Ord: How I do? How I do?
Max: [laugh] Now the dragon badge is a dragon shoe...
[Ord laugh]
Emmy: Now it's your turn, Enrique...
[Ord blindfold Enrique and takes him away from the dragon, everyone is encourage for Enrique, he place the badge in the belly of the dragon and the blindfold is lifted.]
Ord: [laughing] Wow!
Max: [laugh] Now it's a belly badge...
[Enrique laughs]
[Next scene shows the group in the party wearing party hats and drinking juice from boxes. Cassie observes Enrique feeling sad again.]
Cassie: Don't you like your party, Enrique?
Enrique: Claro que sí, Cassie... It's really nice of everyone to do all this for me. It's just that... I'm actually feeling kind of sad!
Ord: Sad? On your birthday?
Wheezie: See? I told you we should have blown up more balloons...
Zak: It's not my fault I don't have as much hot air as you...!
Enrique: Zak, Wheezie, the balloons are fantásticas. I guess it's just... I miss the parties we used to have back in Colombia. [he sits sadly on a rock and his friends approach him]
Cassie: Hmmmmmm... What do you miss about those parties, Enrique?
Emmy: Because maybe talking about what you miss will help you not feel so sad.
Enrique: Well... My friends and family would get together and we'd celebrate, with music and games and all kinds of food.
Wheezie: Ooooooh, like a fiesta! Fiestas are so festive!
Enrique: Sometimes we play the stereo and the grown-ups would hand out instruments, like güiros and maracas, and we dance along with the music.
[His friends look at him listening with interest]
Enrique: [sad again] Ah... I sure missed those parties.
Zak: Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Wheezie?
Wheezie: If you're thinking what I'm thinking, Zaky...
Cassie: I'm thinking it too?
Emmy: Definitely.
Ord: What's everyone thinking, Max?
Emmy: That we can make music the way they did it Enrique's parties.
Wheezie: Something like this? [play music like a xylophone on their scales with Zak]
Enrique: That's great, Wheezie!
[Everyone starts dancing]
Enrique: All we need now are some maracas and it'll be just like back home.
Zak: Got any maracas and that messy pouch of yours, Wheezie?
Wheezie: Let's see! Hmmmmm... No... Oh! Been looking for that... [reaches into his pouch and pulls out a umbrella without fabric, a boot, an accordion and throws them into the air] Ah... Oh... No maracas.
Emmy: Maybe we can make some.
Cassie: That's a great idea, Emmy...
Max: Yeah! [he scratches the head] Huh... How are we gonna do that?
Ord: I know... [goes to some trees and collects five seed pods, returns and pours the seeds into his hand]
?:What's that?
Ord: Dragon pods seeds make a really shaky sound when they're inside my pouch just like maracas. [put the seeds in his pouch and makes it sound]
Max: [laugh] We can't all shake your pouch, Ord...
Ord: Oh, right. [laugh]
[Everyone laughs and Wheezie drink his juice from box]
Enrique: How about if we put the seeds inside the empty juice boxes and shake them?
Everyone: YEAH! GREAT!
[Everyone finishes drinking their juice boxes, Ord takes the seeds out of his pouch and places them in the juice boxes]
Max: It works! Listen to this! [shaking his juice box]
Ord: That's great, Max, sounds is good as my pouch!
Wheezie: All right, everybody, let's ma-rraca and roll!
Zak and Wheezie: And the uno and the dos!
[They both play the tune on their scales again while the others rattle their juice box maracas and dance happily to the music.]
Max: That sounded really cool!
Cassie: I love played the maracas...
Everyone: YES!
[Emmy laugh]
Enrique: Me too! It reminds me of my family and friends in Colombia. Hmmm... [becomes sad again]
Ord: Are you starting to feel sad again, Enrique?
Enrique: A little...
[His friends looks worried]
Wheezie: Well then, how's about we whip up some more fiesta fun? We can do the Dragonland Conga!
Zak: What do you say, Enrique?
Enrique: It sounds great but... Maybe later. [walks away sadly under the worried gaze of his friends and Cassie runs to him]
Cassie: Enrique, sometimes when I feel sad, I go talk with Quetzal. He helps me figure out my feelings.
Enrique: Maybe I should.
[Changes at the school in the sky]
Enrique: A-ah... And everybody's trying so hard to make me a nice party, a-ah... And I really appreciate it... And I really want to have fun... a-ah... And make the sad feeling go away, but it keeps coming back.
Quetzal: I understand, Enrique. I too sometimes feel sad.
Enrique: You do?
Quetzal: Sí, Enrique, and sometimes when I'm feeling especially sad. It seems as if there is only one thing that I want to do.
Enrique: What's that?
Quetzal: Cry... Perhaps that is the way you feel right now.
Enrique: I always heard that boys... They don't... They're not supposed to...
Quetzal: Ahhhhhhh... They are not supposed to cry because it is not macho.
Enrique: .
Quetzal: There is no shame in crying, Enrique. Trust me, in can be a find way to let the sadness out.
[Enrique and Quetzal hug each other and he starts crying, after a while then Enrique leaves school more calm down]
Everyone: HI, ENRIQUE!
Enrique: Hola, everyone.
Ord: Are you okay, Enrique? You look like you've been crying.
Enrique: , but it's okay. Quetzal told me crying helps let the sadness out, and he was right.
[His friends nod their heads]
Emmy: You do seem happier now, Enrique...
Enrique: , Emmy. I still feel a little sad, but mostly I feel like it's my birthday and I want to have fun!
Everyone: [celebrating] GOOD!
Enrique: So if you still want to, maybe we could do the Dragonland Conga?
Everyone: [celebrating] YEAH! WOO-HOO!
Everyone: [dancing] ♪ Feliz cumpleaños... ♪ [3 times]
Enrique: I don't feel sad anymore, Quetzal!
Quetzal: ¡Que bueno, Enrique!
[Everyone laughs celebrating and dancing]
Max, Emmy and Enrique: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time. [Then disappear and appear back in the playroom]
Enrique: Muchas gracias por todo, Max and Emmy.
Emmy: You're welcome, Enrique...
Max: De nada...
Enrique: You know, my papá said derby birthday cake when he got home from work... You want to come over?
Emmy: Cake?
Max: YEAH!
Emmy: Are there gonna be tiny whistles in the frosty?
Enrique: You bet!
Max: I want to lick the frosting off!
Enrique: Me too!
Emmy: Me three!

Moving On [3.16a]

Emmy: Hey, the dragon scale is glowing.
Max: They need us in Dragon Land.

Something's Missing [3.24b]

Max: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Max: I can't wait to see if there's a letter from Emmy, then Mom can read it to me. And I really can't wait till Emmy gets my letter.

Hello, Ms. Tipps [3.26b]


Just the Two of Us [3.29a]

Zak and Wheezie's mom: All right, Zak and Wheezie...
Zak and Wheezie's dad: You can open your eyes now...
Wheezie: Ooh! I love surprises, they're so... SURPRISING...!
Zak: What is it?
Zak and Wheezie's mom: It's my dragon links building kit. I played with it when I was a little dragon.
Zak and Wheezie's dad: We know how hard it is to play outside when Polly is tuning her weather machine. So we thought they would have fun playing with it now.
Wheezie: Looooove it! Let's make a sculpture, a work of art!

Wheezie: Who wants to go swimming?
Max: Swimming? But... I've never seen a dragon links building kit before.
Wheezie: Ohhhhh... [stroking his head] Who wants to be cooped up on a beautiful day like today, right, Zak?
Zak: Huh?... Oh... All right! Let's play while the sun... i-i-is out!

Emmy: So... Wheezie, what's your mom and dad's dragon links building kit look like?
Wheezie: Well, it got lots of pieces you put together to make... [Zak covers his snout]
Zak: Nothing.
Wheezie: [while Zak gets angry] What? Oh! Yeah, nothing. Hey! LOOK IT'S... A SNOWSTORM...!

Wheezie: HOLD IT STEADY, ZAK...!
Zak: I'M TRYING! But it's too heavy to hold up all by myself. [the pieces fall to the floor] We could use Ord's muscles.
Wheezie: [smile] What if we asked Ord to help us?
Zak: Okay, but only Ord. Everybody else can only see it when we're done.

Cowboy Max [3.29b]



Flip Flop [3.30a]

Max: Hey! Zak is acting like Wheezie!
Ord: And Wheezie is acting like Zak.
Zak and Wheezie: We are? WE ARE!
Wheezie: OOOOOH!
Cassie: Maybe Quetzal will know why this is hapenning.

Wheezie: Let's get's over with.
Zak: Oh, oh, oh!... Wait!... I want to hold it.
Wheezie: It doesn't matter who holds it.
Zak: [annoyed] You held it last time!

Zak: Now we can make a wish to flip-flop back. HOOOOORAY...! [he flies away with Wheezie, they do two somersaults and fall to the ground]
Wheezie: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...
Emmy: Wheezie, are you okay?
Max: You're that funny color that Zak turns when you do somersaults.
Wheezie: Oh, gee, Zak, is this how you feel when I make us do somersaults?
Zak: If you mean all dizzy-wizzy in your head and icky-sicky in our stomach, yes...
Wheezie: Oh, I'm sorry, Zaky, I didn't know it made you feel so bad.

Wheezie: There's no one else here! This is hopeless. Zaaak... We already looked in the dailing flowers...
Zak: See what I made?
Wheezie: Why are you acting so silly when we have something important to do?
Zak: Ooh... Can't we have fun at the same time?
Ord: Usually Zak is the one who gets upset because Wheezie acting silly...
Zak: Wheezie, when you act silly sometimes, aren't you just trying to make the job fun?
Wheezie: Huh, just like you're doing now.
Zak: OHHHHHHH! [laugh]


Wheezie: Woo-hoo! I feel the tickle-lickle, that beautiful statue must have granted our wish...
Quetzal: So, Zak, how do you feel being back to your old self?
[Everyone gasps]
Zak: Hey, I can be silly too...
[Everyone laugh]


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