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User:Aquilinodelagoa/Wilson Alves-Bezerra

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Wilson Alves-Bezerra is a poet, writer and Brazilian translator. He is Latin American Literature Professor at Federal University of São Carlos and the director of UFSCar Book Press.

He is the most important researcher and translator of the Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga in Brazil. He is the autor of the first biography of the author in English:

- A narrative biography of Horacio Quiroga, The Lone Anarchist (2023).

He is the author of other books about Horacio Quiroga in Uruguay:

- Nuevos Papeles Íntimos. Cartas inéditas de Horacio Quiroga (2022)

- Reverberaciones de la Frontera en Horacio Quiroga (2021)


He translated into Brazilian Portuguese, some Latin American writers, as Alfonsina Storni, Luis Gusmán and Sergio Bizzio:

  • A
  • A

[[Category:Writer]] [[Category:Translator]] [[Category:Poet]] [[Category:Biographer]] [[Category:Literature Professor]] [[Category:Brazilian]]