Category:Non-fiction book cover images
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 15 total.
(previous page) (next page)M
- Music book cover images (218 F)
- Philosophy book cover images (604 F)
- Photography book cover images (103 F)
- Religious book cover images (150 F)
- Sports programme cover images (583 F)
- True crime book cover images (82 F)
Media in category "Non-fiction book cover images"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 5,235 total.
(previous page) (next page)L
- File:Le Matin des magiciens.jpg
- File:Le Mythe de Sisyphe.jpg
- File:Leaarning the vi and vim editors.png
- File:Leadershipcover.jpg
- File:LeadvilleBook.jpg
- File:League of denial.jpg
- File:Lean In (book).jpg
- File:Lean Startup.png
- File:Learned pigs & fireproof women.jpg
- File:Learning from Las Vegas (Venturi, Brown, and Izenour 1972).jpg
- File:Learning How to Learn.jpg
- File:Learning to Labor Morningside.jpg
- File:LeavingIslam.jpeg
- File:LebaneseChristianNationalism.gif
- File:Lee snake venom cover.gif
- File:Left and Right journal complete.jpg
- File:Legacy of luna cover.gif
- File:LegacyofJihad.jpg
- File:Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy.jpg
- File:Legitimation Crisis (German edition).jpg
- File:LeJeune - The Worry Trap.jpg
- File:Lemurs of Madagascar 3rd ed.jpg
- File:Len Deighton's London Dossier.jpg
- File:Leonard Shlain - The alphabet versus the goddess the conflict between word and image.jpeg
- File:Leonardo da Vinci - arte e scienza dell'universo (Universale Electa∕Gallimard, nº 73).jpg
- File:Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood, German edition.jpg
- File:Leonardosmountain.jpg
- File:Les cités perdues des Mayas (Découvertes Gallimard, nº 20).jpg
- File:Les Grandes Pyramides - Chronique d'un mythe (Découvertes Gallimard, nº 501).jpg
- File:Les Illusions de la Psychanalyse.jpg
- File:Les Momies - Un voyage dans l'éternité.jpg
- File:Les mystères du vaudou (Découvertes Gallimard, nº 190).jpg
- File:Lessons of the Masters.jpg
- File:Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime, first edition.jpg
- File:Lessons with kiarostami.jpg
- File:Let Freedom Ring.jpg
- File:Let Me Be a Woman.jpg
- File:Let Me Finish cover.jpg
- File:Lets Explore Diabetes With Owls David Sedaris.png
- File:Letter to My Daughter.jpg
- File:Letter to young poet cover.jpg
- File:Letters from a Father to His Daughter.jpg
- File:Letters from Burma book cover.JPG
- File:Letters to a Young Contrarian.jpg
- File:Letters to a Young Scientist.jpg
- File:Letters to Felice.jpg
- File:Letters to Judy What Kids Wish They Could Tell You book cover2.jpg
- File:Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor.png
- File:LettersFromtheDevil.jpg
- File:LettersFromTheEarth.jpg
- File:LettersToKurt.jpg
- File:LettersToMalcolm.jpg
- File:Levels of Knowing and Existence.jpg
- File:Lexikon der indogermanischen Partikeln und Pronominalstämme.jpg
- File:Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben.png
- File:Liars and Outliers Cover.jpg
- File:Liars-Leakers-and-Liberals book cover.jpg
- File:Liberal Fascism (cover).jpg
- File:Liberalismisamentaldisease.jpg
- File:Liberalismus (book).jpg
- File:Liberation by Oppression.jpg
- File:Libertarianism Today.jpg
- File:Library of America.JPG
- File:LiesOfSilence.jpg
- File:LiesThatChelseaHandlerToldMe.jpg
- File:Life After Billy Book Cover.png
- File:Life After Life (Moody book).jpg
- File:Life at the Bottom Cover.jpg
- File:Life Before Live (Jim Tucker).jpg
- File:Life of the Party, A Political Press Tart Bares All cover.jpg
- File:Life, An Unauthorized Biography.jpg
- File:Life102BookCover.jpg
- File:LifeAndEnergy.jpg
- File:Lifein2050UlrichEberlBook.jpg
- File:LifeInTheTwentyFirstCentury.jpg
- File:Lights, Camera, Masala.jpg
- File:Like a Virgin How Science Is Redesigning the Rules of Sex.jpg
- File:Limitededitionbleedingshadows.jpg
- File:Lin Yutang Dictionary.jpg
- File:Lino Rulli Saint.JPG
- File:Lion Fox Eagle.jpg
- File:Lions Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition with Source Code.jpg
- File:Lionsinthestreet-coverpage.jpg
- File:Listening-to-Prozac.jpg
- File:Literate Programming book cover.jpg
- File:LiteratureandScience3.jpg
- File:Little Boy The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture.jpg
- File:Little essays.jpg
- File:Littlegreenmonsters.jpg
- File:Livestock's Long Shadow (book) cover.jpg
- File:Living in Cities bookcover.jpg
- File:Living Witchcraft.jpg
- File:Living with Crazy Buttocks.jpg
- File:Living with K.JPG
- File:Local Color.JPG
- File:Local Fields - bookcover.jpg
- File:LocalColour.jpg
- File:Lohoof.jpg
- File:LOLCat Bible.jpg
- File:London Call Girl Cover 2.jpg
- File:London Film Location Guide final cover.jpg
- File:London Plan Cover 2017.jpg
- File:London Recruits, The Secret War Against Apartheid.jpg
- File:London-the-biography.jpg
- File:LondonistanUK.jpg
- File:Lonely Planet Australia travel guide 16th Edition.png
- File:Long Path guidebook.jpg
- File:Long Way Round cover.jpg
- File:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 4ed.jpg
- File:Look Me in the Eye (book cover).jpg
- File:LoomingTower.jpg
- File:Looseballs.jpg
- File:Lorna Doone, first edition 1869.png
- File:Losing Ground.jpg
- File:Losing Our Religion.jpg
- File:Lost at Sea, The Jon Ronson Mysteries- Cover.jpg
- File:Lost Boys (Garbarino book).jpg
- File:Lost Boys of Bird Island cover.jpg
- File:Lost Cities Silverberg.jpg
- File:Lost Gay Novels.jpg
- File:Lost Japan book cover.JPG
- File:Lost Moon.jpg
- File:LostContinent.jpg
- File:LostGeneration BookCover.jpg
- File:LouderAndFunnier.jpg
- File:Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism.jpg
- File:Louisiana Almanac 2006-2007 Edition.jpg
- File:Love and Sex with Robots.jpg
- File:Love Does book cover.jpg
- File:Love, Poverty, and War.jpg
- File:Lovecraft Against the World, Against Life.png
- File:Lovecrafts providence.jpg
- File:LoveInTruth.jpg
- File:Lovemarks Book.jpg
- File:LoyaltyEffectRevCover.jpg
- File:LPI Traces of Catastrophe book cover image.gif
- File:LRonHubbard-Dianetics-ISBN1403105464-cover.jpg
- File:Lu Xun Brief History 1959 Cover.jpg
- File:Lubyanka Criminal Group.jpg
- File:LudmillasBrokenEnglish.jpg
- File:LuftkriegundLiteratur.jpg
- File:LukeRhinehart Whim.jpg
- File:Lung3rd.jpg
- File:Lupoff master of adventure 1965.jpg
- File:Lupoff master of adventure 1968.jpg
- File:Lyall Watson - Gifts of unknown things.jpeg
- File:M - Writings 67 to 72.jpg
- File:M@B Award Cover.jpg
- File:Mad about Physics book cover, Christopher Jargodzki and Franklin Potter, 2001.jpg
- File:Made in America-Bryson-Feb2005.jpg
- File:Madetostick-book.JPG
- File:Madness and Civilization (Plon edition).jpg
- File:Madness of King George (book).jpg
- File:Madness-under-the-royal-palms.jpg
- File:Madoonnaland cover.jpg
- File:MadumoBookCover.jpg
- File:Mafia State (book).jpg
- File:Magic, Witchcraft and the Otherworld.jpg
- File:Magicalrevival cover.jpg
- File:Magicians of the Gods - Book Cover.jpg
- File:Magick book4.gif
- File:Magick Without Tears (book cover) by Aleister Crowley.jpg
- File:Magnetic Hill pamphlet cover 1969.jpg
- File:MagnificentVisions.jpg
- File:Mainlyontheair-uk.jpg
- File:Mainlyontheair-usa.jpg
- File:Major Decisions - Taking Charge of Your College Education.jpg
- File:Major Moon Collection Catalogue Cover.jpg
- File:Make Love, Not War.jpg
- File:Makers by anderson bookcover.jpg
- File:Making a Stand for Animals Cover.jpg
- File:Making Chastity Sexy.jpg
- File:Making Peace with the Planet.jpg
- File:Making Social Science Matter.jpg
- File:Making-Europe-Unconquerab-1985-front.jpg
- File:Making-globalizaiton-work.jpg
- File:Male Homosexuality in Four Societies.jpg
- File:MaleAndFemale.JPG
- File:Malhotra-Being-Different-2011-FRONT-COVER.jpg
- File:Malignant How Cancer Becomes Us.jpg
- File:Mammonart.jpg
- File:Man and his symbols, first edition.jpg
- File:Man and power.jpg
- File:Manafterman.jpg
- File:Managerial-revolution-1941.jpg
- File:Managing professional service firm.jpg
- File:Maneaters of Kumaon.jpg
- File:Manga Guide to Statistics Cover.jpg
- File:Manhunt cover resized.jpg
- File:ManiBook.jpg
- File:ManIntoWolf.jpg
- File:Manliness2006.jpg
- File:Mann 2012 HK0CN6FVtfgC.jpg
- File:Mannes - Profiles in Terror coverart.jpg
- File:ManualDeZoologiaFantastica.jpg
- File:ManualOfPaintingAndCalligraphy.jpg
- File:Manugactorinconsent2.jpg
- File:ManushyalayaChandrikaCoverPage.jpg
- File:MaoTseTungRulerOfRedChina.jpg
- File:MapArt Cover.jpg