The robots exclusion standard, also known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots.txt protocol is a convention to prevent cooperating web spiders and other web robots from accessing all or part of a website which is, otherwise, publicly viewable. Robots are often used by search engines to categorize and archive web sites, or by webmasters to proofread source code. A robots.txt file on a website will function as a request that specified robots ignore specified files or directories in their search. This might be, for example, out of a preference for privacy from search engine results, or the belief that the content of the selected directories might be misleading or irrelevant to the categorization of the site as a whole, or out of a desire that an application only operate on certain data.
The protocol, however, is purely advisory. It relies on the cooperation of the web robot, so that marking an area of a site out of bounds with robots.txt does not guarantee privacy. Some web site administrators have tried to use the robots file to make private parts of a website invisible to the rest of the world, but the file is necessarily publicly available and its content is easily checked by anyone with a web browser.
There is no official standards body or RFC for the robots.txt protocol. It was created by consensus in June 1994 by members of the robots mailing list ( The information specifying the parts that should not be accessed is specified in a file called robots.txt in the top-level directory of the website. The robots.txt patterns are matched by simple substring comparisons, so care should be taken to make sure that patterns matching directories have the final '/' character appended, otherwise all files with names starting with that substring will match, rather than just those in the directory intended.
This example allows all robots to visit all files because the wildcard "*" specifies all robots:
User-agent: * Disallow:
This example keeps all robots out:
User-agent: * Disallow: /
The next is an example that tells all crawlers not to enter into four directories of a website:
User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /tmp/ Disallow: /private/
Example that tells a specific crawler not to enter one specific directory:
User-agent: BadBot Disallow: /private/
Example that tells all crawlers not to enter one specific file:
User-agent: * Disallow: /directory/file.html
Note that all other files in the specified directory will be processed.
Example demonstrating how comments can be used:
# Comments appear after the "#" symbol at the start of a line, or after a directive User-agent: * # match all bots Disallow: / # keep them out
In order to prevent access to all pages by robots, do not use
Disallow: *
as this is not a stable standard extension.
Disallow: /
should be used.
Nonstandard extensions
Several crawlers support a Crawl-delay
parameter, set to the number of seconds to wait between successive requests to the same server: [1] [2]
User-agent: * Crawl-delay: 10
The Sitemap
parameter is supported by some major crawlers. Sitemap
specifies the address of the sitemap. This parameter is independent from User-agent
parameter so it can be placed anywhere in the file.
Extended Standard
An Extended Standard for Robot Exclusion has been proposed, which adds several new directives, such as Visit-time and Request-rate. For example:
User-agent: * Disallow: /downloads/ Request-rate: 1/5 # maximum rate is one page every 5 seconds Visit-time: 0600-0845 # only visit between 6:00 AM and 8:45 AM UT (GMT)
The first version of the Robot Exclusion standard, does not mention anything about the "*" character in the Disallow:
statement. Modern crawlers like Googlebot and Slurp recognize strings containing "*", while MSNbot and Teoma interpret it in different ways. [3]
robots.txt is older and more widely accepted, but there are other methods (which can be used together with robots.txt) that allow greater control, like disabling indexing of images only or disabling archiving of page contents.
HTML meta tags for robots
HTML meta tags can be used to exclude robots according to the contents of web pages. Again, this is purely advisory, and also relies on the cooperation of the robot programs. For example,
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
within the HEAD
section of an HTML document tells search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, or MSN to exclude the page from its index and not to follow any links on this page for further possible indexing.
(See HTML Author's Guide to the Robots META tag.)
Directives within a page
The <NOINDEX> tag is a non-standard HTML tag whose intent is to indicate portions of a page that should not be indexed, such as common navigation or footer. Using it without a namespace will make XHTML pages invalid.
- ^ "How can I reduce the number of requests you make on my web site?" (HTML). Yahoo! Slurp. Retrieved 2007-02-08.
- ^ "MSNBot is crawling a site too frequently" (HTML). Troubleshoot issues with MSNBot and site crawling. Retrieved 2007-02-08.
- ^ "Web robots and dynamic content issues" (HTML). MSNbot issues with robots.txt. Retrieved 2007-04-01.
See also
- Distributed web crawling
- Focused crawler
- Internet Archive
- Library of Congress Digital Library project
- National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
- The nofollow attribute
- Spider trap
- Web archiving
- Web crawler
External links
- Robots Exclusion
- Google Blog post on robots.txt
- Google Blog on Robots META tags
- About Robots.txt at the Mediawiki website
- List of Bad Bots - rogue robots and spiders which ignore these guidelines
- More info about Robots.txt