Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Pullman Company

Location and general description of property.—The common-carrier property of The Pullman Company consists chiefly of standard and tourist sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite cars, private cars, and dining cars. Such cars are assigned for use in passenger-train service to most of the railroads operating in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, under contracts providing in general that The Pullman Company owns, operates, and maintains the cars and retains the revenues accruing therefrom in whole or in part. The names of railroad companies over whose lines The Pullman Company conducts operations are given in Appendix 2, under leased railway property.

In conjunction with the operations of its cars, The Pullman Company has repair shops and 23.020 miles of standard-gage yard tracks and sidings located at Buffalo, N. Y., Calumet (Chicago), Ill., Richmond, Calif., St. Louis, Mo., and Wilmington, Del. It also owns and uses minor miscellaneous structures and shop machinery located in important railroad yards and terminals throughout the United States.

The Pullman Company also owns in addition to property mentioned above, 1.496 miles of double-main track and 5.489 miles of yard tracks and sidings, all standard gage, located between One hundred and fourth and One hundred and fifteenth Streets, Chicago, Ill., which it leases for exclusive use to the Pullman Railroad Company which it controls.

In addition to its common-carrier property, The Pullman Company owns an extensive manufacturing plant located at Pullman, Ill. At this plant is manufactured not only the cars of The Pullman Company but also all classes of passenger and freight-train cars under contracts for railroad companies. The plant is equipped also for the manufacture of other articles such as automobile bodies and phonograph cabinets. No part of this plant has been inventoried by us.


The Pullman Company was incorporated February 22, 1867, by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled an "Act to incorporate Pullman's Palace Car Company". The date of organization of Pullman's Palace Car Company was July 15, 1867. Its name was changed to The Pullman Company on December 30, 1899. The following chart shows the names of the corporations, the respective dates of [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1 The Pullman Company. See 2.
2 Pullman's Palace Car Company. [?] act of Illinois, Feb. 22, 1867. Name changed to 1, Dec. 30, 1899.
3 Pullman Southern Car Company. See 4. Sold to 2, Oct. 1, 1894.
4 Crescent City Sleeping Car Company. By special act of Kentucky, Mar. 16, 1870. Name changed to 3, Feb. 13, 1871, by amendment of act of Mar. 16, 1870.
5 Pullman Kimball and Ramsey Sleeping Car Company. No information. Sold to 3, Oct. 10, 1872,
6 Paine Lines (so-called). No information. Sold to 3, Oct. 10, 1872,
7 The Pullman Pacific Car Company. By special act of New York, Apr. 24, 1868. Sold to 2, July 31, 1884.
8 Erie and Atlantic Sleeping Coach Company. Under general laws of New York. Sold to 2, in July, 1888.
9 Woodruff Sleeping and Parlor Coach Company. By act of Pennsylvania, May 19, 1871. Sold to 1, Oct. 31, 1909.
10 Lucas Sleeping Car Company. No information. Sold to 9, between June 19, 1878, and Mar. 18, 1879.
11 Mann's Boudoir Car Company. Under general laws of New York, Mar. 23, 1883. Sold to 1, Oct. 31, 1909.
12 The Union Palace Car Company. Under general laws of New Jersey, Sept. 24, 1888. Sold to 1, Oct. 31, 1909.
13 Wagner Palace Car Company. See 14. Sold to 1, Jan. 2, 1900.
14 New York Central Sleeping Car Company. Under general laws of New York, Jan. 1, 1866. Name changed to 13, December, 1886.
15 Gates Sleeping Car Company. No information. Sold to 14, in 1869.