

Working with Larry Walker of the Sperry Univac Knowledge System Center on the history and current state of Artificial Intelligence. See this page for a while.

True State of AI Tools ...

Summary of Writings since retirement.


-Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. (,
-Developer - Truth engineering (right now, as vague as is AI, the wannabe; AI's chief foe? truth)
-History of technology - Knowledge-based engineering (and AI)
-Eldest technical Wikipedian - in the third year of the ninth decade
-WikiTree editing (including Sanborn).


- History as bunk if it does not include views other than the vociferous (supposed winners who control the media). Case in point: Bosworth and Richard III. This work is motivated, in part, by recent findings (Richard III's remains, for instance).
- Being the world's oldest, active (and technical) Wiki'ian? Ninth decade.
- Cheshire Multiple - coined by Marilyn vos Savant, quoted in Financial Times, related to Market liquidity, Efficient-market hypothesis, and much more. Subject of FEDaerated blog.
- Other
People's foibles, Underdetermined (necessity), Autodidact (Mentor free), KBE (evangelist, perhaps - former COE Newsnet co-Editor))
Economics (blog), Truth Engineering (blog), 'Oops, loops, oops (blog), ...

Continents and Isles: Peoples and colonies

- Historic genealogy:
- Celts, Norse, Gaelic (Eógan mac Néill), Wessex, ...
- Tutor of William, Companions of William, ..., FitzHerbert (forfeiture), ...
- Great Migration, New England, Economic backbone, Mass Bay, ..., Church/State, ..., Commerce, ...,
- Bifurcations (Example),
- Idiocies (Idiots: Corwin, Hathorne, Mather, ...)
- Innocents (Sarah Lord, Thomas Maule (Quaker), Mary Parker, Susannah Martin, Samuel Wardwell, Mary Bradbury, Elizabeth Howe, ...),
- Bad marks on our heritage, ...
- Royal gateways, Descent from antiquity, ...


- Descendants of St. Margaret of Scotland (Matilda, David I, ...), of Magna Charta Sureties ...

Other Interests

- Necessity of the quasi-empirical, LHC, Science and Religion, Teleology, Nondualism, ...,
- Mathematics, Philosophy of mathematics, Interactive computation, Pattern theory, Model theory, ...,
- Philosophy of science, ArXiv, ...
- Engineering, Biomedical, BioEng, Reliability, Software, Systems, Financial (its control and exploitation), ..., Model (abstract), Finite element method, Control theory, ..., Simulation / Graphics, NURBS, ..., Programming, Lisp, Python, C++, ...,
- Economics, Minsky cycle, Entrepreneur,Finance, Islamic banking, ..., Technical analysis, Basel I, Basel II, ..., Wealth, SWF, Behavioral_finance, OLAP, ..., Prediction market, Collective intelligence, ...,
- Human Intelligence, Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, Ontology (computer science), Web science,...,
- Health, United States Army, ...,
- Mechanism design, ..., Hadoop, ..., Creative commons, ...
- Fan -- Foxes & Fossils


Why is Wikipedia so great, ..., What Wikipedia is, What it is not, ..., NPOV, NOR, Vf, ..., No Sock puppetry
jmswtlk FB, LinkedIn, Quora, ...