This is a list of plants which includes trees and other herbs, vines, climbers, lianas, shrubs, subshrubs that are native or endemic, found in Cuba.

This list should exclude plants grown, invasive species or introduced by humans (example: weeds).

The endemic genera or species (exclusive of Cuba) are marked by *. This list is sorted in alphabetical order by binomial names. Common names are in parentheses.

Acrocomia crispa

Orchids are native

Begonia cubensis
  • Rheedia aristata see Garcinia aristata
  • Rivea corymbosa see Turbina corymbosa

See also



  1. ^ Douglas, N.A. &, P.S. Manos (2007). "Molecular phylogeny of Nyctaginaceae: Taxonomy, biogeography, and characters associated with a radiation of xerophytic genera in North America". American Journal of Botany. 94 (5): 859. doi:10.3732/ajb.94.5.856. PMID 21636455.
  2. ^ a b c d e Rohwer, Jens G. (1993). Lauraceae: Nectandra - Flora Neotropica Monograph #60. New York Botanical Garden. ISBN 0-89327-373-2.
  3. ^ Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Kew Science. "Terminalia diptera (Sagra) Greuter & R. Rankin". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 24 November 2021.


  • Grisebach, August (1866). Catalogus plantarum cubensium (Catalog of Plants of Cuba). Engelmann, Leipzig. (available at
  • Grisebach, A.[H.R.] 1862. Plantæ Wrightianæ e Cuba orientali, Pars II. (Monopetalae et Monocotyledones). Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, ser .2, 8: 503–536.
  • Howard, R.A. 1988. Charles Wright in Cuba, 1856–1867. Chadwyck-Healey, Alexandria.
  • León, H. (J. S. Sauget) & Alain, H. (E. E. Liogier) 1946-62 (4 volumes); suppl. 1969.Flora de Cuba. 5 Volumes. Havana
  • Manitz, H. 1987. Pp. 23–24 in: Las collecciones de Charles Wright en Pinar del Río. IV Conferencia sobre la Flora de Cuba. Resúmenes. Machurrucutu-La Habana.
  • Oviedo Prieto, R. 1994. Plantae Wrightianae ex insula Cuba quae in herbario Horti Regii Matritensis asservantur. Fontqueria 39: 165–213.
  • Richard, A. (1845). Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de L'Ile de Cuba (Editor: Ramón de la Sagra). Botanique. Plantes Vasculaires. (Physical, Political and Natural History of the island of Cuba, Botany. Vascular plants)(available at Gallica)
  • Sauvalle, F.A. 1870. Flora cubana. Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 7.
  • Urban, I. 1902. Symbolae Antillanae, 3. Bornträger, Leipzig. (reprinted 1964, Asher Amsterdam)