Basic Information (3581 ZVC)
Market Industry Code Symbol Company Name
TPEx Listed Company Semiconductor 3581 ZVC ZEN VOCE CORPORATION
Chairman General Manager Spokesman Telephone Web Address
CARL LEE CARL LEE Sophie Lin 03-5599999
No. 53, Jinggong Rd., Hsin Fong TownshipHsinChu County, Taiwan , R.O.C.
Material Information (3581 ZVC)
No English Material Information has been Published in this period, Please Click here for Further Information.
Operating Revenue (3581 ZVC) Unit:NTD'000
2024.05 2023.05 Growth Rate
107,276 91,449 17.31%
2024.04 2023.04 Growth Rate
113,266 100,957 12.19%
2024.03 2023.03 Growth Rate
109,817 135,187 -18.77%
2024.02 2023.02 Growth Rate
107,421 118,585 -9.41%
Financial Statements after adopting IFRSs (3581 ZVC) Unit:NTD'000
Items 2024Q1 2023Q1 Year 2023 Year 2022
Balance Sheet Total Assets 2,004,022 2,102,682 1,962,952 2,072,610
Total Liabilities 1,008,832 1,098,852 984,963 1,095,164
Total Equity 995,190 1,003,830 977,989 977,446
Book Value Per Share (NTD) 16.63 17.02 16.51 16.73
Statement of Comprehensive Income Operating Revenue 326,331 384,926 1,460,751 1,509,593
Operating Income(Loss) -4,310 20,164 69,656 159,281
Income before Tax(Loss) 22,614 35,604 90,953 138,818
EPS(NTD) 0.04 0.28 0.55 1.26
Statement of Cash Flows Net Cash Inflow Generated by Operating Activities (Outflow) -17,904 14,341 129,032 140,036
Net Cash Inflow Used in Investing Activities (Outflow) -14,222 230 52,403 -113,462
Net Cash Inflow Used in Financing Activities (Outflow) -24,634 5,205 -28,197 14,109
Dividends (3581 ZVC) Unit:NTD'000
Resolution Date Cash Dividends Distributed from Retained Earnings(NTD/Share) Stock Dividends Distributed from Retained Earnings(NTD/Share) Cash Distributed from Legal Reserve (NTD/Share) Cash Distributed from Capital Surplus (NTD/Share) Stock Distributed from Legal Reserve (NTD/Share) Stock Distributed from Capital Surplus (NTD/Share)
Board of Directors�� Meeting Shareholders�� Meeting
2024/03/07 2024/06/11 0.50 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Record Date For Distribution of Dividends Ex-Rights Date/ Ex-Dividend Date Cash Dividends Distribution Date
2024/07/17 2024/07/11 2024/08/08
Note�GIn the case where the "Dividend in respect of the year (quarter)" belongs to the year (quarter) before 2019, "Cash distributed from legal reserve (NTD/share)"includes "Cash distributed from legal reserve (NTD/share)" and "Cash distributed from capital surplus (NTD/share)", and "Stock distributed from legal reserve(NTD/share)" includes "Stock distributed from legal reserve (NTD/share)" and "Stock distributed from capital surplus (NTD/share)".
Changes In Shareholdings of Company Insiders* (3581 ZVC)
Month Shares Actually Held Shares Increased (Decreased) Ratio To Total Shares (%)
2024.05 6,394 0.0000% 12.54%
2024.04 6,394 0.0000% 12.54%
2024.03 6,394 0.0000% 12.54%
* The term "company insider" as used above shall mean a company's directors, supervisors, managerial officers, and those shareholder