FENC Corporate Bond Information

Series Number�G 111-1 Tranche Number�G Offering Method�GPublic Offering by Commissioned Underwriter
Application Date�G2022/08/31 Effective Registration Date�G2022/09/05
Issue Date�G2022/09/14 Tenor�G5 Year(s) and 0 Month(s)
Maturity Date�G2027/09/14 TPEx Delisting Date�G 
Date of Corporate Authorization Obtained for the Issuance of Private Placement�G 
Listing Status�GTPEx-Listed Issuing / Listing Country�GTaiwan
Listing Date�G2022/09/14 Currency�GNTD�@Exchange Rate on Issue Date�G 1.0000
Bond Code�GB50170 Short Name�GP11���F�s1
Issuer Type�GDomestic Issuer
Bond Name�GFar Eastern New Century Corporation 1st Unsecured Corparate Bond issue in 2022
CFI Code�GDBFUFR ISIN Code�GTW000B501709
Total Registered Amount�G$ 2,500,000,000
Current Issue Amount�G$ 2,500,000,000
Cumulative Issue Amount�G$ 2,500,000,000
Latest Principal Repayment Date�G2026/09/14
Coupon Rate�G Fixed Interest Rate 1.750000% Date of Current Interest Rate Reset�G 
Date of Next Interest Rate Reset�G 
Floating Rate Benchmark�G
Floating Spread (%)�G
Interest Basis�GAnnually Compound 1 Time(s) and Pay 1 Time(s)
Interest Rate Schedule�G11109BOND_1_1402_0000002
Denomination�G$ 1,000,000 Volume�G 2,500 Units
Issue Price�G$ 100 (Price expressed in per-hundred basis. Price in per-hundred basis = Issue Price/ Face Value *100)
Outstanding Amount at Current Month End�G$ 2,500,000,000 Date of Outstanding Change in Current Month�G 
Reason for Outstanding Change in Current Month�G
�@�@Principal Repayment�G$ 0
�@�@Buyback or Early Redemption�G$ 0
�@�@Exercise of Put Option�G$ 0
Principal Repayment Description�G Please refer to terms and conditions.
Agent for repayment of principal and payment of interest�G8050012
Whether The Bond is Sustainable Bond? Yes,Sustainability-Linked Bond(SLB)
The deadline for public disclosure of the annual report�G 9/30
Green or Social Project�G Sustainable UoP Bond Projects�G 9/30
The deadline for public disclosure of the Post-issuance report�G
SLB important conditions�G
(�@) �����q�Ť������Q�v���T�w�~�Q�v1.75%�A�Y��ؼпŶq��Ǥ馳IJ�o�ƥ�A�q���Q����I����վ�C
(�G) IJ�o�ƥ�O�[��H�U�ⶵ�i����o�i�����Z�ī���(Key Performance Indicators�AKPIs)�O�_�b�ؼпŶq��Ǥ�(����114�~12��31��)�F��i����o�i�Z�ĥؼ�(Sustainability Performance Targets�ASPTs)�A�]�A(a) 2025�~���e�ūǮ���Ʃ�(�då1+�då2)��2020�~��q20%�A(b) 2025�~���e��ⲣ�~�禬��2015�~����80%�C
(�T) �ؼпŶq��Ǥ��A�Y�X�{�H�U���p�A���PIJ�o�ƥ󤧲����Q�v�վ�A
(2)���i���ŦX�����q�u2022 �~�i����o�i�s���Ũ�p�e�ѡv�]�H�U²�١u�p�e�ѡv�^�o�����i�������ƶ����`�W�w�n�D�A�Y�䤤�@��KPI��SPT���ŦX�o�����i�������ƶ����`�W�w�n�D�A�h�Ĥ��~�����Q�v�W�[ 0.125%�F�Y�ⶵKPIs��SPTs�ҥ��ŦX�o�����i�������ƶ����`�W�w�n�D�A�h�Ĥ��~�����Q�v�W�[ 0.25%�A��
(3)SPT�����Ҧb���i�������(����115�~9��30��)���e�|�����ѩM���}�A�Y�䤤�@��SPT�����ҳ��i�b���i����������e�|�����ѩM���}�A�h�Ĥ��~�����Q�v�W�[ 0.125%�F�Y�ⶵSPTs�����ҳ��i�b���i����������e�ҩ|�����ѩM���}�A�h�Ĥ��~�����Q�v�W�[ 0.25%�C
Whether the bond characteristics of SLB varied?�G
Restrictive Clauses�G
Other Terms�G
Bond Rating Agency�G �@�@Bond Rating�G �@�@Bond Rating Date�G 
Issuer Rating Agency�GTaiwan Ratings �@�@Issuer Rating�GtwA �@�@Issuer Rating Date�G2022/08/26
Guarantor Name�G �@�@Guarantor Rating Agency�G �@�@Guarantor Rating�G �@�@Guarantor Rating Date�G 
Underwriter/Financial Advisor�G980T Yuanta Securities Certification Agency�G
Trustee�G Transfer Agent�G
Private Placement Target Investor�G
Principal Repaid on Schedule?�GYes Description�G
Terms and Conditions�G1402_1110907_152951.pdf
Default Amount�G 0�@Result�G

Cash Flow Statement for Principal Repayments and Interest Payments

Time(s)DatePrincipal RepaymentInterest Payment
1 2023/09/14 $ 0 $ 43,750,000
2 2024/09/14 $ 0 $ 43,750,000
3 2025/09/14 $ 0 $ 43,750,000
4 2026/09/14 $ 1,250,000,000 $ 43,750,000
5 2027/09/14 $ 1,250,000,000 $ 21,875,000
Total  $ 2,500,000,000 $ 196,875,000