Elk Head Magic

Moody Scorpio ♏ Eclectic Magic User 🧙‍♀️ Selene🌙 Apollo ☀️ Dionysus 🍷 Hecate🌕 Nyx 🌌

  1. elkheadmagic:

    So I got this book at work…


    And I don’t know how to feel about it.

    I haven’t read the whole thing. Something about the crystal info seems…off? Like something is telling me something isn’t right, lol Not only that, this mentions smudging and chakras. Both of which are closed practices. I planned on just ignoring the chakra part (I didn’t know about the smudging until I just flipped through), and just reading about the crystals.

    But this whole book feels off.

    And like - the woman who wrote it is a radio personality. So, honestly, I’m kind of skeptical on trusting anything in here.


    Has anyone come across this book before?

  2. 13 notes
  1. So I got this book at work…


    And I don’t know how to feel about it.

    I haven’t read the whole thing. Something about the crystal info seems…off? Like something is telling me something isn’t right, lol Not only that, this mentions smudging and chakras. Both of which are closed practices. I planned on just ignoring the chakra part (I didn’t know about the smudging until I just flipped through), and just reading about the crystals.

    But this whole book feels off.

    And like - the woman who wrote it is a radio personality. So, honestly, I’m kind of skeptical on trusting anything in here.


    Has anyone come across this book before?

  2. 13 notes
  1. lavender self love jar


    simple self love jar ritual


    🔮large jar
    🔮dried lavender
    🔮white candle
    🔮rose water

    🔮place a single white candle in the middle of your jar. your white candle represents the destruction of negativity.
    🔮place your dried lavender and rue around the candle, for the lavender represents healing, and higher consciousness. your rue also represents healing and health.
    🔮light your candle, and chant:

    “my body is ethereal,
    too pure for this realm.
    i light this candle in recognition of myself,
    for i am one with the wind and sky,

    🔮blow out your candle. feel the positive energy in the room.
    🔮sprinkle rose water around your creation, to cleanse and protect your jar.
    🔮seal your jar with a cork or wax, and follow the same steps when you need to feel a little more love for yourself.

  2. 11,414 notes
  1. sadlyinlovewithlove:

    How to feel like a goddess:

    - eat pomegranates

    - walk barefoot in nature

    - ignore men

    - smell the flowers

    - wear long flowy dresses

    - bathe in honey

    - find peace in solitude

    - leave your hair wild

    - put yourself first

  2. 50,428 notes
  1. crystals/stones grouped by use


    Crystals for Healing

    Agate / Amethyst / Aqua Aura / Aventurine / Azurite / Bloodstone / Calcite / Chrysoprase / Cornelian / Fluorite / Haematite / Iron Pyrite / Jasper / Jet / Lapis Lazuli / Quartz (Clear) / Sodalite / Sugilite / Tourmaline / Turquoise

    Crystals for Strength

    Agate / Amber / Bloodstone / Blue John / Diamond / Kyanite / Scapolite / Unakite

    Crystals for Love

    Agate / Amber / Aquamarine / Beryl / Chrysocolla / Chrysoprase / Diopside / Garnet / Lapis Lazuli / Malachite / Moonstone / Quartz (Rose) / Rhodochrosite / Sapphire / Tourmaline / Turquoise

    Crystals for Protection

    Agate / Amber / Blue Coral / Carnelian / Citrine / Jasper / Jet / Lapis Lazuli / Leucite / Malachite / Obsidian / Onyx / Peridot / Quartz / Ruby / Sapphire / Sulphur / Tigers Eye / Turquoise

    Crystals for Luck

    Amber / Aventurine / Jet / Tigers Eye / Turquoise

    Crystals for Psychism

    Amethyst / Aquamarine / Aventurine / Azurite / Calcite / Carnelian / Citrine / Emerald / Geode / Jet / Lapis Lazuli / Quartz  / Sugilite / Tigers Eye / Turquoise

    Crystals for Peace

    Amethyst / Aquamarine / Aventurine / Calcite / Carnelian / Chrysocolla / Malachite / Obsidian / Sodalite / Tourmaline

    Crystals for Happiness/Optimism

    Amethyst / Dolomite / Goldstone / Malachite / Quartz (Rose)

    Crystals for Divination

    Azurite / Haematite / Jet / Obsidian / Tigers Eye

    Crystals for Wisdom

    Chrysocolla / Hornblende / Lapis Lazuli / Sodalite / Sugilite

    Crystals for Wealth

    Aventurine / Bloodstone / Calcite / Lapis Lazuli / Peridot / Ruby / Tigers Eye / Tourmaline / Turquoise

    Crystals for Clarity

    Amazonite / Tiger Iron / Zircon

    Crystals for Meditation

    Azurite / Celestite / Dioptase / Eilat Stone / Fluorite / Larimar / Moss Agate / Quartz (Snow) / Serpentine / Sodalite / Thulite / Variscite / Wollastonite

    Crystals for Friendship

    Chrysoprase / Jade / Rhodochrosite / Turquoise / Vanadinite / Verdite

    Crystals for Confidence

    Astrophyllite / Bloodstone / Cerrusite / Corundum / Danburite / Sodalite /Spessartine / Tourmaline

    Crystals for Imagination

    Franklinite / Hickoryite

  2. 36,549 notes
Elk Head Magic