International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1928 Vol. 87 N. 26

Music Trade Review - 1928 Vol. 87 N. 26 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from News Number V * THE VOL. 87. No. 26 REVIEW Published Weekly. Federated Business Publications, Inc., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y., Dec. 29,1928 1928 1929 AN ENDING WHICH IS LIKEWISE A BEGINNING // is a thrilling moment . . . this pause between the Old Year and the New, when we all permit ourselves the luxury of waxing philosophical as we think back thru the year. There is that small ceremony personal to each of us, of sorting out memories . . . tucking away for safe keeping those that please us . . . discarding into oblivion those that are trivial or disappointing. Then . . . the nicest part of all . . . the business of taking a deep breath and RESOLVING . . . many big, inspiring resolutions! We hate to see the Old Year go because of its happy recollections and the many things that we value too highly to forget. As for this beginning of 1929, our resolutions concerning it are not lofty above fulfillment, we hope. They are simply a determination to cement more securely the many friendships tee already boast! We extend to the entire music industries our very best wishes for a Most Prosperous and Happy New Year. Most sincerely yours, PRESIDENT. Entered as second-class matter September 10, 1892, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Cents

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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