International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1928 Vol. 86 N. 1

Music Trade Review - 1928 Vol. 86 N. 1 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from THE VOL. 86. No. 1 Published Weekly. Federated Business Publications, Inc., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y., Jan. 7,1928 1 I HE Steinway piano enjoys a prestige among the musical instruments of the world that is unique in its scope and universal recognition. It dominates the concert stage and lends distinction to the home through its individuality. It is the ideal piano of the master as well as of the lay music lover and its superb qualities make and keep it supreme among the pianos of the world. I rfa There is no mistaking the Steinway tone and no duplicating it except by Steinway workers under Steinway supervision and according to Steinway standards. P.* New Steinway Hall, New York A le Copies 10 Cents $2.00 Per Year The representation of the Steinway brings to the dealer a distinction that is unique in the piano world. p«a THE INSTRUMENT OF THE IMMORTALS Entered as second-class matter September 10, 1892, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. P.9 fed I I P«9 b'd P.* P.9 eAa PJ9 eta

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