International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1925 Vol. 80 N. 1

Music Trade Review - 1925 Vol. 80 N. 1 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

TWT MUMIU ROOM Music Trade Review -- ©, --JPUBUCIISBARYI digitized with support from mm In This IssueSimplicity Ma sueSimplicity Maxes Windows Profitable THE VOL. LXXX. No. 1 Published Every Satirday. Edward Lyman Bill, Inc., 383 Madison ATC, New York, N. Y. Jan. 3. 1925 BI Steinway Leadership :N every field of endeavor there is one acknowledged leaderone product that stands out prominently and alone, and is representative of the best of that industry. Such is the position of leadership held by the Steinway among pianos a position accepted and recognized alike by the industry, the profession and the public. This prestige of the Steinway makes the representation of that instrument by the dealer an asset that is close to being invaluable. THE INSTRUMENT OF TOE IMMORTALS Entered as second-class matter September 10, 1892, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. "'g. t S o R?

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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