International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1923 Vol. 77 N. 16

Music Trade Review - 1923 Vol. 77 N. 16 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

' 'l~ 'II ~ tofI"!" ­ .,.\j \ 0 In This Iss-J.j Making Direct Advertising Profitable Sentiment and Musical Merchandising THE VOL. LXXVII. No. 16 Published Every SaturdllY. Edward Lyman Bill, Inc., 383 Madison Ave., Ne'N York, N. Y. Oct. 20, 1923 Leopold GOdowsky The greatest figure in music today - Godowsky! He says of the ANGELUS, (( . . .. .. imbues each re­ production with the heart and soul, the spirit and characteristics of the interpreter. It attains a 'true­ to-life reproduction far in advance of anything I have ever heard . . You have the best instru­ ment and the best recorded roll. " Records Exclusively for the .~~ . ~ b9 ~ lu ~ ~ ~. HALLET & DAVIS PIANO CO., Boston /);1';";011 of COl1lwy Mu sical Il1dl.lSlr;es Singh- ('ol)ies 10 Cents $2.00 Per Year

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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