International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1915 Vol. 61 N. 20

Music Trade Review - 1915 Vol. 61 N. 20 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from V THE wi\m fflJJIC TIRADE V O L . LXI. N o . 2 0 Published Every Saturday by Edward Lyman Bill at 373 Fourth Ave., New York, Nov. 13, 1915 SINGLE CCOPIES, SING S Sterling-Reliability Reliability was the business maxim of Chas. A. Sterling who first commenced the manufacture of musical instruments away back in the early sixties. The founder has passed away but his successors have held undeviatingly to that early principlereliability and the Sterling business has been expanded on that enduring policy. The fact that piano merchants who have sold the Sterling instruments longest are the most enthusiastic in the advocacy of their merits, furnishes a strong argument in favor of the undeviating principles of reliability guiding the forces behind the Sterling industry. In the development of the Sterling player-piano the same policy of reliability has been rigidly adhered to. In mechanical excellence, ease of execution and accessibility for regulation and other essentials, the Sterling player-piano measures up in the fullest degree to all of the demands made upon it. All of its parts are made in the Sterling factories, and it constitutes a harmonious whole. The Sterling line affords the progressive piano merchant business building powers which are most desirable. THE STERLING COMPANY Factories: DERBY, CONN. 10 CENTS. %O OSSR *EA£

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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