International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1906 Vol. 42 N. 2

Music Trade Review - 1906 Vol. 42 N. 2 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from The Review received a Gold Medal and Diploma at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. FIFTY=TWO PAGES. THE flUJIC TRADE VOL. XLII. No. 2 . Published Every Saturday by Edward Lyman Bill at 1 Madison Ave., New York Jan. 13,1906. SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS. $2.00 PER YEAR. i HERR HUMPERDINCK'S ENDORSEMENT OF* Weber Pianos T HE latest of the great musicians to express unbounded enthusiasm for the Weber Piano is Engelbert Humperdinck, the distinguished composer of " Haensel und Gretel," the intimate friend of the great Wagner, and one of the original conductors of "Parsifal," at Beyreuth. Upon the eve of returning home from his first visit to this country, Herr Humperdinck voluntarily sent the following autograph-letter to the Weber Piano Company : (TRANSLATION) WEBER PIANO COMPANY, Aeolian Hall, New York. Dear Sirs.You were gracious enough to place at my disposal during my stay in New York .one of your excellent grand pianos. I am charmed with the superior merit of this instrument, and I wish to testify that in the details of volume, clearness and beauty of tone, this instrument is to be reckoned among the highest standards of the various kinds of pianos known to me. With greatest esteem, The Weber is given preference over any other piano by the Conned Metropolitan Opera Company and many other distinguished authorities at home and abroad. By the most critical judges, the Weber Piano is to-day accepted as the representative of the artistic piano-forte in its highest development. WEBER PIANO COMPANY, Aeolian Hall, 362 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR 34th STREET NEW YORK

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