International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1905 Vol. 40 N. 25

Music Trade Review - 1905 Vol. 40 N. 25 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from sw. THE CONVENTION AT PUT-IN-BAY. SEVENTY-FOUR PAG THE fflJJIG TIRADE VOL. X L . ' N o . 2 5 . Published Every Saturday by Edward Lyman Bill at 1 Madison Ave., New York, June 24,1905. SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS. $2.00 PER YEAR. SIGNOR CARUSO and THE W E B E R PIANO The Great Operatic Tenor adds another signal recognition of the W E B E R ' S Individuality and Beauty of Tone THE WEBER PIANO COMPANY, Aeolian Hall. Gentlemen :The Opera Company, as you know, will begin its tour on Monday in Boston, and I would appreciate it very much indeed if you will arrange with your representatives to provide me with one of your incomparable instruments in the various cities we will visit. I should feel very much at loss to be without a Weber piano, as I have become very much attached to the exquisite tone of these superb instruments. No other piano possesses a tone which blends so well with the human voice or is as satisfactory to the vocal artist as the Weber. Appreciating your kindness, I remain, Very sincerely, ENRICO CARUSO. | ' P H E same qualities which Kave caused the Weber Piano to be the instrument selected by the great - •*• singers of the day, also make it the ideal piano for private homes. Its sympathetic tone, richness and beauty of voice have given it a. position pre-eminent among the great pianos of the world. The latest Weber creation, the Small Grand (smaller even than the Baby Grand) is being placed in many homes throughout the country where heretofore, owing to lack of space, only an upright could be accommodated. In bringing the superb tone of the Weber Gra.nd into so small a compass this new instrument has become a subject for the wonder and admiration of the foremost judges of musical quality and authorities everywhere, The prices of the Weber Sma.ll Gr&nd are $750 &nd $850purchasable on moderate monthly payments or subject to a ten per cent, discount for ca.sK. The Weber Jirt Catalog sent upon request. The Weber P1&.1Y0 Company, Aeolian Hall 362 FIFTH AVENUE, ner 34th Street. NEW YORK I

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