International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1894 Vol. 18 N. 33

Music Trade Review - 1894 Vol. 18 N. 33 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from HE 9RGAN 'QFu TO o VOL. XVIII. No. 33. published Every Saturday. • YorK, (Tlarol? 10, 1894. L. O, SHIBLEY, for six years connected with music house of Century Piano Co , Minneapolis, Minn., has severed his connection with that house, and will leave for Chicago, where he has two very fine offers, but has not yet decided which to take. THE Equitable Trust Company, receivers of the Columbian Organ and Piano Co., 95 Dearborn street, Chicago, intend selling out the general stock of that concern on March 15th. GEO. M. GUILD is out with another new piano action which he has patented, and, as might be expected, assigned to L. A. Guild. WM. F. CONKLIXG, formerl}-manager of music store of J. H. Hickok, 21 Colden street, Newburgh, N. Y., has opened up a music store for himself. Mr. Conkling will handle a large stock of musical instruments. PROF. OWEN I. TURTLE, New York, has invented' a wrist and arm rest for acquiring proper position for hands, arms and wrist in playing on piano, and has formed a stock company under name of Piano Wrist and Arm Mfg. Co. MR. FRED J. SEKER is now connected with -Spickers, dealer in musical instruments at corner of Broadway and Church streets, Paterson, N. J. THE Starck and Strack Piano Co., Chicago, 111., certified to change of name to Russell Piano Co. TWAY PIANO CO., New York, has been incorporated ; capital $25,000. Directors : Edwin N. Kimball, Boston, Mass.; Wm. FV Tway, Brooklyn,and Alex. H. Wray, New York City. MR. ROBERT A. STORY, brother of Mr. Ed. H. Story, of the Story & Clark Organ Co., died at El Paso, Tex., on March 2d. He had been sojourning in the South for some time, hoping that a milder climate would relieve a pulmonary trouble from which he had for some time suffered. • MR. S. K. MYERS, of Cedar Rapids, la., has concluded to handle the line of goods manufactured by the Chicago Cottage Organ Co. exclusively in the future. Mr. Myers has recently opened one of the finest stores in that city. THE territory which has been mapped out for Mr. John Summers, who has recently connected -himself with Lyon, Potter & Co , embrace the States of Illinois, Iowa and the eastern part of Michigan. . . •, • • .f • • . $3 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS. LECHNER & SCHOENBERGER, of Pittsburg, intend to remove to a new and capacious wareroom on April 1st. It is in an attractive centre at 94" Fifth avenue, next door to the Opera House. THE W. W. Kimball Co., Chicago, have become interested in the C. H. Martin Piano Co., Sioux City, la. They have closed out the entire stock of their branch house in that city to the C. H. Martin Piano Co., and appointed them exclusive agents of that territory. C. A. Elmensdorf, who has been manager of the Kimball branch in Sioux City, has become a member of the C. H. Martin Co. JOSEPH H. HUBER, ofj. Huber&Son, music dealers at Greenburg, Pa. died suddenly of h f art failure on February 21st, at his home on Arch street. „ • ' ,'•-,••"/ • LUDWIG & Co. are about to erect a three story building for the manufacture of pianos on Southern Boulevard, between 135th and 136th streets. The lot is ninety feet front, with a depth of one hundred feet. The ground will be broken immediately, so the factory can be occupied by the first day of May. MR. CHAS. H. DITSON, of C. H. Ditson & Co., this city, has left for an extended sojourn in California. The latest report to hand locates him at Los Angeles, where he will spend a few weeks. IN 1892 Chas. Edwards, agent for M. P. Moller, manufacturer of church and concert organs, Hagerstown, Md., sold John Beekley, of West Nantmeal, Pa., an organ for $90, $30 cash and the balance to be paid in two notes. Edwards H. J. W. CHAPMAN, music dealer, 1S2 East took the notes to Honeybrook and induced Love Fulton street, Grand Rapids, Mich., has made Leramon to cash them, and when the notes bean assignment for the benefit of the creditors. came due Mr. Beekley paid them. Edwards Geo. Holtgeerts, assignee. Assets, $1685.50; went West, taking with him proceeds of organ .liabilities, $12,086.78. sales. The organ company has never been able to capture the fugitive, and is trying to make FRANK SCHIVEBUS, employee of the guitar MR. WILL MCARTHUR, son of F. E. McArthur, factory, Westside, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., fell down manager of the Schubert piano warerooms at Beekley, through their attorneys, pay the notes over again. His position is that Edwards' stairs and broke his arm the other day. 14th street, will be interested with W. T. Crane transactions were binding on the company as PIANOMAKERS of New York report that the in pushing the Kimball instruments in Syratheir agent. cuse, N. Y. conditions of their trade is improving. JAS. B. ADRIANCE, at one time a very compeFRANK JONES, the well-known dealer in mutent tuner, now out of work, was fined $5, TuesSCHLEICHER & SONS, piano manufacturers, sical instruments and" sheet music at Orange, have discontinued their branch store in Yonkers, N. J., has entered the field of piano manufactur- day, in the Yorkville Police Court, by Justice N. Y., but will continue their other branches. ing. He has taken Mr. Adam Ruckstuhl as his Voorhees, for striking Capt. Reilly of the 51st THE Levassor Piano Co., Cincinnati, O., will, mechanical man. Mr. Ruckstuhl is a well- street Police Station. GEMMEL & TASMAN, dealers in musical inon April 7th, give a Shaw piano to the person known piano maker and has been connected who guesses the nearest to time it will take a with many important firms. The Ruckstuhl struments, etc., Summit, N. J., will move, April messenger boy to climb from company's office piano will probably be placed on the market 1st, from their present quarters on Union avenue to Maple street. to roof of their four story building, 26 West 4th within the next two months. street, and drop a quarter to the ground below. S. K. MYERS, formerly of the music firm of THE Piano Manufacturers' Association of A NEW string instrument was used for the New York and vicinity have postponed their Myers & Early, Fort Dodge, la., has opened up first time a few weeks ago at a concert given by March meeting until April 10th. There was a new music house in Cedar Rapids, under the firm name of S. K. Myers Co. Fritz Schlachter. It is called the violetta and nothing of importance to be transacted. was invented by Dr. Alfred Stelzner, of DresC. W. LEASURE, has purchased the music MR. H. W. BATES & Co , of Boston, suffered den, Germany. '-'••' ...:..• .. a loss of about$5,ooo by fire in their warerooms, business of Leasure Bros., Faribault, Minn., J. " S. K. MYERS, Cedar Rapids, Mich., has at 72 and 74 Pearl street, on the 28th ult. The E. Leasure who went to California last fall having decided to locate th/src permanently. loss is covered by insurance. -opened a musie store at 1-8 1st street. W. B. PRICE has issued a call to the different piano houses in Washington for the purpose of forming a Music Trade Association in that. city. This has been rendered necessary by the fact that numerous private individuals have entered the ranks of " commission fiends " to the' injury of the legitimate dealers. Mr. Price, the temporary president, is the representative of the W. W. Kimball house in Washington. MR.

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