International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1889 Vol. 12 N. 11

Music Trade Review - 1889 Vol. 12 N. 11 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

T Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from Music Trade REVIEW. The Only Music Trade Paper in America, and the Organ of the Music Trade of this Country, Fo-anded VOL. XII. No. II. 1879. $8.00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES, 16 CENTS. NEW YORK, JANUARY 5 TO 20, 1889. PUBLISHED * TWICE * EACH • MONTH. J E F F . DAVIS BILL. EDWARD LYMAN BILL. BILL & BILL, EDITOBS AND PBOPBIETOBS. KIND WORDS. FT. WAYNE, IND., Dec. 28, 1888. MESSRS. BILL & BILL, 3 East 14th Street, New York: GENTLEMEN: With best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year, we remain, Yours truly, FORT WAYNE ORGAN CO. All Checks, Drafts, Money Orders, Postal Motes and Mall matter should be made to BOSTON, MASS., Dec. 26, 1888. MESSRS. BILL & BILL, BILL & BILL, EDITOBS k PROPRIKTOB. 3 EAST 14th STREET, NEW YOBK. SUBSCRIPTION (including postage) United States .and Canada, $3.00 per year, in advance; Foreign Countries, $4.00 ADVERTIBEMKNTB, $2.00 per inch, single column, per insertion; unless inserted upon rates made by special contract. Entered at the New York Ptnt Office as Second Clot* Matter. HELPFUL HINTS New York: GENTLEMEN: Your holiday number at hand, and a fine one it is. Wishing you and all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and that you may enjoy the%uccess you so richly deserve, I am, Yours truly, GEO. W. CARTER. DETROIT, MICH., Dec. 24, 1SS8. MESSRS. BILL & BILL, New York: GENTLEMEN: Beautiful Christmas number! Compliments of the season to you. Yours, CLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CO. RICHMOND, INP,, Dec 27, 1888. MESSRS. BILL & BILL, New York: GENTLEMEN: We trust you have had as good a year as we are just closing; then you are surely happy. Very truly, good citizens gather together could be mentioned for which an Estey organ of one kind or another would not JAMES M. STARR & Co. be appropriate. Forty years' experience in thefieldof organ building has enabled this great house to supply the needs of all sorts and conditions of organ lovers, whether PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28, 1888. in the home, the school, the lodge, the church, the palace, MESSRS, BILL & BILL, the cottage, or the forum. 3 East 14th Street, The Estey piano, too, is proving itself to be worthy New York: of the name it bears. This fine instrument is admired GENTLEMEN : Let us compliment you on your very wherever it goes. It is made with that thoroughness handsome Christmas number. It is a work of art and accuracy, that " eye to the future," which are in- throughout and does you great credit. separably associated with the name of Estey, and is Yours truly, already ranked, by many, as a piano of the first order, C. W. KENNEDY & Co. both in wealth and purity of tone and as a charming Have you seen our last publication ? If not, let us object of vision. CHICAGO, Dec. 25, 1S88. MESSRS. BILL & BILL: know and we will mail you one. GENTLEMEN: We have received and read with pleasFARRAND & VOTEY ORGAN CO., A NEW PIANO ACTION FIRM. ure your Christmas number of the Muric TRADE REDETROIT, Mich. VIEW, and accept our hearty congratulations on its fine The undersigned beg to respectfully announce their appearance and extremely newsy and readable make up. establishment at 6 n West 36th street, for the purpose We wish you a happy and successful new year, and of manufacturing grand and upright piano actions. THE ESTEY COMPANY. trust the Music TRADE REVIEW will secure all the favor Hoping their endeavor to furnish afirst-classaction it so justly deserves. Yours truly, THE Esley Organ & Piano Co. are not behind in the at a reasonable price will meet the approval of the trade, W. H. BUSH & Co. Respectfully, matter of artistic complimentary calenders. They have they are, ROTH & ENGELHARDT. sent us one of great excellence, illustrated by beautiful MUSKEGON, Nov. 26th, 1888. views of their organ factory at Brattleboro, Vt., and MKSSB8. BlIiL & BlLIi, their piano factory at Southern Boulevard and Lincoln New York. BLUMENBERG {To Otto). avenue, New York City. GENTS: Enclosed please find $:?,K0 postal note, This firm maintain the enormous trade in their celeamount due you for Music TRADE REVIEW. M erciful Heaven ! what rogues these stencilers are ! brated organs which has flowed in upon them for deCouldn'.t keep house without It. Long flourish the A nd how my soul doth shudder at their deeds ! cades past. All of the numerous styles are in immense REVIEW. Respectfully yours, Ready am I with them to be at war; demand. Watchful eyes are ever on the alert for imHENRY A. WOLFF. C ursed be the sheet that caters to their needs ! provements in tone, construction, and style. No detail Hurrah for Harrison! of manufacture is too small to be submitted to tests at FL0ERSHEIM (To Man). the hands of skilled experts and inspectors. The Estey Herewith find f 3 00 for Music TRADE REVIEW ending Grand Salon Organ, both musically and architecturally, December, 18S9, Wishing you the great success you O. K.; I wish thee luck in this campaign ; is a marvel. In design it is rich, stately, and chaste bedeserve, I remain, yond description ; in point of tone it merits and has re' T urn out the frauds ; feather and tar them o'er; Y truly, ceived the warmest approbation of artists of experience T oss them to ti-11, but carefully refrain, S. R. HUYETT, and high standing. No manner of assembly in whjcji Q, Jo1, man.) Iroio tales of Marc in Baltimore, ft St. Joseph, M9, Wv I C*

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