International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1886 Vol. 9 N. 13

Music Trade Review - 1886 Vol. 9 N. 13 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from RADE IX, No. 13.J $8 PER YEAS. [.SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS. NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 5 to 20, 1886. Grand, Upright & Square Grand, Upright & Square PIANOS PIANOS Are incomparable in work- Are incomparable in work- manship and matchless in manship and matchless in tone. They are the best and tone. They are the best and most durable instruments in most durable instruments in the world. the world. The prices are The prices are the very lowest at which in- the very lowest at which in- struments of the highest struments of the highest standard can be sold, and standard can be sold, and those desiring "the best" those desiring "the best" should not fail to examine should not fail to examine DECKER BROS.' PIANO DECKER BROS.' PIANO before purchasing elsewhere. before purchasing elsewhere. 33 UNION SQUARE, N. Y. 33 UNION SQUARE, N.Y THE MECHANICAL OKGUINETTE CO., N. Y. \ AKOLIAM OBGJLN, AWARDED FIRST PREMIUM AT INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS | EXHIBITION, LONDON, E N G . , 1885. ESTABLISHED 1823. CHICKERING & SONS, PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS. 13O Fifth Ave., New'York. 152 Tre'mont St., Boston.

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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