International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1882 Vol. 5 N. 21

Music Trade Review - 1882 Vol. 5 N. 21 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from (3 PUBLISHED ON THE 5th AND 20th OF EACH MONTH At 864 BROADWAY, bet. 17th aud 18tli Sts., NEW YORK CITV. Voii. V, No. 21.] [PEIOB 10 CENTS. NEW YORK, JUNE 5 TO JUNE 20, 1882. SOHMER SOBHEB The SUPERIORITY Received First Medal of Merit and, Diploma of Honor at Centennial Exhibition. Superior to all others in lone, dtvrability and finish. Have the endorsement of aU leading artists. of the " S0H- MER " Pianos is recognized and acknowledged by the highest musical authorities, and fh? demand for them is as steadily increasing as their merits are becoming more extensively known. SOHMER & CO. 149 to 155 E. 14th St. NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS, STEINWAY GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT Steinway &c Sons are the only Manufacturers who make every part of their Piano-fortes, exterior and interior (including the casting of the full iron frames), in their own factories. New York Warerooms, Steinway Hall, 1O7, 1O9 and 111 E. 14th Street. MIH AMERICAN ORGANS ARE! THE BEST. Manufactory and Principal Offices* BOSTON, MASS Branch Houses at Kansas City, Mo., and Atlanta, Ghu Catalogues tent Free on application. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DEPOT, STEINWAY HALL, J7b. 15 Lower Seymour Street, (Portman Square, W.t * LONDON. Factory : Block bounded "by 4th and Lexington Aves., 52d and BROTHERS PIANOSBest Now Made, 3 3 TTIDTIOISr S Q U A B E , IT. " Saw Mill, Iron Foundry and Metal Works : jZSTOJRIA, LONG- TSLJLNJD, Opposite One Hundred and Twentieth Street, New York, ENTERED AT THE POST OFF1CK, NEW iOBK, AS MATTEE OF THE 8B0OND 0LA88.

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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